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Everything posted by hummingbird69

  1. I just want to say to anyone here who thinks biden is innocent of the charges being leveled against him that if any ONE just one of those charges had trumps name on it you'd all be screaming he's guilty! Admit it you know it's true.
  2. I've been telling people that for years. In fact, I said it here the other day.
  3. Can you imagine? "The Illusion Of Access" I mean really?
  4. Anyone who tells you to buy and EV to save on gas is blowing smoke up your ass. If it costs me 800 bucks a month to run my car between insurance , car payment and gas why in the world would I want to take on new loan that would cost me over a thousand a month on my car payment over 7 years plus insurance and electricity and any other costs???!! It would cost me double what I'm paying now at 800 a month. Do not trust anyone who tells you it will be cheaper.
  5. there is no way i could afford that price and do what I do daily. It's getting difficult now.
  6. Gas jumped last night to 3:83 a gallon up 23 cents overnight. won't be long till it's 4 and change. I wonder how inflation will go down with gas going up??
  7. Every time I see a video of someone being beaten its by people who do not look like me at all. if that's the case, how can people who look like me be the biggest threat to society??
  8. Exactly! But what do we get from the lefties??? Nothing To see Here!!
  9. who gives a shit about whether or not he goes to jail??? What we all want to see is the evidence that he and his father were lining their pockets with money from foreign actors for Joe's influence.
  10. Who's left of the old guard in hollywood
  11. Trump being indicted again!!!! we all knew this was coming for a while now. What gets me is that they really think they will be able to hang some bullshit around his neck and make people hate him. It will only strengthen his resolve and bring more people to him just as the other indictments have. People are seeing just how retarded the left is and how vehemently the doj has been weaponized against him. Imagine if any of the charges that are being brought up about biden had trumps name in them???!!! The left would be incredulous if they had the same amount of actual evidence and REAL witnesses to bring to bare against trump and he would go to jail for a time but when it's about biden the whistle blowers get fired instead of protected and then they bring more fake charges against trump on the same day their own people are floundering to cover all their shit up. They just sealed the deal for trump winning the next election.
  12. Not the sewer line. bad scale breaking off the pipes from the upstairs sink falling down to my sink and blocking the pipe. They had to come back and router the upstairs sink. They were here twice as long as the other guy and it only cost 150 so I pays to call the right guys.
  13. Hindsight pays plenty! to bad I was to shortsighted to even see the horizon let alone what was to come.
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