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My new song-Samo Kodela


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Hey Samo, that's pretty wild! But in a good way. There are some really, REALLY bad Zep cover bands out there, but I'd definitely pay to see your band. Do you play Achilles?

It's just a shame that so few people were there at the 2nd stage to witness it. There must have been something pretty awesome going down on the main stage to drag them all away from you. Do you know who your rivals were? A dancing chicken show, perhaps?

Thanks alot! No we don't play Achilles yet! I hope we get to the big stage next year! But our performance was at 7 pm and that time there wasn't much of an audience at the main stage either! But most of the people were behind the camera so you can't see them, there were around hundred people! And the last performance at the small stage was at 9 pm, when things were not even starting seriously yet!

Oh and reswati I only agree or even better I only believe you that only music influenced your opinion, but ofcourse I don't agree on the music!

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Here is my bands performance of Communication breakdown, at the smaller of both stages of the biggest Slovenian rock festival:

There is this summer festival in Novi Sad, by Petrovaradin. Have you been to that. either to play or just visiting?

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Yeh, yeh,

ChIld in time would indeed prove your qualities as a performer, but I guess you are just afraid that you will ruin that song completely, because we made you insecure.....hence that you try to avoid the subject with "Life in Gfatzk in front of 3 handicapped people" videos. Lol.

I gave up normal music indeed due to my age and due to my belief in the Great Old Ones after I had a vision on a monday evening while sacrificing a chicken to the microwave.

Om nama Cthulhu,

Ia Reshvathotep.

Kakammu selah!

Hereby some very holy ritual undanceable music sung by an orchestra conducted by myself:

(And I agree with "Major Troll" about Gillan, even if I think that Major Tom was a junkie - Ashes to ashes-)

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'Major Troll', eh?

I'd say you're the troll here, bud. All I'm doing is trying to boost poor Samo's confidence, in response to the slings and arrows of outrageous terrorists like you. Don't you realise, if you destroy Samo's belief in his own abilities, you could be denying the world a major recording talent? For all you know, he could be the natural succesor to Led Zeppelin. You're like a parent who discourages their gifted child, just to make sure they're not more successful than you.

Thank god the interwebs didn't exist back in 1968. Just think of all the negativity that would've been directed at The Yardbirds for that lame-ass album 'Little Games'. And then, as a consequence, maybe we'd never have been blessed with Zep. Think about that one the next time you want to rip into a young talent struggling for recognition. That's all.

Thanks so much!! I really believe in my music now and I will never stop, even if bad comments happen!

And maybe you shouldn't say to reswati that he is too old to make his mark on rock, because damn it i'm 29 and I haven't make it anywhere far yet, because I had psychological problems and then my mother died and now I still live with my father and I have more and more concerts and I write one of most successful blogs in the country on the second biggest portal in Slovenia(530.000 out of 2.000.000 people visit it each year, not as many visit my blog ofcourse, but sometimes 10 000 a day)!

But there are quite a few really good and really very successful Slovenian singers and song writers that became successful in their 30's, so that's probably a bit of a mentality thing, poorly developed music management bussines and poor circumstances thing in Slovenia, although I don't believe much in mentalities!

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"Don't you realise, if you destroy Samo's belief in his own abilities, blababla"

I only believe that Samo is avoiding to sing Deep Purple by telling us felgercarb about his youth, and things about Slovenian singers.

Poor me, for a moment I really believed that he could do it, but.......nahh.

I guess he just fakes the high notes with a pitch shifter like most mediocre musicians do.

David Bowie once told me that my music needed more spiritual depth, thus is that I chose for making real innerly balanced music like in post 65. I guess there are enough pitch-shifted-overharmonized-electronically-made shriekers already and that shrieking isn't the essence of what I must radiate to serve the Cosmick Forces.

Shrieking is the essence of Azag-Thoth, the blind idiot god, and should be despised.

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I really don't care for negative comments on this site anymore and I believe in my music reswati and I don't use a pitch shifter!

I was 23 when I entered the old forum and I had my first ever performance at 24, but because of my problems and lack of management skills I only performed small gis in my small town, I was never in any media or at any festival and I had experienced two horrible relationships with two women, that almost totaly ruined my life!

Then at 26 I quited the whole thing and at 28 I returned with a determination to succed and in just one year I played all sorts of gigs, was in the media many times, played on the biggest rock festival in Slovenia, got a band and I write on of the most successful blogs in the country!

Major major I hope you are not shocked or disappointed how old I am, do you know any late bloomers who are now succesful to cheer me up please!? Thank you!

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Anyway I'm leaving home now, see you in a few hours or more!

Another very important thing is, that as you might have noticed in the past, I at times wasn't particular skilled, spontaneous and agile in conversation with people on this board, and although I think I have always been kind, ther has probaly been a feeling going on, that I have this unrelaxed, nervous way of communicating, almost autistic perhaps!

Now there has recently been a huge shift in my home town, as far as my communication with people goes, as I am really relaxed and people also respect and love me really a lot more, as they see I am a good friend and a talented artist!

Now it seems to me, that people enjoy conversating with me on this forum more and more aswell, or atleast I hope so!!!

Have a nice time everbody, see you later!

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Samo, 29 is nothing. You're still a kid, and you have plenty of time.

Howling Wolf cut his first record around age 40. That alone should be an inspiration to you.

Thanks Major, you always seem to find the right words for my city of music he, he! Thanks! I'll just keep on howling and I remember how Robert asked at one of the Europe 1980 gigs if they remember the old days, the early tours in Germany and a few of them cheered and Robert said: You show your age kids!

The point is, he still called them kids and he was right, there were still kids by age and at heart and everyone should be!

Here is a short instrumental I recorded today, that I am later going to insert into a longer vocal piece, it's called December warmth! Enjoy!

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My version of Sinatra's My way, a I have been quite heavily influenced by Vlado Kreslin's version though and since the song name is My way, perhaps this shouldn't be so, but Kreslin's version has really grown on me and became part of my way, so there you go! Sorry about the grammar, I sing had instead of have had or instead of I've loved, I sing I loved! Sorry I learned it wrong and just realised this and there is quite a difference, as I've lived indicates that you still live your life to it's fullest, which is a very important difference to only living it in the past!

I also promise that this is the last tape with scretchy soound, now I already have three such songs, I simply can't allow this to happen anymore, have to fix the computer!


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My version of Sinatra's My way, a I have been quite heavily influenced by Vlado Kreslin's version though and since the song name is My way, perhaps this shouldn't be so, but Kreslin's version has really grown on me and became part of my way, so there you go! Sorry about the grammar, I sing had instead of have had or instead of I've loved, I sing I loved! Sorry I learned it wrong and just realised this and there is quite a difference, as I've lived indicates that you still live your life to it's fullest, which is a very important difference to only living it in the past!

I also promise that this is the last tape with scretchy soound, now I already have three such songs, I simply can't allow this to happen anymore, have to fix the computer!


Love the Slide show that goes with 'My Way', well done...

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The same version of the song Road to Venus that I already put on the forum, but with a good sound of the vocal! I'm leaving the old version on Youtube aswell! The new version is quieter however, so please adjust the loudness of your speakers! Thank you for your understanding!


The same version of the song My way that I already put on the, but with a good sound of the vocal! I'm leaving the old version on Youtube aswell! The new version is quieter however, so please adjust the loudness of your speakers! Thank you for your understanding!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My take on Led Zeppelin song Ten years gone! Because of the a major key, the song always reminded me of reddish yellow colours and so besides some very beautiful girls, there are also many red and yellow autumn leaves in the video!

And since it's new year tommorow I wish you all many more happy decades!


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Thank you very much!

I played in the gym and that and some other parts of school are renowated, so for me it's also not completely the same!

Everbody has talents and one of your major(he, he) talents is that you know how to encourage people and give them good feelings and hope and joy and how you can be honest and kind! Perhaps thats character, not a talent, but if you ask me it's a talent, cause it's more and more rare unfortunately!

I think they would perhaps also be suspicious of Jimmy's motives because of Lori Maddox he, he(a 14 year old groupie he dated)! But I don't think so!

Yeah I am having really good times, but fame is not what should bring joy primarily, it should be love and music and kindness and little things in life, but I know you already know that!

Happy new year!

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Thanks again Major major!

You said those things well in your last post and I am strongly compassionate with you about your past trouble and I wish you all best and be aware that bad things that happen in life can sometimes make a person an even better human!

Here is another song! The vocal sound is reall good this time!It's my version of Vlado Kreslin's great song Path to paradise! I really tried to do my best with the intro, solo and outro which are all composed by me and I raised the chorus an octave at the end!

Thanks a lot, your enthusiasm has among other poeple helped me to play my music with more and more passion!

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