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Nominate Jimmy For A Knighthood - Download Form


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You may have seen in the 'News' forum details of UK MP Louise Mensch's attempt to have Jimmy awarded a Knighthood. I have copied and pasted here the relevant page from the UK government's website detailing how members of the public can nominate someone for an honour. The system of nomination has been open to the public since 1993, and that means that Zeppelin fans can download the form, fill it in and help to get Jimmy the top award which he so richly deserves.

Apart from his charity work over the years, think of LZ record sales worldwide and the resulting employment in the record industry. Led Zeppelin were the biggest band in the world, outselling the Rolling Stones in both record and concert ticket sales - consider the prestige for the UK.

Here are the contact details for Louise Mensch who is requesting the knighthood:-

Louise Mensch MP

House of Commons




Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2060859/Tory-MP-leads-fight-Knighthood-Led-Zeppelins-Jimmy-Page.html#ixzz1dbnntaKD

McCartney, Jagger and Elton John have all been given knighthoods - why not Jimmy? David Bowie publicly stated years ago that he (Bowie) had been offered a knighthood, but turned it down. Why has Jimmy not been offered this award? It surely cannot be because of his colourful past personal life, because none of the aforementioned artists has had a pristine past.

With the number of LZ fans on this site, and other LZ fansites, if we all downloaded and completed the form, we might be able to achieve something.


Nominating someone for an honour

The honours system recognises people of outstanding merit, and those who have committed themselves to service to the nation. It's been around for centuries, but it was a closed system for many years. Only since 1993 has everybody been free to nominate.

Who can be nominated?

Anyone can be nominated, but only exceptional people are honoured. If you want to see your candidate on the honours list, make sure your nomination has what it takes to make it all the way to Buckingham Palace. Achievement comes in many forms but honours committees are looking for someone who has made a difference in their field of work or community.

Honours can be awarded for all sorts of work - paid or unpaid - but your nominee must still be involved in the activity for which they are nominated.

Before you make your nomination, ask yourself the following questions. Has your nominee:

  • made a difference to their community or field of work?
  • brought distinction to British life and enhanced its reputation?
  • exemplified the best sustained and selfless voluntary service?
  • demonstrated innovation and entrepreneurship?
  • carried the respect of their peers?
  • changed things, with an emphasis on achievement?
  • improved the lot of those less able to help themselves?
  • displayed moral courage and vision in making and delivering tough choices?

Nomination forms

To get started, you'll need a copy of the nominations form and the guidance notes, these are linked below. Alternatively, you can write or telephone the Cabinet Office and ask for a paper version to be sent to you.

You can return the form by post, fax or email. If you need a copy of the guidance notes in Braille, you can ask for one using the contact information below.

Cabinet Office

Honours and Appointments Secretariat

Ground Floor

Admiralty Arch



Fax: +44 (0)20 7276 2766

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7276 2777

Email: honours@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk

Writing a letter of support for a nomination

If you are writing a letter of support, you may find the booklet linked below useful.

What happens to a nomination

Nominations are collated and then segregated according to the nominee's area of expertise. Expert committees can then compare like with like - for instance, teacher with teacher - and the best candidates are put forward to the Prime Minister, who then presents the list to The Queen.

Which order?

The committee considers the appropriate order and level. There is no need to specify this in any nomination. Note that:

  • senior civil servants and military officers may be considered for the Order of the Bath
  • diplomats and others serving the UK abroad may be considered for the Order of St Michael and St George
  • anyone may be considered for awards in the Order of the British Empire
  • anyone may be considered for the award of Companion of Honour

Which level?

Once the Order has been identified the criteria below are used by committees for deciding the level of award. The assessment committees also use precedent to aid their consideration.

Companion of Honour

A pre-eminent and sustained contribution in the arts, science, medicine, or government.


Awarded for a pre-eminent contribution in any field of activity, through:

  • achievement or service to the community usually, but not exclusively, at national level
  • in a capacity which will be recognised by peer groups as inspirational and significant nationally and
  • which demonstrates sustained commitment


Awarded for:

  • a prominent national role of a lesser degree or
  • a conspicuous leading role in regional affairs, through achievement or service to the community or
  • making a highly distinguished, innovative contribution in his or her area of activity


Awarded for:

  • a distinguished regional or country-wide role in any field
  • through achievement or service to the community
  • including notable practitioners known nationally


Awarded for:

  • achievement or service in and to the community of a responsible kind which is outstanding in its field or
  • local 'hands-on' service which stands out as an example to others

In all cases awards illuminate areas of dedicated service which merit public recognition.

In terms of service the difference is determined by the extent of the person's influence. In terms of achievement the difference is determined by the significance of the person's impact in their chosen profession.

Checking progress

As you can imagine, verifying a large number of nominations takes time. The nominee should not expect to hear anything for at least 12-18 months. You can contact the Honours and Appointments Secretariat if you would like to check on progress.

The decision

If selected, candidates are sent a letter asking them whether they would be willing to accept an Honour. Almost everyone does and their names will appear in The London Gazette at the New Year or on The Queen's official birthday in June.

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Which do we download and send in the Nomination Pack or the Honours Nomination Form?

Hi 'TheStairwayRemainsTheSame',

I see what you mean. Both links look like they have the some form - same information requirements'. So, I suppose one or other. I put the MP's contact details on my posting as perhaps her office would be kind enough to give advice to anyone completing the form, as she is spearheading the campaign.

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Then we're screwed considering the amount of fanbase in the US :mellow:

I have enquired with the British Cabinet Office who deals with Honours Nominations, and they say that non-UK citizens may nominate using the form referred to in my initial post.

I am printing the reply I received here:

Dear xyz

Thank you for your e-mail of 13 November about the honours process. I can confirm that non-UK citizens can nominate UK citizens for honours.

I attach a nomination form and guidance notes for your information and use.

Yours Sincerely

Lesley Watling

Honours and Appointments Secretariat

Admiralty Arch



0207 2776 2775

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That would make sense.


I have made a similar reply to this to 'Stairway'. I enquired with the UK Cabinet Office. They say non-UK citizens may nominate UK citizens for an award. The reply I received is printed below:-

Dear xyz

Thank you for your e-mail of 13 November about the honours process. I can confirm that non-UK citizens can nominate UK citizens for honours.

I attach a nomination form and guidance notes for your information and use.

Yours Sincerely

Lesley Watling

Honours and Appointments Secretariat

Admiralty Arch



0207 2776 2775

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by: Billy Dukes 3 days ago


Dave Hogan, Getty Images

If one member of the British Parliament has her way, Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page could soon share something in common with Sir Elton John, Sir Paul McCartney and Sir Mix-A-Lot. That is, something in common other than being British and a pretty decent musician.

The Daily Mail reports that Louise Mensch is campaigning for Page to be knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. “Clearly there is nobody more worthy of a knighthood and I am glad to say I have gathered support from every major record label in the UK,” Mensch says. Her husband is Peter Mensch, Page’s former manager. This is just coincidence, Mensch says. One of the most innovative guitarists of the 20th century deserves the honor on his own reputation.

In 2005 Page was honored with an OBE (Order of the British Empire) for his charity work. The Daily Mail reports that he’s worked with charities like the Ahmet Ertegun Education Fund, ChildLine, the Mount Sinai Hospital, MusiCares, the Racehorse Sanctuary and Task Brazil.

At Ultimate Classic Rock we support Page’s knighting, after all he already seems to have grown out the his own version of the Parliamentary powdered wig.

(11/15 correction: We had “if British MP gets HIS way” in the title, since corrected to “her,” our apologies!)

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