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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. ^ That is the funniest thing I've heard all day.
  2. lzfan715

    John and Pat

    The best I can recommend is watch Bonzo's section of TSRTS. It has some good footage of them.
  3. If you meant yourself, believe me it doesn't take anyone new to cause this stuff to happen.
  4. I love the name Ringo. Even if it wasn't his real namem and you should be pround to be called Ringo.
  5. It's okay Sarah. Stay away from the snob table and all will be okay. So is the snob table club real?
  6. I'm going to assume that from SAJ's post you're writing some form of report. Zep felt that an album is a statement of where the band was at that time musically. You can't just take a section of that and get the full meaning. Just like you can't read the last chapter of the book without reading the rest of it. With the occult mentioned in SAJ's post, I would like to warn you that there is a lot of crap on the internet about Zep being Satanic. There is stuff that they were gods and wanted worshipers too, but neither of those things are true. So please take everything you read with a grain of salt.
  7. I hate when people do this. There are some buildings that would be beautiful if they would put a little work in them instead of demiolishing them. It's no wonder the world is how it is. It's just becoming all buisness.
  8. I was just looking at the length of the songs, and Going To California is a shorter song that might break it up.
  9. Really? That must be why I've read in interviews were he said drugs DID effect him. I doubt it, drugs are talked about a lot here, they had an influence on the music.
  10. Probably. I had always thought it was Janis, but no Janice Dickinson had to come along and screw it up for everyone.
  11. I don't know why that happend, but I can tell you why. It was because of his severe heroin use.
  12. Calm down. Violence solves nothing. Just try to be there for your upset friend.
  13. Who all is in this club? I'm going to pm them and ask to join. What is needed? I am the third highest poster, so if it's a post count that's no problem. And snob table, that's a good comparison. Are we the geek table that people sit at when they don't want to eat alone but they don't have anyone else to eat with?
  14. I don't think I'll mind work too much. Espeacially if I get to work in music, which is something I'd love to do.
  15. The all-American rednecks. How much more American can you come?
  16. On Sunday I get a white chocolate rabbit. I can't wait for it. I've been eating M&Ms from a while because there is a big bag sitting by the computer to snack on.
  17. I can't wait to take it. I hate school.
  18. I have a recipe for vegstable pasta italiano that is really good (and really healthy!) when I find it I'll post it.
  19. Ah, well she's proably having too much fun there. I have to go now, but I will return sometime.
  20. I wish I had good sarcasam. But I don't. Where are they, I saw electrophile earlier.
  21. Sorry about making you wait, I didn't see your reply. I'd be thrilled with only that much school. Don't worry about the finals, they are never as bad as they seem. Yes they are, and I think I may have started one with Jen. Go look and see if you want to know. I"d rather not infect this thread too.
  22. I'm probably going to regret this but, peppermint isn't the one who sounds dramatic. In case you didn't know when you use caps in a most it means yelling, raising your voice. All of the posts of yours I've seen have been short and rude. Can you please try to come off nicer because I"m sure that if you did the forum would seem a nicer place for you to meet people. I hate them. I never tan, my freckles just get really prominent. I just burn and then get freckles. You can't get rid of them either, I've tried.
  23. I feel the same way. Fact about me: I have lots and lots of freckles.
  24. The longest song Zep ever played live, because then you have all sorts of songs and you won't get as bored of it.
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