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What a disgrace!


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Poor Frank must be spinning. Even though I like some hip-hop/rap, I never liked ANY of Jay-Z's songs. I can't get why he's so damn popular. Kayne West is an asshole but at least he has a few catchy tunes. To have Frank simulate a concert with Jay-Z is a disgrace imo.


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You had me for a second there, being familiar with what was done to put Elvis Presley "on tour" in recent years. Not sure if your being sarcastic or really think these two are simulating a concert together, but they aren't. It's just back

to back airings of their concerts on television:


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I don't get how you can like any amount of rap and not like any Jay-Z. It's mind bottling.

First off, it's mind boggling...not "bottling". Second off, that song sucks and so does Jay-Z's voice. I can't stand him and I find it "mind bottling" that he's so damn popular (along with his wife, Beyonce). I dig the old school bands like PE, Dre, and NWA way more than any of the current stuff. To each their own though.

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First off, it's mind boggling...not "bottling". Second off, that song sucks and so does Jay-Z's voice. I can't stand him and I find it "mind bottling" that he's so damn popular (along with his wife, Beyonce). I dig the old school bands like PE, Dre, and NWA way more than any of the current stuff. To each their own though.

Whelp, you learn something new everyday.

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