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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. I Missed Again...Phil Collins
  2. Something I Can Never Have...Nine Inch Nails
  3. The Kinks would have been my third concert (back in 1979) except i got grounded for "sneaking" to see YES two weeks earlier. Was worth it, too! I did see the Kinks in 1981 with Foreigner at the JFK Stadium, an outdoor venue that held over 100,000 people (you may have heard of it from Live Aid!)... really great show and i still enjoy their music today. Misfits is a great album, and that song is one of my all time favorites, period! Whatever album you get (The Kinks have good greatest hits albums, too) make sure one of them also includes "Victoria"...another fantastic song! and for Spats, lol "Low Budget"!
  4. I've lucked out so far this year. I usually get an Upper Respiratory Infection by November, and i only had a very mild cold so far this year, and it didn't last but a few days. I hope i haven't jinxed myself now by saying this. I don't get the flu shot so that's not protecting me.
  5. It's not just about being cheap. Antibiotics don't treat virusus, which are what cause many symptoms that people get when they are sick. The overuse of antibiotics is very serious today. Resistance is a real threat to us. Having said that, i agree with you. If it's a week of "drowning" get an antibiotic. I stayed sick with a chronic cough and sinus problems that a Chest Xray and blood work couldn't diagnose as anything serious for almost 2 months in 07, until i finally asked for an antibiotic. In just a couple days i was much better. Was probably Bronchitis, which i have gotten yearly for the past 16 years (being around respiratory illness at work).
  6. I can't imagine what you have gone through with your illness, but i wish you the best in dealing with it and overcoming it! Reading what you say about your daughter is something i can fully identify with. You are her protector, provider and hero. I'm glad to hear you are doing better and keep it up!
  7. Catching up on DVR recordings, watching this week's episode of The Bachelor. Jason is such a great catch. One of these women will wind up with a truly good man...
  8. Being able to really make a difference in someone's life, even if for only one day. Because of my perseverance and great pride in what i do for a living, i was able to keep a homeless lady from spending tonight in a shelter. It's not easy to get a doctor to stop a discharge, but i did it. Me and all my co-workers were so relieved at the outcome
  9. She Came In Through The Bathroom Window...The Beatles
  10. LOL, well you are already wet so yeah, guess wouldn't matter if you did sweat You can get a great low impact Cardio workout nevertheless. I have loved swimming since i had lessons at age five. For me, it's just so relaxing and peaceful to be in the water. Nothing quite like it, aside from being asleep...
  11. Well sounds like you are doing it right and i know you will feel great when you run in that race this summer! A tip, if you don't already do this, do some good stretches before you start to run, along with the very important warm-up and cool-down time. Also, make sure you stay well hydrated! Good Luck, Virginia!
  12. Hi Virginia! Sounds like you are doing a great job meeting your goals! You should have no problem by the time the marathon comes along! My youngest sister ran in a charity marathon a couple months ago. I was a "jogger" for years. I easily ran 5 or 6 miles at a time, usually 4 or 5 times a week. Started in my late teens but by my early to mid thirties i had to wean down to walking. My knees started to really feel the shock of running. I mostly ran on hard pavements so that wasn't the best choice. Just be careful. The shin splints heal in a few days, but damage to your knees is another story. Oh i sound like a downer, sorry Now swimming is a low impact, high enjoyment sport!
  13. I love HGTV too and tape my favorites on the DVR to watch when i have time. I also like House Hunters International. Did you register for a chance to win this years dream house? It's really pretty and the location, Sonoma!
  14. Relaxing all day...taking a nice nap with my baby...doing almost nothing! Now this is my kind of happy day
  15. Big Man With a Gun...Nine Inch Nails (look up the words, lol)
  16. i would never eat oysters on the half shell, lol. I do however like fried oysters, but have only had them a few times. First in New Orleans, and then at a delicious Cuban restaurant downtown.
  17. Sounds good. I ate there once or twice. I remember having a shrimp platter there. I think i also had a late dinner there at the bar. Your lunch sounds good, i wouldn't eat what your date had. Glad you had a nice time!
  18. With Your Love...Jefferson Starship
  19. Oh where did you dine? What did you order? Sounds good. Oh and how was the date? lol...
  20. Listening to Breakfast with The Beatles on WMGK this morning driving home from work. Also got to hear my favorite Beatles song "The Long and Winding Road", thank you Andre! Happy i don't have to work again for 4 days!!! and it's a beautiful, sunny day!
  21. StarF*****s Inc...Nine Inch Nails
  22. Last two days have been bitter cold...high teens to low 30's...still (happily) no snow to mention. I will take the cold as long as the snowstorms fall elsewhere...
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