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led zeppelin personnality


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how could you describe the personnalities of the four of Led Zeppelin? How do you see them?


this is a very complex question ( I don't know who they are, never met them), So based on observation, I will keep it simple and easy.........

Robert - Wise and Colorful

Bonham - :black_eye: + Family Man (according to Robert, I believe him :D)

Jimmy - "Jimmy is a sensitive person" - According to Eddie Kramer, ZEP Audio Engineer -

(This is why his Guitar is the 5th Musician on Stage)

This is my fav. way to describe His Hotness......

John P. Jones - The Family Guy (it's o.k. if he likes transvi.... :D :D , I will cut him a break, he is too good :D )

Edited by PlanetPage
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this is a very complex question ( I don't know who they are, never met them), So based on observation, I will keep it simple and easy.........

Robert - Wise and Colorful

Bonham - :black_eye: + Family Man (according to Robert, I believe him :D)

Jimmy - "Jimmy is a sensitive person" - According to Eddie Kramer, ZEP Audio Engineer -

(This is why his Guitar is the 5th Musician on Stage)

This is my fav. way to describe His Hotness......

John P. Jones - The Family Guy (it's o.k. if he likes transvi.... :D :D , I will cut him a break, he is too good :D )

WOw, your idea is interesting... As far as I'm concerned, I thought:

Robert Plant: euuuh.... an hippie soul :D

Jimmy Page: sensitive, very attached to led zeppelin, very... on the sensations, in music, in life... I don't really know how explain ^^

John Bonham: I think he is (was >_<) the most fragile, perhaps a little brutal... XD

John Paul Jones: the most wise of course ^^ apart from that, I don't really know, he is very reserved

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how could you describe the personnalities of the four of Led Zeppelin? How do you see them?


I couldn't - I don't know any of them. What we see of them on stage in public is only one part of who they are/were so a bit of a difficult querie :)

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It's difficult to say when you don't know them personally but I would say:

Robert-true hippy

I read somewhere that Jimmy used to throw up before concerts.I think he's shy but intelligent (they all are) and in love with guitar of course!

He should marry The Guitar. :)

Bonzo is just...Was just wild.

And John Paul is...Well,reserved.

I really don't know.

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Bonzo seemed like a fun loving, energetic man who did his own thing and didn't give a rat's ass about what people thought. I think he was very prideful and somewhat selfish. I know outwardly he appeared like a bad ass party animal, but I think his true personality came through when he was with his family. He was a kind and loving father who adored his children and his wife and hated being away from them, and on the road he was hyperactive and some what child-like...immature, I guess would be the word. But funny as hell.

Robert seems like a piece of work, you know? Like, he dislikes drama of any sort and freaks out when something doesn't go right and has high demands. I think he would be a fun person to hang with once in a while, but he is very high matinence. He also seems high strung and has a sense of humor, only when anything bad isn't happening to him.

Jimmy seems like a quiet person when not in the public eye, but when he is, he won't refrain from being loud and getting noticed. I think he likes to suprise people and do shit just for shock value. He seems like a very charming indevidual, actually. It's highly obvious he likes things out of the ordainary. And when he gets angry, I bet he just fuckin' explodes, you know? But all and all, I bet he's pretty cool.

JPJ is a quiet guy, that has been established. But looking at him I can just tell that he is incredibly witty. I dunno, he just has that sort of...look about him, I guess. He seems very polite and family oriented. And he seems very intellectual, no bull shit type guy but very easy going.

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perfect! that's how i'd describe them as well. simple to the point.

Thanks, I feel like these gentlemen are family. When you love and respect a person or persons for who they are and what they have accomplished you want to learn about them. Not in a crazy way, but in a caring curius way. I have often wondered if Bonzo would have lived what they would have created in the 80's. But then I tell myself that they left enough in their twelve years together to last a lifetime.

Music is a powerful thing and these gentlemen left a powerful impression on me.I am never without their music in my cars, home, on a plane, in a hotel room...whatever...I have to listen to them usually at least once a day. Never gets old.

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Thanks, I feel like these gentlemen are family. When you love and respect a person or persons for who they are and what they have accomplished you want to learn about them. Not in a crazy way, but in a caring curius way. I have often wondered if Bonzo would have lived what they would have created in the 80's. But then I tell myself that they left enough in their twelve years together to last a lifetime.

Music is a powerful thing and these gentlemen left a powerful impression on me.I am never without their music in my cars, home, on a plane, in a hotel room...whatever...I have to listen to them usually at least once a day. Never gets old.

I know how you feel. Nicely said. :D

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