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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ...it must be his magic wand...through his secret powers, he enters our hearts and you know what happens next....so many dreams, so many characters....
  2. Magnificent choice!!! Thank You...I love JP'77, he looks just stunning in white ... this set of pictures you posted reminds me of this: Miss P. describing Jimmy Page in her book "I am with the Band... "Incomparable loveliness created in God's finest hands" "Gorgeous Englishman Alive" ....true, indeed...
  3. ...very accurate observation... Robert admitted recently that "he doesn't know "that guy" any more..well, one way or another, that guy is "somewhat" present...
  4. .....After reading about this news here and in Press in general, I think this is all just a "controversy - hype" created to show just how much the fans want to see Led Zep. I don't think The Band wants to go out there and tour like Rollingstones, etc... They want to be exceptional and tour on "grounds of respect from fans"...I think this is all good "publicity" if I can call it such...$$$ fame fortune is definitely not an issue for this band, it is the "reaction and Respect" from the fans, as grounds for tour... I think Robert will tour after proving to the world/media at large just how much fans want the Band "together".... ( For sure, Robert will bring in fresh creativity on stage...he will not make the redundancy mistake of the 80's career (he admitted it, and no way he will do another "Rollingstone tour"). Led Zep wants to leave their legacy behind as respectable musicians, not as greedy musicians. Whether they tour or not in the end, I totally respect their decision.........
  5. Don't know who is at the table/backstage with the Band...but they sure all are looking HOT!!! copyright John Rettie
  6. What an atmosphere...the chemistry, the fans...too much!!
  7. these are absolutely beautiful shots... John Rettie Copyrights..
  8. .....more and more...our Sexy Count of the Night
  9. ofcourse...never enough...
  10. Beautiful contributions everybody, every picture so entertaining... here is the mood for halloween......The Rockin' Count ...seducing so many ladies, time after time...endless...AHHH...the tales of his seduction so HOT....the thread will melt off the dot.com Site...With a Count this HOT, there is no need to wear Garlic...Seducing Halloween Dreams everybody!!
  11. ..thanks, the color shots of Kneb...are just beautiful...here is what the crowd looks like...what a night for them...
  12. I think they are all looking at photos on a projector on Starship '75
  13. ...thanks and You are right... this picture for sure belongs right here...and about everything else, I 2nd that!!!! here are few more...this man is on a mission to seduce women with his timeless charm....God, and we fall one by one all around the world............
  14. ...beautiful early photo of the Band... I agree........Jimmy Page has indicated in interviews that while Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck can be classified as "Blues Guitarists"...he, himself, cannot be "categorized"....Over the years both Robert and Jimmy became extremely diverse, but now Robert has returned to Blues with Allison, and Jimmy too has passionately paid tribute to blues in his upcoming movie...... Out of the two, in my opinion, Robert explores "most" diverse creativity, ie. exploring Morocco - arabic music, African Music....I think it is just part of his deep personality/lifestyle....
  15. AEN27...all so beautiful pictures...OH, that White Dragon Suit'77 a classic burned in my memory forever... they look beautiful in every era, and every fashion........
  16. ...He does, he says in his BBC Interview just this year that he loved the lifestyle of Rock and Roll..the groupies and all...no regrets and to live and tell about it....I hope he remains like this, the attitude, the outlook, the charisma, the charm ...all of it!
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