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Everything posted by aen27

  1. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I know I posted this first one the other day, but he's just so cute in it. I wanted to get the crease out. It is from when he was best man at Richard Cole's wedding.
  2. I was by no means making fun of it. What made me unhappy was everyone wanted his albums today. It was very goolish.
  3. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I seriously stopped breathing when I saw these, Moonmaid!
  4. I was really sad by him especially. I just realized today Thriller was my first real 'rock' album I bought. I was about 6 or 7 when it came out. I have it on vyinl. It was so sad to hear him on the radio and know he's gone.
  5. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I am glad they are appreaciated. They are from books and magazines I've been collecting. This becoming one of my favorites as he is now. Love your screen shots from No Quarter.
  6. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love your new aviatar, Lucia!
  7. I love it! What a lovely dream that would be!
  8. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Awwww! The picture of Jeff and Jimmy is so sweet!
  9. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing everything with us! It was a great fun! And that you got so close. Wow!! Can't wait to see the movie on Aug. 14th!

  10. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    WOW, is right!!! Thank you, Evster, for entertaining us!! Here are some from me.....
  11. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I thought of Jimmy's hair too, when I first saw Jack on the cover of Spin with his band.
  12. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I second that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Good night, my ever dazzling, darling!
  14. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love that movie. I love when Trevor Howard says, "If you died, than you'd forget me and I want to be remembered." That makes me think of Jimmy.
  15. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    OMG!!!! OMG!!!! I about had a heartattack!!!!!!!!!!
  16. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I often wonder why that is? What's wrong with her? She was a big part of Jimmy's life and they have now a granddaughter together. Why mentioning her seems to upset people? I really don't understand. Anyway, Now back to the topic............ He's so cute in this one
  17. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    As in maybe a year or two ago.
  18. My store manager picked someone to be our department manager, who knows nothing, looking over my friend who really could have done it, but was looked over. After a week the woman hasn't gotten off to a terribly great start, which concerns me a little, though she will only be part time in the department. I hope she gets better.
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