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Everything posted by aen27

  1. Here are some others..
  2. That is really beautiful. You really captured him.
  3. I love them, especially the one of Jimmy.
  4. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    You're right. They are. This is too. I love it all too.
  5. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I agree with you on both of them!
  6. Thank all of you!! I am very flattered you all like them. I really try to make them be him, if I can, I love him so much. It's my own sort of tribute to him- and to see if I can do it.
  7. Thank you so much, IluvJimmyPage, for telling me. I forgot to tell you that loved your pictures to.
  8. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    This belongs here too as well as the smile one. I love when he hold his hand almost over his mouth like that. He's so cute.
  9. I scanned two more I had. You're very welcome.
  10. Here are a couple more that I've found
  11. You're welcome. I love it too. They are our hottest duo. They are so adorable together. I am also jealous of the girl. The caption on the picture is even fun, "Loaves,fishes, a beautiful woman and a goat. You get more for your mircale nowadays."
  12. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love these. I haven't seen these before.
  13. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Hehehe! He does look yummy, doesn't he--but he does in them all!
  14. You're very welcome. It makes me very happy when he talks about Scarlet too. And I'm sure he is an excellent father.
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