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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I'm afraid of them telling me I can't dance anymore.
  2. Planted, I'm going to the doc tomorrow. I plan to get crutches so I don't have to put weight on it and I can get out of class early.
  3. My ankle hurts, and I don't feel empty. I'm talking to a very good friend.
  4. Well, I know a lot about right and wrong. Hi Rabia!
  5. I've heard Jimmy and Robert take cracks at Jethro Tull/Ian Anderson. Some of my favourites: Jethro Dull Jethro Tull Bore "Em At The Forum And in a blizzard in Canada while looking out the window: If that were cocaine Jethro Tull would be in heaven. Don't get me wrong I like Jethro Tull I just think that Jimmy and Robert have a good sense of humour.
  6. lzfan715


    I have a gold one that has a mother of pearl face with little gemstones around the face and the face is in the shape of a heart. I also have a silver one that has a pink face and is a tilted heart and the 12 is a diamond. Both of them are dead, but it's okay because I don't wear watches.
  7. I'm glad to say that I'm one of the 3 who others who doesn't act like that.
  8. Vannis left?! Well here's an update on me: I got a new cell phone, I love it and I got a Janis Joplin ringtone it's "maybe", the only had London Orchestra Zep ones. Zep is not an orchesta-like band so I steered clear of those. My ankle is bad, but I'm going to the doctor. It's about 63 degrees and I love it, it's beautiful. In fact I opened a window and I may wear sandals to a friends house for two reasons: 1. I miss my sandals, I love them and 2. With my ankle wrapped tennis shoes are uncomfortable. I hope that everyone else is in good health and weather, etc.
  9. I say this all the time and I"m sure you all are tired of it, but Janis Joplin. She showed me that it's okay to be who you are and there is no reason to be ashamed of who you are.
  10. I bought an itune last night of Janis Joplin's Trouble In Mind.
  11. lzfan715

    road trip!

    Go to the Physical Garaffiti Building. I think it's 92 Bakers Street in NYC.
  12. I have 157 vinyl. I haven't bothered to count the cds because that would require finding them all.
  13. Aww. Even when he screams he's cute. I can see why he has such a way with the ladies.
  14. I'd be divorced by then. No one would want me for a wife.
  15. Uh no. I would go nuts in a household like that. The things I have to say are just as important, he can take his own shoes off. I'm not a slave. And if the kids are dirty and loud I say let them be, your only a kid once.
  16. I don't like hospitals at all. I don't blood, guts, or anything that is on the outside of my body that should be on the inside for that matter. I have to go right now, so bye. I may be back later.
  17. The lines are actually: A cocktail clouded troubadour attempts to speak in tongues He's said enough, I'm through the door I'm moving right along
  18. With everything they're have to cure things, surely they have a pill to cure those who don't need cured.
  19. I don't like the doctor. I'm not scared of it but I just don't like it. They freak me out. (Nothing against you're mom though, she is probably a very nice lady, she did raise you afterall.) Doctors are fine, outside of their office.
  20. Well, for 9.99 pounds I'm sure he can help you.
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