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Everything posted by hummingbird69

  1. Lis You think I care about trump, I don't, I am concerned that the very people who are telling you how bad he is are the ones going to extremes the likes of which this country has never seen to keep him from office. I don't give 2 shits about trump and what he has to say but after 6 years of the left having a microscope up his ass without finding anything they can actually find him guilty of it's very disconcerting for the country when people like that call others the fascists. If they can do this to trump they can do it to anybody and that should make you nervous. My point about HDQ was not that it was a successful treatment but more to the point that the side effects are nowhere near as horrible as they were made out to be. From 1970 to Dec. 31, 2019, there were 24,728 adverse events reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) for hydroxychloroquine, so with millions of doses given world wide I don't think it's the monster the left made it out to be. It may not help against covid but it is most definitely not going to kill you and that is what the left was saying. And don't be a snowflake! I decided not to call you a loser seemed a bit harsh but you do seem a lefty. the left has branded me, a racist, a bigot, homophobic, misogynistic, terrorist, white supremist, and now a semi fascist. I can't wait until they say I'm a full fascist then I've really made it! If I can take all those names I'm sure you'll survive being called a lefty. And TBH there are people here who find my posts ok and those who don't. I'm sure someone here agrees with you so that makes us even. I really don't care if you disagree with me or not, you are of course free to think what ever you want. A big question for some people though is were you any better under 4 years of trump than you are now and I can say unequivocally that YES my life and finances were far better under trump than they are now at just under 2 years of biden and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better soon. Have fun while you can this country is done unless big changes happen to the gov.
  2. Damn, you can't make this shit up!!! During the debates, they asked biden if he would defund the police, He said yes. 2 years later after riots destroyed 2 billion in property where cops were targeted and 100s injured and or murdered and all kinds of bullshit rhetoric from the left and his admin. he now says we need to fund the police. My god if you can take another day of this idiot.
  3. yes, the answer all lefties go to when they have nothing to come back with. The same people who are doing everything they can to bend reality to their wanting are the ones telling you men can get pregnant, the laptop was fake, and trump is a racist fascist dictator and anyone who wants him for president is a white supremist. If you want to follow them be my guest, but don't expect me to follow you off that cliff. The vax was rushed period. That is a fact. The amount of time normally taken to make sure a vaccine is safe and truly effective did not happen. Vaccines normally take anywhere from 5, 10 or more years of development and testing before they reach the public. There have been NO long range studies done on this vax and there have been way too many side effects and complications. Normally if a vax causes any reactions it's pulled immediately. Not with this one. If you want to believe in fauci go ahead and make yourself feel safe. The fact is this vax is not as good as they say it is. If you want to take it go ahead and take it, but with all the people screaming about the side effects of Hydroxychloroquine, a perfectly safe and effective medicine you'd think they might be worried about a vax that IS causing myocarditis and blood clots. Rare events or not if you want to take the vax that's your choice just as it is my choice not to take it. You can poo poo anything you want because it's not from your sources but there are real doctors out there who feel different and that doesnt automatically make them right or wrong but there is a difference in opinion. this is from june. This is from a British news org. https://observer.ug/news/headlines/73983-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-stir-rage
  4. here's some basic reality from the people who are telling you what to think, basic character of reality my ass.
  5. this is from the National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/
  6. Wait till they start blaming trump for the vax!! They all wanted it, they didn't care how they got it but it'll be trumps fault like he made the vax himself.
  7. Did I mention the extra 5,000 in interest ??? These people are nuts.
  8. The left says buy an electric powered car if you don't want to pay high gas prices. If I have a gas powered car thats paid off and I have to fill it twice a month at a hundred bucks a pop how am I going to save money by buying an electric car?? The left says you won't have to buy gas! Ok, I don't need gas but my electric bill will go up and I have taken on a new car payment that's going to be at least 700 bucks a month for a 60 thousand dollar car over a 7 year loan. Not to mention excise tax and a new insurance coverage. So.... Where are the savings!!!!!
  9. Obvious racism is obvious. This isn't to keep whites out of the faces of blacks it's to keep blacks out of the faces of whites while telling them it's the opposite. Wasn't segregation the point of jim crow laws? keep blacks with blacks and whites with whites?? Well, now they've done it but in the name of equality.
  10. Has this shit gone on long enough now???
  11. I hate to tell you but masks did absolutely zero to stop the spread of covid and so did social distancing. If you don't like the reasons why people say they didn't work just look at it mathematically. The overall case number is worldwide is 598,349,130 . If we take a sample from the time when masking was most prevalent which was around 1 year in we already had around 200 million cases which is a lot. So we'll work with half that number, 100 million which is still a lot of cases. If we assume all of those people wore a mask we have 100 million cases and thats huge, but, even if we split that number in half and say that only 50 million people wore masks you still have 50 million people wearing a mask and getting covid and that's huge too. Now look at the overall number of cases and ask yourself how many people were wearing masks? If half of them didn't wear masks you still have 250 million cases where a person got covid while masking and if 250 million people got it while wearing a mask then it did nothing to slow or stop the spread. Now if you don't like my numbers just keep splitting the number. 50 to 25 million half got covid wearing a mask so 25 million people still got it while masking. 25 million people is nothing to sneeze at. Split it again 12.5 million people got it while wearing a mask still a lot of people. Split one more time to 6 million. If 6 million people got it while wearing a mask or even 3 million how about one million?? If even one million got sick while wearing a mask I'd say the effectiveness of masking was negligible.
  12. Did you just link to seth meyers!!! now that is laughable. Ok, tell you what. If you think you're with the party of truth and justice then fine. Just remember, the very same people who are screaming orange man bad are the same people going on fishing expeditions looking for crimes, holding sham hearings, shielding hunter, influencing elections and destroying democracy. It's funny, in his 4 years trump was suppose to start WWIII but instead he ended wars, created peace in the middle east with the abraham accords, shut up un, kept china and russia quiet while in just under 2 years in biden has 2 countries talking about nuking us. From now on I'm just going to ignore you and your posts.
  13. RIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTT! just like you were first to say he has denounced white supremacy and he didn't steal the election and that he wasn't a russian asset and that there was no quid pro quo I can go on with more lies told about him by the people you espouse.. You can keep what you think are facts to yourself just like the FBI did with hunters laptop. Talk about not being able to see ones self, you judge people like you actually know something about them saying asinine shit like you live in the basement your a loser ugh. . All I need to know about you is that you believe in pelosi, schumer, schiff, kamala and the rest on bidens island. If you didn't you wouldn't be spouting the bullshit you do. While you're at it, you can stop with the passive aggressive well wishing. You aren't fooling anyone. Right after you get done calling us losers cultists and racist you want to wish us a great day, well to that I say, see you next tuesday.
  14. Each and every person who was fired kicked out of the military or anywhere else for not complying should now be reinstated with a raise.
  15. After all these years , looks like they finally got Salman Rushdie. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/08/12/nyregion/salman-rushdie-stabbed-new-york
  16. as I thought, NOTHING!!!! nothing to see here folks but come back later to find out why we did it. Fuck you garland!! You've got nothing. you know how I know?? IF YOU DID YOU WOULDNT BE ABLE TO WAIT TO SHOW EVERYBODY JUST HOW TERRIBLE TRUMP IS. As I said,
  17. Waiting with bated breath to hear what dire crime trump has committed. Come on Garland, WoW me!!!!
  18. Here's some more common sense from the left. Defund the police and stop them from using any level of force while arming IRS agents and allowing them to use deadly force if necessary.
  19. buddy you are losing your shit, take it easy because you look unhinged. Talk about someone one who cannot be wrong?? you take the cake.
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