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Everything posted by aen27

  1. His driver during the 70s was Rick Hobbs. I don't know when he began to work for Jimmy. Maybe Steve would know. It didn't entirely surprise me because John Lennon couldn't drive either.
  2. In Light and Shade Paul Rodgers talks wonderfully about his concern for Jimmy in this period and the end of The Firm: "Well, I had accoplished what I wanted to do, and that was to see Jimmy happy. He was in great great shape when we ended. It was very important for me because I had lost Free guitarist Paul Kossoff to drugs and depression. I've always regetted not being able to do anything for him. And I was concerned we might lose Jimmy." I think I read somewhere that Jimmy said that he was supposed to take a driver's test, but he had to finish the Death Wish soundtrack and never took the test. I love him in the Arms Concert. He reminds me of a beautiful, pale prince at the one in New York. He did say that these concerts helped him. He also said that he was orginally approched by ("Stu") Ian Stewart at a party by Ronnie Lane according to his own book.
  3. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I am not sure the year, but he said that a girl he knew brought him to see Ravi playing in England where the audience was all older people. Jimmy said it was there Ravi was very kind to him and wrote down some sitar tunings for him. You are right, Steve might be able to pinpoint the year, but Jimmy did also do an OTD when he went to India alone in the Yardbirds era (and arrived at the aiport in Bombay at 3 in the morning. ) and visited Ravi's institute circa 1967. Alice75 found this picture on a Yardbirds page on facebook. scythe- I too wish he had done more with sitar... and he makes it very easy to be sweet on him. April Lynn --- I loved the music of India since 1984 with Jewel and the Crown and A Passage to India when I was about 8, than The Home and the World, not long after by the famous Indian director Satyajit Ray, though I didn't know Ravi by name until the mid 90's when I began learning about the Beatles.
  4. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    In honor of Ravi's passing. I love his adorable story about Ravi showing him sitar tunings.
  5. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    ^ His is the clearest version I have even seen of that. I love that picture too.
  6. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    You're welcome. He think he looks so sexy in all four of them.
  7. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    It looks to be from around the O2 time. So it on facebook the other day. It was new to me.
  8. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    ^ Interesting you say that as Jimmy mentions Rossitti in the Rolling Stone interview. Thank you.
  9. Just saw it on Facebook. It will be the January issue. I can't wait!!!
  10. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I just had to share this. Jimmy is so cute here. http://youtu.be/9Xedjs1R4yg
  11. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love Jimmy in this one.
  12. It's the very early 80s, as I said above. It is an art exhibit Jimmy attended.
  13. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    In Joining Forces (The Firm DVD) a blonde woman who I am pretty sure is Patricia is walking with him on the set in the background during the filming of Live in Peace. It's definately Patricia who is with him at Les Paul's birthday party. There is footage on the same DVD of them watching Tony Bennett together. Thanks for clarifying the time a little better, Knebby.
  14. It was from a Japanese clipping of Jimmy at an art exhibit in the early 80s. I scanned it. But since the entire articale is in Japanese that's all I know. Jimmy does not look well in the rest of the pictures. Maybe Steve, Alice75 or tangerine-rosy might know about what this art exhibit was? That's a great picture, Sam!
  15. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    It's not Patricia. When I saved it the picture said 1984. That's maybe 2 years before Patricia and right before The Firm. She doen't look well and Jimmy doesn't look like he wants to be there, yet he still looks beautiful. Maybe Knebby or Steve might have more of an idea?
  16. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I have never seen the one with Jimmy in the limo in his 'buttterfly jacket.' Thank you!
  17. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Thanks from me too. I love Jimmy's outfit here.
  18. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    There aren't many pictures where his green eyes are so clear. That was the first thing I noticed too.
  19. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Love this one too. It's from the new Mojo.
  20. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I thought so too. Glad it was okay to share.
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