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Everything posted by aen27

  1. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love this picture. I hope these interviews are available soon.
  2. I just finished reading mine from cover to cover too. I loved every moment it it.
  3. I was very sad to read just yesterday that Victor Spinnetti died in June at 82. There is 2 page tribute to him and his friendship with the Beatles in the new Record Collector.
  4. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I totally agree!! I love everything about it! Thanks for confirming!
  5. Wow! Thank you so much, mikezep61! Some I have but a lot I don't! I wll really enjoy them!! I also encourage more people to help. This is fun! Thanks Knebby. I remember the old one now vaguely
  6. I would also be interested in your archive, Steve. You're welcome Deborah and wya-tt. Stairway, I love that little interview. I also have but forgot about it. I also am enjoying everything that has been shared.
  7. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I saw Sam posted the this one yesterday. Is that Cameron Crowe with Jimmy? We were guessing it was around time of the NYC premiere. I know he interviewed Jimmy and did radio program.
  8. You're welcome! I do some more later. I love the one about when Jimmy started smoking. Thank you!
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