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Helen Thomas


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Well, you are apparently, not evidently, gifted with the ability to read her mind.


The rest of us are stuck with her own words.


I don't see why her words were wrong in any moral sense. I just find the proposition unrealistic if view of the current situation. Besides, I would never wish such suffering upon the Germany people, yet again.

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And take your cluster bombs with you:

IDF commander: "We fired more than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon" - Phosphorous and cluster bombs heavily used; unexploded munitions litter wide area of Lebanon.

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And take your cluster bombs with you:

IDF commander: "We fired more than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon" - Phosphorous and cluster bombs heavily used; unexploded munitions litter wide area of Lebanon.

I think the only way to solve the Israeli problem is that if you, Helen Thomas, Hamas, The New York Times, Obama, The Muslim crazies and Michael Moore declare war on Israel and just stamp them out and off the face of the earth. Of course you know they won't go down without a fight.


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I think the only way to solve the Israeli problem is that if you, Helen Thomas, Hamas, The New York Times, Obama, The Muslim crazies and Michael Moore declare war on Israel and just stamp them out and off the face of the earth. Of course you know they won't go down without a fight.


I have a much simpler and more productive solution.

Tell the Truth!

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I have a much simpler and more productive solution.

Tell the Truth!

Hi Atlas,

And just what is the "TRUTH"?

How about this?

In 1948 Israel/Palestine had an Arab/Muslim majority, so in a democratic society one would assume that the Arabs would form a Government. But Zionists from Europe illegally entered the country and started first a TERRORIST UPRISING against the British and then a CIVIL WAR against the Arabs, and as luck would have it (for them) they won. They then brought over as many Jews for wherever they could to boost the Jewish Population until they became the Majority.

And all this was done Illegally, Unlawfully and was "WRONG" in the eyes of the World and any Fair Minder Person, and if you think that by saying that, that i mean that Every Jewish Person, or any person or country that supports them is not fair Minded if they believe that the Jewish State of Israel is Legitimate then DAM RIGHT I DO.

Regards, Danny

PS, But what really matters is not what is "RIGHT" but "WHO" you have as you're "BEST BUDDY" and "BENEFACTOR", RIGHT? ;)

Edited by BIGDAN
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Hi Atlas,

And just what is the "TRUTH"?

How about this?

In 1948 Israel/Palestine had an Arab/Muslim majority, so in a democratic society one would assume that the Arabs would form a Government. But Zionists from Europe illegally entered the country and started first a TERRORIST UPRISING against the British and then a CIVIL WAR against the Arabs, and as luck would have it (for them) they won. They then brought over as many Jews for wherever they could to boost the Jewish Population until they became the Majority.

And all this was done Illegally, Unlawfully and was "WRONG" in the eyes of the World and any Fair Minder Person, and if you think that by saying that, that i mean that Every Jewish Person, or any person or country that supports them is not fair Minded if they believe that the Jewish State of Israel is Legitimate then DAM RIGHT I DO.

Regards, Danny

PS, But what really matters is not what is "RIGHT" but "WHO" you have as you're "BEST BUDDY" and "BENEFACTOR", RIGHT? ;)

Please indicate any factual errors you can find in these connections:




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Hi Atlas,

First. WHY?

Secondly, NO

Thirdly. What are you on about with regards to my original post?

Fourthly. Have i posted something in my original post that is WRONG, that you DISAGREE with or that is not FACTUAL?

Regards, Danny

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Hi Atlas,

First. WHY?

I welcome any opportunity to correct any errors and to improve my understanding.

Secondly, NO

As you will.

Thirdly. What are you on about with regards to my original post?

You asked me "And just what is the 'TRUTH'?"

I was merely sharing some of the factual information I am aware of regarding the subject at hand.

Fourthly. Have i posted something in my original post that is WRONG, that you DISAGREE with or that is not FACTUAL?

Regards, Danny

Nope. Leastwise, not in this thread.

As I said, the whole path to solving to the "Israeli problem" it to tell the Truth.

I'm confident that redruM was alluding to "The Jewish Problem" which is a mistranslation of "Der Judenfrage", "The Jewish Question". Allegedly "Der Endloesung der Judenfrage", the final solution to the Jewish Question was the attempt to exterminate European Jewry. I say allegedly because the historical record is far too tainted with victor's propaganda to be taken at face value. A reassessment of this era is in order.

My point in arguing that Truth, rather than recourse to violent means, is the path to solving the current inequities and instabilities of the modern Levant is that the Israelis have no need to strut around with a bristling arsenal of nuclear weapons backed up by the overgrown US Imperial Military Industrial Complex in order to be secure. The Palestinians are not going to start randomly killing Jews just their Rights of suffrage are upheld. These people would get along famously if the Zionist hate mongers would just step aside.

Edited by Atlas
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My point in arguing that Truth, rather than recourse to violent means, is the path to solving the current inequities and instabilities of the modern Levant is that the Israelis have no need to strut around with a bristling arsenal of nuclear weapons backed up by the overgrown US Imperial Military Industrial Complex in order to be secure. The Palestinians are not going to start randomly killing Jews just their Rights of suffrage are upheld. These people would get along famously if the Zionist hate mongers would just step aside.


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My point in arguing that Truth, rather than recourse to violent means, is the path to solving the current inequities and instabilities of the modern Levant is that the Israelis have no need to strut around with a bristling arsenal of nuclear weapons backed up by the overgrown US Imperial Military Industrial Complex in order to be secure. The Palestinians are not going to start randomly killing Jews just their Rights of suffrage are upheld. These people would get along famously if the Zionist hate mongers would just step aside.


Whats a matter. Spelled it out to plainly for ya?

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I welcome any opportunity to correct any errors and to improve my understanding.

As you will.

You asked me "And just what is the 'TRUTH'?"

I was merely sharing some of the factual information I am aware of regarding the subject at hand.

Nope. Leastwise, not in this thread.

As I said, the whole path to solving to the "Israeli problem" it to tell the Truth.

I'm confident that redruM was alluding to "The Jewish Problem" which is a mistranslation of "Der Judenfrage", "The Jewish Question". Allegedly "Der Endloesung der Judenfrage", the final solution to the Jewish Question was the attempt to exterminate European Jewry. I say allegedly because the historical record is far too tainted with victor's propaganda to be taken at face value. A reassessment of this era is in order.

My point in arguing that Truth, rather than recourse to violent means, is the path to solving the current inequities and instabilities of the modern Levant is that the Israelis have no need to strut around with a bristling arsenal of nuclear weapons backed up by the overgrown US Imperial Military Industrial Complex in order to be secure. The Palestinians are not going to start randomly killing Jews just their Rights of suffrage are upheld. These people would get along famously if the Zionist hate mongers would just step aside.

Hi "The Mighty Arms of Atlas"

Me thinks that we are both singing from the same Hymn sheet me Old Kosher Scribbler. :)

You said."Please indicate any factual errors you can find in these connections:"

I said. "Secondly, NO"

You said. "As you will."

I think you have misunderstood me, I'm saying i cant find any factual errors, i should have answered with "None" to avoid any misunderstanding, my fault, sorry.

Everything else i'm in total agreement with you, i cannot understand anyone who isnt.

Regards, Danny

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