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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Spending a beautiful afternoon at the park with my favorite girl. Lots of jungle gyms, swings, nature walks, a pond, and fresh air everywhere! This time next month the swim club will be opening!
  2. Ordinary World... Duran Duran
  3. Something I Can Never Have... Nine Inch Nails
  4. My Name is Mud... Primus (appropriate with all the rain!)
  5. Do you get paid for working there? Well even if you do, that's still a nice way to experience and appreciate the real world, outside what many of us take for granted. I have a co-worker who is from Kenya, and he is the absolutely nicest person you could ever know. He goes out of his way to help everyone. He is also very intelligent, too. Has a degree in Computer Science and Nursing. Meeting people like the ones you did puts sterotyping /discrimination/prejudice, into perspective edit: Happy after a long, hard weekend of night shift, off work until Friday!!!
  6. lol, no comment Actually, i just can't wait for the second season to air.
  7. Start Me Up... Rolling Stones
  8. A long time ago i had the worst crush on Bruce, i was eleven. Then i met someone who looked alot like him (although i have to say this guy was much more gorgeous than Bruce). That's part of why i wondered where.
  9. Do you mind me asking where and when? If that had been me, i would have chased after him for two reasons...
  10. Shadows of the Night... Pat Benatar
  11. Same here, it's sunny and almost no breeze and at least 64 degrees. Happy i finally dragged myself out of bed (gotta start going to sleep before sunrise )and heading out to catch some rays.
  12. I Saw The Light... Todd Rundgren
  13. Stevie certainly makes it into my top six or seven list of female singers. She's really great. Years ago i saw her on Behind the Music and really respected her candor. I don't know anything about MFSL, , but i bet With or Without and Running To Stand Still will sound really great that way! Not so sure about Mothers of the Disappeared, though. lol...
  14. Fleetwood Mac are performing here tomorrow night. My sister and i wanted to go, but waited too last minute to realize this and since she will be working until almost time of the start of the show, we aren't going. Anyway, Stevie Nicks did an interview on a local radio station today (this afternoon). I thought it was really so cool of her (and the DJ told her so as well). What i really loved hearing her say was that her and Lindsey still love each other, but they have been broken up since 1976! Their love story is one of those that always seems sad to me (that it didn't work out).
  15. Spending the day with my favorite (shhhh) nephew and my daughter. Later in the day taking her to ballet school for her recital pictures. She looked so beautiful in her cheetah outfit.
  16. I know i do... it's just can i really afford it? Decent seats are close to $200 and while i was able to spend that a few years ago, single motherhood has meant some sacrifices.... but my sister really wants to go, too, so i'm pretty sure she is going to look for tickets online today! I will keep you posted. Last time i saw Bruce was when he toured The Rising, i'm overdue!
  17. I thought the same thing.... enough of the bluegrass, lets get back to your rock n roll blues roots
  18. I'm a straight girl who loves this couple (and hope they are back together and doing better)... both cuties!
  19. sorry, was watching JPJ and didn't hit the reply in time... Black Country Woman... Led Zeppelin
  20. Pretty Noose.... Soundgarden
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