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Everything posted by hummingbird69

  1. The james webb telescope just posted a new pic of our home world.
  2. There's asimple answer for your problem. Don't watch it if you don't like it.
  3. I watched all three episodes I loved IT!! I was drawn right in. Galadriel's character was always of interest to me and I like the idea of seeing what made her the terrible beauty she is in LOTR. So many complaints about this show online! Why do people have to attach their own drama and bullshit to entertainment?? This is exactly what I need to help remove my self from the world of everyday crap that we live in. 6 seasons seems a bit long but if it stays interesting I will watch every episode.
  4. The thing is everybody knows what he's talking about so they assume he's saying cocaine co caine co caine co caine I think he's saying cook ket cook ket co cai I do not hear the N in the last syllable but his annunciation could just be trailing off. Untitled 2_01.ogg
  5. The online lyrics say cook it and that's what it always sounded like to my ears as well.
  6. Maybe some of you don't know that cooking cocaine is a real thing. Its called free basing. You mix it with a bit of baking soda and water and you heat it until all the impurities in the coke are "cooked" out until all you have left is a hard rock of what they call crack cocaine.
  7. Another 2 billion for ukraine. How much more money will we have to fork over before bidens proxy war is over?
  8. If I were president, On day one, I would sign an executive order stating that any bill that comes before the presidents desk must be bipartisan in nature and so goes for any other legislature created by congress or the senate. I wouldn't sign a damn thing unless it was bipartisan. Both parties should be forced to to work together to come up with legislation that is satisfactory to both sides no matter what the issue. Neither side should be allowed to go it alone. if it were law they would have to focus more on policy than any pork, earmarks or special interest groups. The days of government using their position to make sweetheart deals and other wasteful spending would be over. I would also like to see a law made regarding campaigning. No baseless accusations or outright lies can be used for add purposes. all campaign adds must focus on your own policies or character and or the factual failures of the opponents policies. No hyperbole, mischaracterization or outright lies allowed. It's a nice pipedream.
  9. Saw about 40 minutes of the New LOTR series The Rings Of Power. The production looks great. Story seems compelling.
  10. look, if you don't like what I post I invite you to keep it to yourself. I have no use for anyone who believes anything this asshole says. One minute I'm a fucking murder for not masking or getting vaxed, then I'm a terrorist for not wanting to put up with CRT, then, I'm an insurrectionist because I think the election was rigged. I'm a racist because I don't want millions of so called refugees to pour over an open border so the left can fill their voting block with illegal voters. I'm an extremist because I want voter ID to ensure those illegals and other non citizens are not voting in our elections. BTW republicans have been on the back end of being called hitler since bush. So give a rest. OOOPs I forgot one, According to this jerkoff I am a threat to democracy and this country.
  11. biden is thnut you need to watch out for, he and his admin are the ones killing democracy. And if you believe him I have a bridge for you to look at for a low low price..
  12. Princess Diana. A real princess for the world. Chaos scored a huge with that "ehem" accident. What a loss for good and the world. https://www.rd.com/list/princess-diana-photos-rarely-seen/
  13. Yes yes, a distraction! I get it, like the russian collusion delusion and the double impeachment that went nowhere and the fake investigation into trumps records and the jan 6th coup that wasn't. It's too bad this admin is so horrid that they need to use trump to create distractions so people don't really see their failures. I see now that they are telling us when the distractions will be deployed. It seems they don't plan on charging trump with a crime until after the midterms. These people should all be removed from their offices asap. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-31/doj-is-likely-to-wait-past-election-to-reveal-any-trump-charges
  14. Good for you!! so what you got vaxxed ! you want a friggin medal?? I know people who are vaxxed who got sick anyway, twice! How's that?? And just to set your broken record straight, I have never visited or even read anything about qanon and I know nothing of what that site espouses.. I do not subscribe to any reddit pages or substacks and the only time I ever see anything from reddit is when someone here posts a link to a reddit page and even then I rarely care to click on them. So give it a rest when it comes to your ridiculous suppositions about this being a qanon sinkhole. This is the only place I make my political feelings known. I do not visit other political forums nor do I sit around hunting for shit all day like so many others seem to do. I have a life outside of the internet and I come here when I am bored or simply have the time to waste.
  15. .All you are doing is mincing words. He is on video saying "YES I WOULD ABSOLUTEY REDIRECT MONEYS AWAY FROM THE POLICE" where I come from that means defunding. And as others have pointed out defund means to take away. My men can get pregnant TOO meme is excellent! It puts it right in your face. Do you think men can get pregnant?? If you do then you have no credibility at all. Be careful how you answer, some day, some jackass might see that you don't believe in men getting pregnant and cancel your ass for being a bigot. Here's another good meme that speaks the truth.
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