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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Hi ZeppFanForever, they are playing on June 13. Falls on a Saturday and a weekend i'm off so now i'm texting my sister to ask if she wants to go
  2. Hi ZeppFanForever, i hope you are also well, and your family. I will tell my sister you said so! If my sister is off the night Fleetwood Mac are playing we just might go. Reading your enthusiastic posts certainly makes me want to see them even more! Also, they will be in Atlantic City, so we could stay overnight and have a nice trip away (if we can find a babysitter for 3 children, lol). Glad you had a great time!
  3. You're In My Heart... Rod Stewart
  4. That is very nice. But please clarify, did they name her Electrophile or Elizabeth Sleeping a good part of this rainy day made me happy, but the headache it gave me didn't. Having a nice dinner with my favorite person. She's having a steak and i'm having grilled shrimp and scallops. I love seafood!
  5. Over The Hills and Far Away always relaxes me without making me feel sad, or too mellow like some of my other favorites, ie. Thank You, Going To California, The Rain Song, Ten Years Gone, Tangerine, I'm Gonna Crawl, The Rover, That's The Way...
  6. Fleetwood Mac are returning to the area in June for a concert in Atlantic City. Maybe i will go this time. ZeppFanForever, hope you are having a good time... like there's any chance you won't.
  7. I'm Only Sleeping... The Beatles of course
  8. Me too! At one of my best friend's party tonight, got to spend time with an old friend i haven't seen in 10 years. We were co-workers and used to have dinners out quite a bit. Hoping to see her again soon (take our kids to the zoo next month)! I was also thrilled watching my daughter playing volleyball, she's good! Good luck with the new guy. Can't say i have one of those
  9. The weekend off. A warm day. The rain has gone and now the sun is shining. Had a nice afternoon at the bookstore with my loved one. She got to see Arthur and hear storytime. Now we are going to a good friend's daughter's First Holy Communion. My daughter has a gorgeous dress to wear. I hope the food is good (they're serving Italian).
  10. I know there are noise ordinances in my city. If you are loud enough to be disturbing the peace after 10pm on weekdays and 12am on weeknights, the police can be called. I lived next door to obnoxious people in my last neighborhood. What was the reason they behaved that way? They were White TRASH! Anyway, if i heard my neighbors having sex i would be disgusted (luckily i can't imagine any of them would do that). On the other hand, i can't imagine why anyone would want to be heard by their neighbors. This woman sounds stupid, so whatever happens to her is her own fault. As long as i don't have to hear her, i couldn't care less
  11. I was coming out of the Pharmacy (bought a card, not Tamiflu ) couple hours age and saw a man, looked like in his 50's, wearing a face mask. My daughter asked why he was wearing that. My reaction was, people are stupid, lol. As far as i know, there haven't been any confirmed cases in my city (yet). On the evening news, was reported that scientists say this flu virus is missing an amino acid that would cause a more serious virulency... so that's good news. Basically they said this flu shouldn't cause any more symptoms than the influenza we are already familar with (though people do die from that). They believe this flu is similar to one back in 1957, and that may be why older people aren't getting sick the way the young are (they may have some immunity to it). HOWEVER, they did mention, things could be more serious if this virus "mutates". While panic is certainly occurring, i think this should be taken seriously at the least. The more we stay on top of it, the better. Mexico hasn't been diligent in their efforts unfortunately. I found this funny... Vice President Joe Biden was asked what he would say to a family member wanting to travel by plane. He said he would tell them not to. It takes one sneeze for it to travel to all the passengers on a plane. At least he was honest in his answer.
  12. Oh Tysons Corner! My sister used to live in Springfield, VA and we went to Tyson's all the time. The first time i ever ate at a Cheesecake Factory. She would "purchase" items from Nordstroms and i would think, my god! Of course she had money, back then.
  13. Where's Spats when you need him? I feel heart broken tonight... didn't get to see Bruce play his last show at the Spectrum (supposidly the first big stadium show Bruce ever played back in 1977). I'll feel better May 15th when i do get to see Bruce, but it won't be the same as the Spectrum. Back in 1999 i was five rows from behind the stage where Bruce was playing at that venue... it was awesome. Worst heart break i ever had was from a guy that looked like Bruce. He even got a tatoo for me on his chest (was a Dragon, lol).
  14. Lynyrd Skynyrd did have alot of remaining members, so i can understand how you felt. I just wouldn't be able to see anyone else doing the songs Ronnie sang and wrote... he was so special and as i said before, not replaceable. Same as John Bonham. Rossington/Collins Band didn't last long, but they were great while they did! I had a thing for Gary back then anyway. I saw Molly Hatchett a couple of times... the greatest day in Southern Rock i ever attended was: The Round-up (i have mentioned this in the past)... JFK, Summer of 1981.... The Allman Brother's Band, The Outlaws, Molly Hatchett, Marshall Tucker Band, Charlie Daniels Band and .38 Special! Only missing band... Lynyrd Skynyrd.
  15. You never know, that's the sad part of life. In the case of Lynyrd Skynyrd, they were becoming so popular at the time.... and if you didn't have the money, you might have figured they would be back soon. However, i would have gone to the record store! There are so many concerts i didn't get to see because i was too young to go at the time. Perfect example (see Type O's signature)... "Animals" was one of my favorite albums in 1977 (when i first discovered Pink Floyd). If i was a few years older, i could have seen that tour. Same with Led Zeppelin. I discovered them in 1976/1977, but the first time i had the chance to see Led Zeppelin tour, was in 1980. My boyfriend was getting us tickets to see the Philadelphia show scheduled for Oct 23rd, 1980 the show never happened.
  16. It's true, Virginia... you go out of your way to be courteous and respectful to everyone (i admit, i have my moments when i don't hold my tongue ) You're welcome! edit for typo
  17. I would feel the same way, and that is why i have never seen Lynyrd Skynyrd. I became a fan in early 1977, in my pre-teens, but the tragic day occurred before i was allowed to see concerts. Without Ronnie Van Zant it has never felt like Skynyrd to me... and of course Steve and Cassie Gaines are sorely missed, too. Ronnie was not replaceable. Tuesday's Gone With the Wind, my baby's gone with the wind... I did see Rossington/Collins Band, and as i recall, pretty damn good show (1981). Just found this really awesome article: http://www.tennesseeconcerts.com/planecrash.html
  18. From The Edge of the Deep Green Sea... The Cure!
  19. The big hug and kiss i just got after being told "I Love You" Being off of work was nice, too, even though it meant getting up before the sun to be at a conference. At least i was able to get home in time to take my loved one to ballet. Watching her perform made me happy, too. Really happy: Making plans to see Bruce in Hersheypark next month!!! That doesn't seem to take away the pain of not seeing him tonight however
  20. I agree with you because the nature of the thread is a positive one... and we have enough negativity in life to deal with. I enjoy hearing about good things... would be nice if "small things" wasn't repeated so often, lol... but that's another story. I also like reading about people's pet peeves... quite the opposite, but people need to vent, too! I can think of a few people here who meet your requirements for favorite poster, Virginia and Dzldoc among them but i would have to say, Spats qualifies, too...
  21. Makes sense, maybe his experience "has" influenced his decision. If he did it in hopes of keeping his job (which i suspect is part of the reason), he is still welcome in the Democratic Party! I just pray Sarah Palin won't do the same!
  22. I'm hopeful, too, that Al Franken will get his spot soon (wasn't the lawsuit over something like 200 votes?).... and when Specter takes his seat (because as a Pennsylvanian, i believe he will get re-elected) 61!!!
  23. Well Dzldoc, i say your humor is fresh as ever! Thanks for the laugh
  24. I agree, Senator Specter has never seemed all that Conservative to me. Specter was a Democrat until i believe 1966, so i say good to have him back! I love the power it gives the Democratic party (of course)... as for his motives, probably using good judgement to keep his seat, but at least his record shows his tendency towards the Democratic party (it really wasn't shocking to me that he did this)... Specter was one of three Repubs to vote for Obama's stimulus package. Govenor Ed Rendell is supporting Specter in 2010! What about Al Franken? Does he still have a chance to get a seat in Washington?
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