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Thanks for the advice, Silvermedallist. But after this, the only oil I'll be going anywhere near for a long time is hash oil. A very large shipment seems to have just hit town. How thoroughly bizarre - I haven't seen that stuff in about 25 years. Messy, but good messy.

Burn off the diesel first. Candle works just fine :D

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Don't feel bad. I don't know how many times I've hit my damned head on something. :lol:

A couple of years ago, I managed to hit myself in the eyebrow with the stall door in a Wal-Mart restroom, after getting my purse strap tangled on the door. Rejoined my family with a black eye and goose egg. :bagoverhead:

I also fell down a full set of stairs twice in front of the same former BF; once when being introduced to his grandma ("Grandma, this is Virginia!" boom boom boom boom). :(

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I am so accident prone it's unbelievable. Never broken a bone though.... yet. Oops. Just many many bruises, cuts and burns. I am covered in scars. Dead sexy look on a girl. ;)

I am currently nursing a huge motorbike exhaust burn on the inside of my right leg from getting on a friend's Harley on my birthday a few weeks ago. I only wanted to sit on it, but I had had about two bottles of champagne and was wearing a dress. All in all, NOT a good idea folks!! I actually didn't really notice at the time, until I came back inside and everyone screamed at my leg. The blister was HUGE! Thankfully the owner of the Harley gave me some tips and told me that I had now gotten my biker wings. So I guess that's kinda cool. ;)

It's very sexy right now, all scabby. Mmm.

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A couple of years ago, I managed to hit myself in the eyebrow with the stall door in a Wal-Mart restroom, after getting my purse strap tangled on the door. Rejoined my family with a black eye and goose egg. :bagoverhead:

I also fell down a full set of stairs twice in front of the same former BF; once when being introduced to his grandma ("Grandma, this is Virginia!" boom boom boom boom). :(

It sounds like that movie 'Pure Luck' with Martin Short.


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I am so accident prone it's unbelievable. Never broken a bone though.... yet. Oops. Just many many bruises, cuts and burns. I am covered in scars. Dead sexy look on a girl. ;)

I am currently nursing a huge motorbike exhaust burn on the inside of my right leg from getting on a friend's Harley on my birthday a few weeks ago. I only wanted to sit on it, but I had had about two bottles of champagne and was wearing a dress. All in all, NOT a good idea folks!! I actually didn't really notice at the time, until I came back inside and everyone screamed at my leg. The blister was HUGE! Thankfully the owner of the Harley gave me some tips and told me that I had now gotten my biker wings. So I guess that's kinda cool. ;)

It's very sexy right now, all scabby. Mmm.

You're lucky it wasn't my old Harley. One night I was riding and couldn't figure out why it was running like crap and when I got home and off the bike both exhaust pipes were red hot from head to tail. I come to find my timing was way retarded and this is what caused it. Lucky i didn't warp the valves. :o

I've never broken a bone either but one time my old Sportster kick starter back fired and threw my leg up so hard that I think my toes touched my shinbone. I was in a cast for 6 weeks and it took a year to fully heal.

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