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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. That's the response of a real man ...
  2. If you lived with a woman and had a serious relationship maybe you would feel differently. I bet, you wouldn't leave a mess in the first place so none of this would arise in your life! There are different types of "game playing". I am willing to learn to play games a guy wants to play, but i am totally against "head" games. Two very different things. My suggestions were much more "fun and games". Anyway, none of this applies to my current situation, lol.
  3. I was a fan of INXS for many years. I still love listening to my favorites by them, "Kick" and "Welcome to Wherever You Are" to name a couple. Michael Hutchence had a natural charisma. This is taken from his official website. To answer your question, from people who knew him well: http://www.michaelhutchence.org/statements/ the statement won't copy.
  4. Well except if GWB would have run as a Democrat in the last 2 elections, i would never vote Republican. I am sorry Hillary wasn't the nominee. I pray Obama picks a really awesome VP.
  5. My favorite sister made me love her more than ever. Booking a flight to take a much needed vacation, but that's not the best part.
  6. It's tweety bird, ledhead . Don't mind me, i just want you to have that vacation. You need some fun...
  7. I don't agree with you Spats. First of all, the approach that was initially mentioned, the "nagging" approach, rarely works with men. My feeling was if you give some enticement, maybe it will prove to be effective. In the end, you both get what you want, maybe one of you (the woman) gets even more, a clean area and then something extra, lol. Anyway, if the man turns down an offer like that, he's probably not interested in the payment for services rendered to begin with ...at that point some thinking about the relationship is in order.
  8. What beach are you on? Only soft sand is all i've ever found, or if it wasn't soft i didn't notice.
  9. If you want that vacation bad enough you will compromise to get it. I know i am doing all i can to get away this month. I hope it works out for you. I hope it works out for me, too.
  10. LOL, what planet are you from? Never mind, i don't really care. Men want sex, period. What woman has to use a "bargaining chip" to get her guy to do her? I called it "incentive" to get him to clean up the mess you bitch about, and it might work if you live with a horny guy, lol. It was an "idea". Like most men, i like to do it in a variety of places. The floor is not excluded, and can be lots of fun. Not all of us are "over" a certain age, speak for yourself. Dzdoc, did the sore knees ruin your fun, lol? I could use a "cheap shot" come to think of it.
  11. Offer a man sex and you can get almost anything you want, lol. J/K
  12. I was thinking the same thing. If Manders won't share her margaritas and tacos maybe we should get our own! I love to share.
  13. okay whatever you say. hard to believe you're 47.
  14. LOL. I don't know what that means, but it sounds funny. Woot!
  15. That was me hitting the delete on my response by accident. Shit happens. Edit: have a field day with that response, lol.
  16. I have never been accused of bringing out the bitch in anyone before, shocking to me. I guess i don't give myself enough credit. Really i don't believe i brought out something in you, you don't already possess. The initial post i responded to is a good example. The one i "misinterpreted" you on. Again i apologize for that. Sure brought on alot of sensitivity. Seems strange you are so concerned about knowing the mods so you don't get thrown off the board. If you are so peaceful why would that be a worry? Anyway i've never been called a "wanker" before or been accused of having "big balls" (maybe big tits, but i don't think so either). So much for your idea of peace. I am sorry i caused you so much distress. Wasn't my intention. I have said my peace.
  17. I would have just read and moved on, but it's too interesting not to ask. With 7,592 registered members (as of this moment) it's funny how you already befriended people of "import". Why do you worry about getting thrown off the board? Should people who want to check out a message board of a band that happens to be their favorite fear they may get kicked off if they speak? Well you don't have to worry, you already found your way to the right peeps. I agree to disagree so please don't entice me to talk to you again. If for no other reason, your choice "adjectives" were my clue that you're not as high and mighty as you act.
  18. Anyone of import? Except for a few people here that i know beyond the internet, i don't consider anyone particularly important to me. You take what i say way more harshly than is intended, sorry i can't help that. I had no hard feelings when i posted what i did, but you seem easily offended, so i will refrain from replying to your posts. Not a big deal. btw...the urban slang you used towards me shows your maturity level and diplomacy skills. As for the "newbie" stuff you mention, i couldn't care less how long someone has been here. I know of the oldest and newest members, so what?
  19. It wasn't an assumption, it was what you wrote in your info. that shows up on every post. I didn't assume you lived there all your life, but you sounded EXACTLY like you do. Maybe the "culture" has rubbed off on you more than you think. I find when i vacation in the South i seem to talk "different" within hours of being there, and that's just my accent. Anyway, since i am from up this way, it wasn't a criticism, just an observation.
  20. I can't seem to find them where i live. I checked their website and noticed there are quite a few varieties. Do you have a favorite? I have only had the one kind. Would love one right now. I have forgotten a beer in the freezer at times. It makes good ice cubes in your beer (but you need a knife to get it out of the bottle) or it then has to sit and thaw out, lol.
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