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University of Alabama Huntsville Shooting


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I also live near Huntsville. I know people who had classes taught by those who were shot ( and one who had classes by the shooter as well as one of the victims). My daughter's best friend had a class by one of the victims and considered her one of her favorite instructors. Everybody is pretty stunned about it.

Plus, yesterday at noon was the funeral for a 14 year old 9th-grader... who had been shot in the head at schooll... by another 14 year old kid.

What a tragedy... and what a waste.

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Braintree chief: We let Alabama slay suspect go in ’86 bro kill

By O’Ryan Johnson and Jessica Fargen

Sunday, February 14, 2010 - Updated 7h ago

The Braintree police chief sparked a firestorm yesterday over the case of the rampaging science professor arrested for killing three colleagues in Alabama on Friday, alleging the woman was freed decades ago after a politically derailed investigation into her fatal shooting of her own brother.

“I don’t want to use the word ‘coverup.’ I don’t know what the thought process was at the time,” said Braintree Police Chief Paul Frazier yesterday at an explosive press conference, adding later, “It reflects poorly on the department. This would not happen in this day and age.”

On Dec. 6, 1986, Frazier said, then-20-year-old Amy Bishop blasted her brother, Seth Bishop, 18 - described in newspaper reports at the time as a talented violinist and science student - with a shotgun during an argument, fled the family’s Victorian manse and was later arrested by cops at gunpoint.

That, Frazier said, is where the investigation of the case stopped.

However, the Norfolk district attorney’s office noted last night, state police did investigate the shooting. Their records back up the longstanding version of events - that the shooting was accidental. Bishop’s arrest is never mentioned in the state police report, nor is the alleged argument with her brother.

Frazier said he used interviews with retired Braintree cops to piece together what happened 23 years ago. He has requested a sit-down with the DA’s office regarding the case.

According to Frazier, then-Chief John Polio ordered cops to release Bishop - whose mother, Judith Bishop, Frazier said was a public official sitting on the Personnel Committee.

“I spoke with the retired deputy chief who was . . . responsible for booking Ms. Bishop. He said he had started the process when he received a call from then-Police Chief John Polio or possibly from a captain on Chief Polio’s behalf,” Frazier said.

“He was instructed to stop the booking process. At some point Ms. Bishop was turned over to her mother and they left the building via a rear exit. . . . The release of Ms. Bishop did not sit well with the police officers.”

No one answered the door yesterday at the Ipswich home of Bishop’s parents.

Interviewed at his Braintree home, Polio yesterday said the shooting was accidental and that then-D.A. William Delahunt had investigated and decided not to file charges.

“There was absolutely no coverup at all,” he said. “We did everything that was right under the circumstances.”

Delahunt, now a congressman, yesterday said in a telephone interview that he did not recall the case.

Bishop had been fighting a tenure denial at the University of Alabama in Huntsville when, police say, she opened fire Friday in a room of her colleagues from the university’s biology department.

Bishop’s husband, James Anderson, told the Herald he did not know much about the 1986 Braintree shooting or his wife’s relationship with her brother.

“Everybody described her as gentle,” he said.

Frazier said he has spoken with cops in Alabama about Bishop’s previous brush with the law.

The chief said apart from a single Braintree police log entry - where the suspect’s name was omitted - Braintree Police Department Case No. 864718 does not exist. He said the seven-page report is gone, and any booking material related to the shooting is also missing.

“Mayor (Joseph) Sullivan and I have spoken with District Attorney William Keating and we will be meeting with him next week to discuss this situation,” Frazier said. “The mayor supports a full review of this matter and agrees that we want to know where the records are.”


Edited by Anjin-san
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Hi all,

They don't need to outlaw school, they just need to fix a seriously a fucked up American society, and I am not sure how they can do that.

Look over to Europe, and almost anywhere else in the world. You really don't see these kinds of things happening.

Don't take this wrong DRUNK08,but how does one,anyone 'fix' American society? :huh:

This crap happens everywhere.

This *cough* person,blasted her own brother with a shotgun,reportedly mailed a pipe bomb to her professor at Harvard,called the cops daily in one place she lived because the kids out in the street were having too much fun.This *cough* person should have been in jail and not teaching children at a school! :angry:


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They don't need to outlaw school, they just need to fix a seriously a fucked up American society, and I am not sure how they can do that.

Look over to Europe, and almost anywhere else in the world. You really don't see these kinds of things happening.

That whooshing sound you hear above you is my point sailing over your head. Or are you claiming that our "seriously fucked up American society" is why Dr. Bishop is a sociopath who has apparently thrown lethal temper tantrums whenever she perceived she was being thwarted? If that is what you think then I have to disagree with you.

I won't argue that our society is screwed up, but I don't buy that our society made her a sociopath ans is why she murdered those people. I don't buy that access to firearms or that the tenure-track system used at our universities made her a murderous sociopath. Yes, those things will probably be scrutinized and hashed/re-hashed for months. Those things are just a couple of the issues and questions being raised about this tragedy, but to just say it's because our society is screwed up is way too simplistic.

[On a sidenote, you certainly seemed to have changed your attitudes about Europe and the US from what you espoused a couple years ago.]

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American society is fucked up. And this stuff does not happen everywhere else. There are occasional incidences in Europe, but it's mostly quite rare.

Take a look at this article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/12/AR2010021201815.html

Also, be sure to take a look at the mugshots of all the individuals involved. Notice how they cleverly only show the picture of the white guy.

I guess this is an example of the rewards of diversity.........

LOS, you've been sitting there in your slippers in the safety of your own little residence away from reality for quite a long time. Most times I'd recommend to get out and see a bit, but to be honest, with the way things are nowadays, you should stay right where you are. It's getting too dangerous out there to do anything but that.

The media picks and chooses what they cover and show the general public. When you search around, you can see terrible crimes being reported everywhere, every day. And if you want to tell me that society doesn't share a big responsibility of that, then I'd like to hear why.

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American society is fucked up. And this stuff does not happen everywhere else. There are occasional incidences in Europe, but it's mostly quite rare.

Take a look at this article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/12/AR2010021201815.html

Also, be sure to take a look at the mugshots of all the individuals involved. Notice how they cleverly only show the picture of the white guy.

I guess this is an example of the rewards of diversity.........

Notice how you imply something that doesn't hold up. The Washington Post article in your link only shows one picture of one of the suspects, period. However, if you look elsewhere at all the mugshots, (just as you suggested)... why guess what...your implication doesn't hold up.... Click here for a link with the mugshots

I guess your erroneous implication is an example of the rewards of asshattery.

Now, if you re-read my post, you might notice that I did not say our society wasn't screwed up. I said that was an over-simplified statement and that a 'screwed up society' alone didn't make that woman the sociopath that I think she is.

LOS, you've been sitting there in your slippers in the safety of your own little residence away from reality for quite a long time. Most times I'd recommend to get out and see a bit, but to be honest, with the way things are nowadays, you should stay right where you are. It's getting too dangerous out there to do anything but that.

You have no idea where I've been, what I've been doing, or with whom I've been associating... so please don't make assumptions.

The media picks and chooses what they cover and show the general public. When you search around, you can see terrible crimes being reported everywhere, every day. And if you want to tell me that society doesn't share a big responsibility of that, then I'd like to hear why.

Sort of like the way you picked and chose a link and then wrote something that inaccurately implied something? :rolleyes:

Now, this thread wasn't about the overall topic of crime in the US and how fucked up our society is or isn't. It was about a specific crime committed by a specific person. My posts were about this particular incident... it happened in my home stomping grounds, I know people who had those professors (victims and the suspect) for classes this semester.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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I don't really understand you LOS. Seems like after all these years you might have lost your touch. :D

Of course society made her into a raging lunatic. We don't even have to know the details of it all. Plug this woman into a place where every one is nice, cooperative, and supportive, and we'd see a differant woman than from what we see today.

This woman probably got shit on her entire life and had enough of it. It happens.

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I don't really understand you LOS. Seems like after all these years you might have lost your touch. :D

Of course society made her into a raging lunatic. We don't even have to know the details of it all. Plug this woman into a place where every one is nice, cooperative, and supportive, and we'd see a differant woman than from what we see today.

This woman probably got shit on her entire life and had enough of it. It happens.

And this ideal society exists where?

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Nowhere is perfect, but there are a lot of places where the norm is strong families, strong communities, and people that live in places like this tend to have very little problems because of that support.

Go to places in Europe for example. The whole town knows each other, hangs out together, supports each other. People actively participate in their communities, and the friends they make as small children are friends until they die of old age.

In America, this doesn't exist, and this is a big reason for the problems.

Humans are designed to have a strong supporting family and a strong community. Grandparents, aunts and uncles etc, all relatives lived close and took part in each others lives. This was important for survival, and it still is, but now we are living completely differently from the way we've evolved to live in the first place.

It starts with that.

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I don't really understand you LOS. Seems like after all these years you might have lost your touch. :D

Hey, you're right... finally. You don't understand me. :P

Of course society made her into a raging lunatic. We don't even have to know the details of it all. Plug this woman into a place where every one is nice, cooperative, and supportive, and we'd see a differant woman than from what we see today.

In other words, "my mind's made up, don't confuse me with facts"? Obviously, not everything about you has changed over the years. :slapface: DRUNK, maybe one of these days you'll realize that making sweeping statements based upon deliberate ignorance of facts and details is not a positive character trait.

This woman probably got shit on her entire life and had enough of it. It happens.

Other people get shit on their entire lives but they don't commit multiple murders... but this woman did... starting with 'accidently' shooting her brother with a shotgun three times.

edited to add a response to this little tidbit...

Posted Today, 11:42 PM

Nowhere is perfect, but there are a lot of places where the norm is strong families, strong communities, and people that live in places like this tend to have very little problems because of that support.

So... how much do you know about this area and the people who live here? :huh: Oh yeah, knowledge of the facts isn't required in your world. Silly me... :slapface:

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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Hi all,

Not a good thing! ;)

Ms Bishop came from a prominent family.Money talks and you know what walks,...

Please,read the other posts,or should I repose them? :blink:


Don't bother rephrasing your previous posts in the hopes that DRUNK will read them and get back on topic. He'll read them or (more likely) he won't.

As for Dr. Bishop, it seems like every day there's more stuff from her past coming to light... such as her assault charge for hitting some woman in an IHOP restaurant. The woman took the last booster seat for her child and apparently Dr. Bishop thought she should have it. So... she hit the woman in the head, demanded the seat for her child, and screamed that she was Dr. Bishop... or something like that. It's nice to know she was acting like that in front of her kids. <_< I'll assume her husband is just in denial about this. It sure sounds like he wants to blame anybody/everybody else for his wife's crime.

abcnews.com story

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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Hi all,

Don't bother rephrasing your previous posts in the hopes that DRUNK will read them and get back on topic. He'll read them or (more likely) he won't.

As for Dr. Bishop, it seems like every day there's more stuff from her past coming to light... such as her assault charge for hitting some woman in an IHOP restaurant. The woman took the last booster seat for her child and apparently Dr. Bishop thought she should have it. So... she hit the woman in the head, demanded the seat for her child, and screamed that she was Dr. Bishop... or something like that. It's nice to know she was acting like that in front of her kids. <_< I'll assume her husband is just in denial about this. It sure sounds like he wants to blame anybody/everybody else for his wife's crime.

abcnews.com story

I though so. :P


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I think I read somewhere that Bill Delahunt-MA, was DA at the time of her brother's death. Turns out the police records are missing, but more importantly, Ms. Bishop was never charged in connection with the shooting death of her brother in 1986. WTF? Police found her hiding behind a couch with the loaded gun in her hand, and another round in her pocket...whatev, right? ;)

Troubling to think that those 3 professors would be alive right now had these low lifes done their jobs. VOTE ALL THE BUMS OUT!

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Hi all,

I think I read somewhere that Bill Delahunt-MA, was DA at the time of her brother's death. Turns out the police records are missing, but more importantly, Ms. Bishop was never charged in connection with the shooting death of her brother in 1986. WTF? Police found her hiding behind a couch with the loaded gun in her hand, and another round in her pocket...whatever, right? ;)

Troubling to think that those 3 professors would be alive right now had these low lifes done their jobs. VOTE ALL THE BUMS OUT!

Very disturbing,...but then again,you live in the Mass.Welcome to the jungle! :slapface:

"If you got the money,honey,we got your _________ " :thumbdown:


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