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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. Save Me - The Tea Party
  2. Haven't posted one in awhile, but what the hell....
  3. Sunday boredom with one of my all time fave Plant pics.
  4. Save Yourself - Stabbing Westward
  5. The Flintstones - a show I will never grow too old for.
  6. Calling To You - Robert Plant
  7. Rock Brigade - Def Leppard
  8. Come Bite The Apple - Mother Love Bone
  9. My first reaction when I saw this pic was his face looks almost 1990-ish, and his body is 1977-ish. Nothing wrong with either of that.
  10. They're doing construction on the main road that takes me to work. It's hellish there right now. So I thought I'd be smart and take an alternate route, only to find that they're doing construction on that road too. Not sure how long this is going to last, but it can't end soon enough for me.
  11. Going to see Disturbed tonight... so that makes me happy. Not a HUGE fan anymore, but I really liked the first album a lot. Plus they're great guys, and put on an energetic show. Going with a bunch of friends so I'm sure it will be a FUN time.
  12. Just Can't Get Enough - Depeche Mode
  13. The Song Remains The Same
  14. He looks almost angelic here.
  15. You remind me of Sable Starr a bit (with straight hair).
  16. Just started Alice Cooper's 'Golf Monster'. Witty ol' Alice. I remember hearing that he had an earlier autobiography out called "I, Alice". Would've liked to have read that one.
  17. It Doesn't Really Matter - Platinum Blonde
  18. King Nothing - Metallica
  19. So adorable! What other 60 yr old man can be described that way?
  20. Make It Right - Econoline Crush
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