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crop circles

slave to zep

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i find them fascinating.

i have no idea how they are formed, but the one about two guys making them is just rediculous. they are so intricate, so perfectly formed .... i just don't know what to think about it.

the led zep guys must think they are at least interesting as they used a crop circle image on the remasters cd.

what are your opinions?

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i find them fascinating.

i have no idea how they are formed, but the one about two guys making them is just rediculous. they are so intricate, so perfectly formed .... i just don't know what to think about it.

the led zep guys must think they are at least interesting as they used a crop circle image on the remasters cd.

what are your opinions?

Did they not catch some people doing it? Or were some of them unsolved? What areas on Earth have they occured? Mostly Europe?

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Did they not catch some people doing it? Or were some of them unsolved? What areas on Earth have they occured? Mostly Europe?

hi silvermedalist

i don't know much about them, never seen one.

i found lots of sites on the net, such as this one


and this


apparently "genuine" circles don't have broken stems, and the fakes do.

Edited by slave to zep
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I think they're the products of bored, drunken teenagers OR grown adults looking to scare the shit out of people. Either way, IMO they're man-made, not the doings of little green men in flying saucers.

Too geometrically precise to be done by drunken teenagers. Perhaps thrill seekers? I do not believe little green men are here either. I just dont see how they could get here undected. Or defeat the vast void of outer space which would demand traveling at tremendous speeds and for many years. Perhaps their are life forms that are intelligent that have far longer life expectancy than we do? Just one theory that is not often mentioned. What if an intelligent creature could live for 500 years? We have turtles that can live that long. So lets say they have found a fountain of youth>? then all they need is a spaceship that could avoid our radar systems. Possible for sure. A Glock 9 mm can go through a metal detector withour being detected. Just an expample. So the imagination runs wild. And crop circles can really stir the imagination. Whoever has made them, has talent for sure.

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I think they're the products of bored, drunken teenagers OR grown adults looking to scare the shit out of people. Either way, IMO they're man-made, not the doings of little green men in flying saucers.

there are more theories than just those two.

i don't think they are man made.

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In 1991, self-professed pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley made headlines claiming it was they who started the phenomenon in 1978 by making actual circles on crops with the use of simple tools. After their announcement, in a demonstration the two men made a crop circle in one hour.

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In 1991, self-professed pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley made headlines claiming it was they who started the phenomenon in 1978 by making actual circles on crops with the use of simple tools. After their announcement, in a demonstration the two men made a crop circle in one hour.


According to many media reports, all crop circles up to 1992 were made by two simple, elderly men called Doug and Dave. However, it has since been discovered that the D&D story appears to have originated at the British Ministry of Defense. Evidence supplied by a high-ranking informant in that government institution suggested that the British government had every intent of discrediting the phenomenon by putting forward two pranksters in an effort to quell growing public interest in crop circles (the full story appears in Secrets In The Fields). But when later confronted to provide evidence of their alleged creations, Doug and Dave changed their story, even reversing previous claims; they could not even explain the unusual features found in the genuine phenomenon.

When they claimed making all the formations around the English county of Hampshire, for example, it was pointed out that the majority of known formations had actually occured in another county – "Er, no, we didn't do those either," they replied. In the end, not even Doug and Dave knew which ones they had made. And although they claim to have made hoaxes since 1978 – at the time the published date of the first design – unpublished evidence revealed how crop circles had been manifesting since the 1890s. The public has never heard D&D's retractions, nor been given the opportunity to compare the mess created by D&D with the mathematical elegance and anomalies of the real phenomenon.

In 1998, however, the surviving member of the deceptive duo did make an incredible admission to British newspapers that he'd been "guided by an unknown force".

Prior to 1989 the hoaxing problem was virtually unheard of. Yet since Doug and Dave's inauguration, many copycat hoaxers have appeared on the scene. That people with a good amount of training can go into a field and eventually create a coherent pattern has never been the issue in crop circels research – in 1998 a group of hoaxers called Team Satan/circlemakers was paid to go to conveniently out-of-the-way New Zealand to make an elaborate formation for The Discovery Channel. The deceptive tactics used to trick a viewing public into accepting that crop circles are human made are dealt with here.

A hoax is a forgery, and forgers require a genuine from which to copy. So, what exactly lies behind the genuine crop circles?

In genuine formations the stems are not broken but bent (right), normally about an inch off the ground and near the plant's first node. In special cases, the stems are bent six inches from the top of the seed head. Such features defeat the hoax argument, since a plank or garden roller is required to flatten the crop to the ground, resulting in clear damage to the plants.

The plants appear to be subjected to a short and intense burst of heat which softens the stems to drop just above the ground at 90º, where they reharden into their new and very permanent position without damage. Plant biologists are baffled by this feature, and it is the singlemost method of identifying the real phenomenon. Research and laboratory tests suggest that infrasound (sound below 20 Hz) is capable of producing such an effect: High-pressure infrasound is capable of boiling water inside the stems in one nanosecond, expanding the water, and leaving tiny blowholes in the plants' nodes. The pressure applied also causes the water to steam, and it is reported by farmers that when they stumble upon a new crop circle they see steam rising from within the design. This process creates surface charring along the stems.

The tremendous application of local heat is also responsible for altering the local water table, as millions of gallons of surface and sub-surface water is evaporated. With the heat and electro-magnetic frequencies applied, it has been scientifically documented that soil samples taken from within crop circles show changes to its crystalline structure and mineral composition. Expert analysis concludes that such a process requires temperatures of 1500º C and sub-soil pressure typically found in strata thousands of years old. Evidence even exists of four non-naturally occuring, short-life radioactive isotopes in the soil inside genuine crop circles (these dissipate after three or four hours, causing no adverse side effects); in fact, the soil in and around them appears to have been baked. Hardly the kind of anomalies created by pranksters with planks!

Crop circles also show existence of ultrasound –sound above the human hearing range – and such frequencies are known to exist at ancient sites such as stone circles, long barrows, tumuli, dolmens and menhirs. And like all sacred sites, temples and places of worship – such as Gothic cathedrals – the crop circles appear at the intersecting points of the Earth's magnetic pathways of energy; thus the size and shape of a crop circle is typically determined by the area of these 'node' points at the time of their appearance.

This electric and magnetic energy can interact with brainwave patterns, and because the human body is itself electro-magnetic, crop circles are known to affect people's biophysical rhythms. Consequently, it is not unusual for people to experience heightened states of awareness and healings in crop circles – a situation also common to sacred sites and holy spaces. People may also experience dizziness, disorientation and nausea. All these effects can be caused by prolonged exposure to both infrasound or microwaves, which also interact with the water in the body.

Biophysical evidence shows the plants' nodes (its knuckles) are drastically extended (right); also observed are distortions of seed embryos, and the creation of expulsion cavities in the plants as if they have been heated from the inside. In genuine formations there is also a reorganization of the plant's crystalline structure – in these microscope photos (below right) the top image of a control sample of wheat radically differs to the one below taken from a crop circle.

Other evidence from crop circles shows how the floors of laid plants are swirled in mathematical proportions relative to the Golden Mean, the fundamental vortex used by nature to create organisms such as shells, sunflowers, galaxies, even the spatial relationship of the bones in the human hand; the floor of crop circles can have up to five layers of weaving, all in counterflow to each other, with every seed head intact and placed beside each other as if arranged in a museum case.

Genuine crop circles are not perfectly round but slightly elliptical (a hoax, requiring a fixed central rope, cannot achieve this adequately). Their edges are crisply defined from the flattened crop as if drawn with a compass, and incised with surgical precision. Hoaxes, by comparison, bear a stylistic resemblance to tuffs of greasy, uncombed hair – and, of course, all their plants have been trampled, bruised and crushed.

Crop circles are sometimes accompanied by trilling sounds, since captured on tape and analysed by NASA as being artificial in origin, and bearing a harmonic frequency of 5.2 kHz.

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i didn't say that at all.

but that's one of the theories.

You have just branded yourself as certifiable. Ha. I still think you are very smart. Hey, they cant prove aliens did not do it? Growing up I thought there was a chance something prehistoric may have really lived in Loch Ness. Well that one is pretty much dead and buried. Recently, this week on CNN there was a film taken in the arctic circle of a loch ness type creature that they cannot explain. I have seen the footage and it sure looks like something living is swimming on the surface. Perhaps there are some things we dont know about? We really do not know what is in the center of the Earth.

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Hey, thanks for that Monster Magnet clip! Cool song.

I think some of the circles are hoaxed and some are real. I lean toward earth energies or balls of light (a nearby village is named Golden Ball, incidentally) over aliens. Think of where the circles are concentrated - it's a sacred landscape and has been for eons: Stonehenge, Avebury, Silbury Hill, etc. The first report of a crop circle dates from the 1600's, long before Doug and Dave.

Here's a photo of one circle I visited last summer on Windmill Hill. Groovy, no? Windmill-big.jpg

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In 1991, self-professed pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley made headlines claiming it was they who started the phenomenon in 1978 by making actual circles on crops with the use of simple tools. After their announcement, in a demonstration the two men made a crop circle in one hour.

They made a very simple circle. Nothing like this for example: picto1.jpg

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Hey, thanks for that Monster Magnet clip! Cool song.

I think some of the circles are hoaxed and some are real. I lean toward earth energies or balls of light (a nearby village is named Golden Ball, incidentally) over aliens. Think of where the circles are concentrated - it's a sacred landscape and has been for eons: Stonehenge, Avebury, Silbury Hill, etc. The first report of a crop circle dates from the 1600's, long before Doug and Dave.

Here's a photo of one circle I visited last summer on Windmill Hill. Groovy, no? Windmill-big.jpg

yeah, i thought about saying "earth energies" " air currents" " the eaths magnetism' etc etc .... but some people already think i am crazy for what i believe in, :blink: so i just said " i don't know ', and, really, i don't!

wow fie opal, you visited one? did you get any vibes/nausea/anything? some people have said they do.

what i can't understand is how the hell do the crops get so intertwined? like they are plaited/braided ..... it looks so intricate! :unsure:

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What your point? :huh:

Sorry, I thought it was clear. You mentioned Doug 'n Dave as being the creators of the crop circle phenom; they outed themselves as hoaxers in '91 and created a basic circle for the cameras with their board-and-rope expertise. I was pointing out that even circles of that time (the 1990 "key" design ultimately used by Zep on their box set) were often far more complex. It's hard to believe two soused elderly gents could execute such works at any time, but especially at night, at locales across southwest England.

Anyhoo, quoting Slave to Zep:

"wow fire opal, you visited one? did you get any vibes/nausea/anything? some people have said they do.

what i can't understand is how the hell do the crops get so intertwined? like they are plaited/braided ..... it looks so intricate!"

I felt excitement, a sense of wonder and beauty, great curiosity, things like that. I tried to "pick up a vibe" or go a bit deeper with it as many intuitive people can, but unfortunately I'm one of those "in my head" people and despite taking off my shoes, sitting then lying in the circle, etc. I didn't have a spiritual kind of experience as some do. I was always preoccupied with getting the best possible photographs!

We visited several crop circles - one was definitely man made and it was quite sloppy. The circles that were of unknown origin were very intricate and neat, with complex and large designs. As you mentioned, one of the coolest aspects is the way the stalks are not only laid down but also sometimes woven. One circle had stalks in the center that were "tied off" so to speak, with a flourish. Very amazing to see. If people are doing it, they have only a few hours under the cover of darkness, as the summer nights in Britain are relatively short.

These were taken at a circle at Roundway farm, near Devizes; you can see how neatly woven the wheat stalks were.



overview of the design from the air: Roundway2.jpg

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well..the point is........we can send solar powered space vehicles clear out of the solar system.............split the tiniest of unseen atoms to create explosions hotter than the surface of the sun......

but some shmuck with a 2 by four and a ball of strong makes some geometric designs in a feel of reeds?

no F'in way

it's magic.....dude :P

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Sorry, I thought it was clear. You mentioned Doug 'n Dave as being the creators of the crop circle phenom; they outed themselves as hoaxers in '91 and created a basic circle for the cameras with their board-and-rope expertise. I was pointing out that even circles of that time (the 1990 "key" design ultimately used by Zep on their box set) were often far more complex. It's hard to believe two soused elderly gents could execute such works at any time, but especially at night, at locales across southwest England.

Anyhoo, quoting Slave to Zep:

"wow fire opal, you visited one? did you get any vibes/nausea/anything? some people have said they do.

what i can't understand is how the hell do the crops get so intertwined? like they are plaited/braided ..... it looks so intricate!"

I felt excitement, a sense of wonder and beauty, great curiosity, things like that. I tried to "pick up a vibe" or go a bit deeper with it as many intuitive people can, but unfortunately I'm one of those "in my head" people and despite taking off my shoes, sitting then lying in the circle, etc. I didn't have a spiritual kind of experience as some do. I was always preoccupied with getting the best possible photographs!

We visited several crop circles - one was definitely man made and it was quite sloppy. The circles that were of unknown origin were very intricate and neat, with complex and large designs. As you mentioned, one of the coolest aspects is the way the stalks are not only laid down but also sometimes woven. One circle had stalks in the center that were "tied off" so to speak, with a flourish. Very amazing to see. If people are doing it, they have only a few hours under the cover of darkness, as the summer nights in Britain are relatively short.

These were taken at a circle at Roundway farm, near Devizes; you can see how neatly woven the wheat stalks were.



overview of the design from the air: Roundway2.jpg

fire opal, i am so glad you were able to see one in real -life, and tell us about it, thankyou!

it must have been amazing to see, i hope i get to see one, one day.

yep, that's def the part that amazes me .... how the hell can they weave the stalks, WITHOUT BREAKING THEM, and in such a short time, and ALSO keep them so perfect, as in not all wobbly around the edges.

do you have any other photos and/or comments?


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