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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ...Spacewoman, that picture is beyond words....is their a mysterious rock star such as him, there are others, yes, but they are just "others".... they cannot come close to his angelic image, no matter how devilish he is.... I just have to say this about myself ...It is "his" angelic shadow that covers my body, I am not dark for no reason........ and thanks for filling our eyes with breathless beauty.........
  2. .... Your are right about JP (thanks for posting that picture, never seen it before), he for sure has the "love" side. His Road life does run parallel with his domestic life. My post about Jimmy picking up Star Magazine was to reflect just how popular the magazine was (It has been mentioned in various Zep books/readings, and it probably became even more famous because of JPage reading it for "Road Entertainment"...anyway I wanted this post about the culture of the 70's, as to how young women portrait themselves...Star Magazine reflected that...I didn't want to invade private life of anyone famous or not famous...
  3. ...I cannot imagine the atomsphere of that time/era...God, I wanted to be there so much, I could only look at his pictures, and imagine what it would be like ...a different world/planet for sure I imagined...Life is been good to both of you...
  4. ...Thanks for being so responsive to my "needs"..........God, I can't believe this, What is this man doing to us? ...all right, I'll be real classy and just say that he is the most elegant English Rock Star on this earth, so aristocratic, and charming....
  5. ...His latest "suited/booted" look is charismatic beyond words....only one thing missing for me...his beautiful scarf...God, I just love his polka dot scarf look...no ties for him, just scarves, I wana signature Jimmy Scarf...
  6. ...Hello Roxie...yes Jimmy Page does rule, doesn't he...all he had to was "Pick-up" star magazine and rest is history.......... Anyway, i wonder why don't they re-print and re-ciculate...
  7. ...thanks a lot Zepp-4-Life for your answers...I am looking forward to watching this film, but now that you have mentioned that he did not talk about his Arabic/Eastern influence, it does leave a "gap" and perhaps their older fans and (new fans) could have appreciated their masterpiece "Kashmir" truly..it would have been great education for all fans...but nevertheless, I will most definitely watch the film.
  8. ...thanks Dandu and others for all of this effort to keep fans up to date... after reading this thread one question comes to my mind and I am sure many others... Does the film limits itself to "technique" of guitar, or does it greatly extends to cultural influences?...the Blues, Celtic, Eastern/Arabic... (relating to Page's travel in early 70's) Page was a very very passionate musician in a "universal" sense, he had to be, and hopeflully remains such in this film... I don't know why but I think this film may not do justice to his true musicianship...I hope I am wrong... ..Basically what is Page's contribution to the film?...I really do want to see the film, but it appears it may not be theatrically released...
  9. ....thanks amazonic, I am with you on these '77 pictures..I love the 2nd picture, perfect for a T-Shirt.. ...When I look at the '77 pictures, makes me wana be a god and change the course of destiny, in that case, I will be at their concert, and the Band go on forever..........
  10. ....thanks amazonic, God that makes me hungry for food, NOT.......Do you have more of his '77 eara pictures, I seen pictures mostly prior to '77 for some reason. We need more '77 both on and off stage, personally that is the year I remember him best ...I was almost 16 when the ill-fated tour ended, thank god they all survived this year, both on stage (drugs), and (family tragedy) off stage... all end my post with THE FACT that he is...well, you know..
  11. ...You are right, too much tech/info. in our current times, there is no time to imagine, reason, fascinate....
  12. Hi everbody.. I found this good read about the Star Magazine and it gives good glimpse into the early 70's culture...makes me wonder did they have more fun back then and are we just "boring now"? http://www.stargroupiemagazine.net/index-5review.html I will say this much, I have sincere respect for all the women/girls of that time, they were truly in search of their own Identity, just as we are now days trying to gain balance between both family and career...woman's work is never done.......... ....only thing constant is change
  13. ....a very very Happy birthday to you Mr. Plant and congratulations to ourselves, the fans, for being born in the same century as you did so we could experience your music in Led Zepplin, absolutely a Masterpiece...
  14. ...thanks for satisfying my hunger for this bit of info...it certainly is food for thought.... I am sure the food is most excellent...Mr. Plant surely is an expert cultural ambassador....
  15. just for info...it does exist..here is choice of food....http://dinesite.com/info/rstrnt-93525/?&t=3 thanks for Robert's '90's info....still I wondered if anybody had witnessed the '70's atmosphere...that would be interesting.( I have seen several pictures of Led Zep eating backstage, on planes around this time... I suppose it would be interesting to eat at at a restaurant where Feast for the Gods originated...
  16. aen27, thanks for very informative info...the caption is very captivating indeed...
  17. Hello....your post is brining that "little kid" in all of us, timeless...(Aug. 4, 1979 - I will go back in time and celebrate my 18th birthday - Of course, I will most definitely look at my favorite Page Photographs of this historic performance... .beautiful......... I am happy for you that all of this hard work has transformed into very content feelings, this itself is a priceless gift, thanks and it has been fun participating
  18. thanks Knebby for the info. (I must admit I was bit confused geographically speaking...)
  19. aen27, thanks for posting this beautiful picture of RP/JP posing in very "exotic" environment...they have such beautiful chemistry all around.... handsome, cultured, fun, sweet.... Just to comment a bit on this picture....from what I can read from background language posted, this picture is photographed in India. if possible can you post all of related pictures, or where we can visit?...thanks for entertaining with beautiful pictures of our hottest duo... (I do wonder about the girl in the background...a bit jealous, I must admit....)
  20. -------------------- October 19, 1976 - one of the best nights of my life! This picture of Jimmy Page attending the Premiere of Song RS is fascinating...can you please tell us the whole story...I think it is next to impossible to encounter a Led Zep... that too Page himself...how did you find you way to him... and he must be mobbed by fans...he looks beatiful...also, I noticed there are pictures of Robert and his wife/extended family in this Website in Photos...it seems to me Jimmy for some reason is sitting "alone" where was everybody else, ie. Robert, family, other Led Zep etc.. can this story be explained...much appreciated... (I was very new in Canada at that time and so far away.... ) Thanks
  21. Hello, For Director, I would choose Sophia Ford Copola (Lost in Translation). for a similar film with Jimmy Page in control of music... I am not a Abba Fan, but I do think a 70's character of Boy or Girl a "trip" back in time could possibly work... As for Journalist idea...I do believe Jimmy Page is a very creative/very well informed musician to say the very least...he could answer few questions from fans, ie. music - tehnical, music business, etc... a magazine could have him as a guest columnist... I suppose these are some area in and around the Entertainment Business...I do believe that destiny has its own plans...you never know....He might even enjoy the "sounds impossible"... ...The candle burns in every color till dawn...
  22. ...Since he has devoted majority of his life to music...how about dramatic arts ..He enjoys films ie . soundtrack, a rock creative musical apart from Tommy, how about world concert participation with foreign musicians in their respective countries, ie. Brazil, he has ABC Trust I would also like him to do a solo tour with creative material, and possibly set-up talent show with Les Paul Guitar associates to promote music among young generation... I also think incredible writing talent could work in journalism and or film.
  23. Thanks for response and opportunity...I have entered the contest several times... hope I win.. nevertheless, the donation itself is a winning, satisfying feeling. I have also emailed my personal entries to each band member...short but sweet, just one thing, I had to re-do for "Page" email..please ignore the one without my name and it was half-complete from my writing.. thanks Jas (My name) from e-mail sghuttora@shaw.ca
  24. This is just another lover's tiff. They been married too long...been there ..done that..There permanent union is sealed with "crazy" glue...they are inseparable. Of all the arguments on and off the road their marriage comes back as "refreshing" as ever...staytuned!!
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