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Robert Plant

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I had read in the music papers in the seventies, that Robert Plant lived on a farm near Kidderminster. I had lots of pictures to prove it, with him sitting in all his gorgeous splendour in a peacock backed chair with his beautiful wife Maureen standing beside him. There were pictures of him and his baby daughter, Carmen and playing with his Blue Merle Collie, Strider. I also read that when he and and his wife came into town one day and were walking along the narrow pavements, they made such a handsome couple. Robert with his glorious long blonde hair, wearing a green fringed jacket and jeans and Maureen with her glistening black hair, lots of people were giving them admiring glances. I wanted to be one of these people.

When I was 15, we were heading down to Torquay for our summer holidays and I begged my dad to take me to Kidderminster but he said it was too far off our route. As we were travelling from Edinburgh, we had already been on the road for hours, so I reluctantly gave in. A few years later, my then boyfriend who promised me that he would take me, were on the same route but he said the same as my dad. I was so disappointed and the boyfriend became history!

I am nearly 58 but I'm still listening to Led Zeppelin and love watching interviews with Robert Plant on Youtube. He's so funny and charming and has just does'nt take himself seriously. I recently bought Celebration Day and I settled down with a few cans of Bud and enjoyed it so much, I clapped after every number. They're part of my childhood and I will be playing their music until I'm old and grey.

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I had read in the music papers in the seventies, that Robert Plant lived on a farm near Kidderminster. I had lots of pictures to prove it, with him sitting in all his gorgeous splendour in a peacock backed chair with his beautiful wife Maureen standing beside him. There were pictures of him and his baby daughter, Carmen and playing with his Blue Merle Collie, Strider. I also read that when he and and his wife came into town one day and were walking along the narrow pavements, they made such a handsome couple. Robert with his glorious long blonde hair, wearing a green fringed jacket and jeans and Maureen with her glistening black hair, lots of people were giving them admiring glances. I wanted to be one of these people.

When I was 15, we were heading down to Torquay for our summer holidays and I begged my dad to take me to Kidderminster but he said it was too far off our route. As we were travelling from Edinburgh, we had already been on the road for hours, so I reluctantly gave in. A few years later, my then boyfriend who promised me that he would take me, were on the same route but he said the same as my dad. I was so disappointed and the boyfriend became history!

I am nearly 58 but I'm still listening to Led Zeppelin and love watching interviews with Robert Plant on Youtube. He's so funny and charming and has just does'nt take himself seriously. I recently bought Celebration Day and I settled down with a few cans of Bud and enjoyed it so much, I clapped after every number. They're part of my childhood and I will be playing their music until I'm old and grey.

feel free to visit my profile and read my story if you like Rambler.....he was such a good guy for the brief minutes I was directly with him....ciao...P.S.- I can feel your love for the band...cheers Fishy
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I get exactly what you are saying. I too would love to do a Zeppelin Odyssey. I get over to England every once and awhile. I try to do at least one Zep thing. A few years ago I ran across this article on the web. Its is a group of American girls that did a Zep Odyssey and their story. Who knows maybe some or one of these ladies might even post here. Anyways I thought you might enjoy it.


As one poster here says Led til dead.

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so you must live in England,geez,I would still go. I wonder if he still owns it,I am thinking yes as I bet Karac is buried there

I had read in the music papers in the seventies, that Robert Plant lived on a farm near Kidderminster. I had lots of pictures to prove it, with him sitting in all his gorgeous splendour in a peacock backed chair with his beautiful wife Maureen standing beside him. There were pictures of him and his baby daughter, Carmen and playing with his Blue Merle Collie, Strider. I also read that when he and and his wife came into town one day and were walking along the narrow pavements, they made such a handsome couple. Robert with his glorious long blonde hair, wearing a green fringed jacket and jeans and Maureen with her glistening black hair, lots of people were giving them admiring glances. I wanted to be one of these people.

When I was 15, we were heading down to Torquay for our summer holidays and I begged my dad to take me to Kidderminster but he said it was too far off our route. As we were travelling from Edinburgh, we had already been on the road for hours, so I reluctantly gave in. A few years later, my then boyfriend who promised me that he would take me, were on the same route but he said the same as my dad. I was so disappointed and the boyfriend became history!

I am nearly 58 but I'm still listening to Led Zeppelin and love watching interviews with Robert Plant on Youtube. He's so funny and charming and has just does'nt take himself seriously. I recently bought Celebration Day and I settled down with a few cans of Bud and enjoyed it so much, I clapped after every number. They're part of my childhood and I will be playing their music until I'm old and grey.

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The Rambler travelled down from Edinburgh, which is where she lives. Edinburgh is in Scotland, not England. ;)

Scotland,oh for neat,I would love to see some of these countries..where do you live? I am going to write down where everyone lives
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Scotland,oh for neat,I would love to see some of these countries..where do you live? I am going to write down where everyone lives

clw, have you checked out the members map in this forum?...It will give you an idea where some of us are.....if interested...ciao Fishy
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no,a map???

I just went and looked for it for you but it is gone...there used to be a map of the earth and it highloghted where everyone lived (well, those that gave the a-ok....)...gonna ask Sam....will get back to you....Cheers
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Gosh CLW do you think that England is Britain? Britain is an island made up of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland & then England. Scotland is the place that all the great inventors have come from, like the guy who invented television, John Logie Baird. Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone, Alexander Fleming who discovered penicillin and James Watt who invented the steam engine.

Robert Plant appreciates that Scotland and Ireland have contributed some great sounds to the music scene. There's nothing like the skirl of the bagpipes and the beautiful voices of the female folk singers. I just watched his interview on 60 minutes again for the sixth time and he's so charismatic and as the interviewer says, still has a twinkle in his eye. His daughter Carmen is so beautiful and you see her for a few seconds sitting with her son. All his kids are so exotic looking with the mix of Asian in their blood.

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Britain is an island made up of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland & then England.


Great Britain is the large island consisting of England, Scotland and Wales, together with some of the small islands surrounding it. Northern Ireland is part of a separate island which is not part of Great Britain. Great Britain and Northern Ireland together make up the United Kingdom.

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do you have a link to that video?

Gosh CLW do you think that England is Britain? Britain is an island made up of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland & then England. Scotland is the place that all the great inventors have come from, like the guy who invented television, John Logie Baird. Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone, Alexander Fleming who discovered penicillin and James Watt who invented the steam engine.

Robert Plant appreciates that Scotland and Ireland have contributed some great sounds to the music scene. There's nothing like the skirl of the bagpipes and the beautiful voices of the female folk singers. I just watched his interview on 60 minutes again for the sixth time and he's so charismatic and as the interviewer says, still has a twinkle in his eye. His daughter Carmen is so beautiful and you see her for a few seconds sitting with her son. All his kids are so exotic looking with the mix of Asian in their blood.

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Just went back and watched that interview,she has hair like him! Just listening to him talk and the questions gives me goosebumps,there will never ever be a band that has 100 per cent everything like these guys

Gosh CLW do you think that England is Britain? Britain is an island made up of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland & then England. Scotland is the place that all the great inventors have come from, like the guy who invented television, John Logie Baird. Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone, Alexander Fleming who discovered penicillin and James Watt who invented the steam engine.

Robert Plant appreciates that Scotland and Ireland have contributed some great sounds to the music scene. There's nothing like the skirl of the bagpipes and the beautiful voices of the female folk singers. I just watched his interview on 60 minutes again for the sixth time and he's so charismatic and as the interviewer says, still has a twinkle in his eye. His daughter Carmen is so beautiful and you see her for a few seconds sitting with her son. All his kids are so exotic looking with the mix of Asian in their blood.

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Good old Venn Diagrams. Haven't seen them in a while.

They really should be better respected, lol. In cases like this, I think they clear things up way better than trying to explain it in written form :)

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