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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Moody Blues: Days of Futurew Past on vinyl (for my dad) Outer vinyl sleeve protectors
  2. For Your Life. My g'ma is at church and the music is all the way up and you can hear it through out the house.
  3. Make-up: I personally hate the stuff, but I wear CG liquid clean foundation. It's light but it says on all day, even when I sweat. I like Mabelline Great Lash water proof mascara, but the kind I have right now is Revlon because my mom accidently bought the wrong kind and gave it to me instead. Hey it was free right? I also like the Mabelline Dream Mousse, but it's expensive. I usually go to CVS for makeup because when I get it at Wal Mart it's dried out. If I HAVE to wear eye shadow I like Mary Kay. As for home decor: I like JCPenney's Home Store. Or Macy's. I love to paint walls, I'm thinking when I redecorate my room at mom's I'm going to paint a mural on one walls. Right now that room is paneled (as is the rest of the house) but to make matters worse the lady who lived there before us put up wallpaper. And it isn't even good wall paper. My room looks like someone's senial grandma did it.
  4. What brand name are they? If they were cheap then who cares? Someday you'll find someone where will appreciete you.
  5. After the intial shock: Music, what else? Not their, but what music they like. I'd thank them for their music, tell them how much I like it, etc.
  6. I'd ditch the designer socks. Not because for the fact people think you're gay but because they're your feet, does it matter that your socks are designer? Otherwise don't worry about it. People are going to say what they want no matter what you do. Be who you are, and don't give them a second thought.
  7. I think I'm going to go too. I have other things to do.
  8. I like my jeans and t-shirts. OH! I found the right stuff for a my hair. It's curly, but not frizzy. It isn't crunchy crisp or hard. It's nice and soft. Very reminisent of Robert in '77.
  9. Me too. You should see the people I go to school with.
  10. I just got it recently but I can't wait for summer because I think it will look great with bermuda shorts and my platforms. I hate the normal juniors short for two reasons 1. They don't look good on me. 2. They're too short for almost anyway. All the people who wear them have to do is bend over and TAH DAH! you can see their behind.
  11. It's okay, war doesn't hit home with me either. I'm totally against it though. It doesn't have to hit home. I'm not self centered but war is distant to me too.
  12. I know people who do that. I just don't know how they can pull it off. I have the cutest top it boat neck (square) and the neck line is brown eyelet ribbon. It's a trapeze top and the main colour is a pale turquiose, it has these big far out patterns in shades of olive green, orange, yellow, etc. I got it in clothes for $12. I wear it with hemp jewlery and lots of bangles. People make of me for it but I don't care. I get complimented in the way they did it. They're like "Wow, you even look like a hippie." To me, I couldn't get a higher compliment.
  13. British Invasion: Second Generation I say we take all our British Invasion Memorbilia and go invade them.
  14. I just got two xrays. I want to go to Britian. Let's make a pit stop in Wales!
  15. I know. I want to make my own clothes too I just don't know how. And I'm afraid that they'll look homemade, not like custom made, but like a potato sack.
  16. I have to go to a program for school over the summer. I get 100 dollars but I don't actually want to do it. It's 5 weeks of my summer that I have to give up. Then another two for a vaction. But I'm going to the church in Alice's Restaurant and Stockbridge, which is where the movie is shot and the orginal story happened.
  17. I want some really vibrant clothing that isn't like todays version of the 60s. Today's version is either really washed out- or tie die. I don't want either. Our town doesn't even have a good will. The only way I can get vintage clothes is the internet and shopping for clothes on the internet is hard because you never know if it will fit or not.
  18. Actually, it does help. If you stay optimistic it really helps. and Rabia, about school, it's almost over. It's almost summer. I hate it too but it's almost over.
  19. I want to find a good thift store- with good vintage clothing that doesn't cost loads. I don't want hand me downs from the 80s. I want groovy stuff from the 60s. I have an aunt who has that stuff but she is like a 2 and I'm not that even close to that. My calf is probably bigger than her thigh. I'm not fat, just naturally built bigger.
  20. Besieds tired, I'm really bored. It isn't you guys but there just isn't anything to do. I've had that twice since winter started. It sucks, I hope you get better soon. You should go out and get Viatmin C, it will help your immune system.
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