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Incredible story of human kind during WWII


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A great story about a German Ace and a US bomber pilot who after the war went on to become friends

The 21-year old American B-17 pilot glanced outside his cockpit and froze. He blinked hard and looked again, hoping it was just a mirage. But his co-pilot stared at the same horrible vision. “My God, this is a nightmare,” the co-pilot said. “He’s going to destroy us,” the pilot agreed. The men were looking at a gray German Messerschmitt fighter hovering just three feet off their wingtip. It was five days before Christmas 1943, and the fighter had closed in on their crippled American B-17 bomber for the kill. The B-17 pilot, Charles Brown, was a 21-year-old West Virginia farm boy on his first combat mission. His bomber had been shot to pieces by swarming fighters, and his plane was alone, struggling to stay in the skies above Germany . Half his crew was wounded, and the tail gunner was dead, his blood frozen in icicles over the machine guns. But when Brown and his co-pilot, Spencer “Pinky” Luke, looked at the fighter pilot again, something odd happened. The German didn’t pull the trigger. He stared back at the bomber in amazement and respect. Instead of pressing the attack, he nodded at Brown and saluted. What happened next was one of the most remarkable acts of chivalry recorded during World War II. Charles Brown was on his first combat mission during World War II when he met an enemy unlike any other. Revenge, not honor, is what drove 2nd Lt. Franz Stigler to jump into his fighter that chilly December day in 1943. Stigler wasn’t just any fighter pilot. He was an ace. One more kill and he would win The Knight’s Cross, German’s highest award for valor. Yet Stigler was driven by something deeper than glory. His older brother, August, was a fellow Luftwaffe pilot who had been killed earlier in the war....

Follow the Link, Read the story, it is amazing!

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Incredible story of honor and respect in the face of madness. One man who disobeyed a direct order because he knew it was the right thing, the only human thing to do. Because of this man's honor generations now live, families have become entwined, two foes have become brothers.

War is bullshit, the only things that really matter are honor, love, kindness, charity, family, and respect. As Mongo once said, "Mongo just pawn in game of life." Yes Mongo, but if we choose, we can move our own pieces and make our own game.

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If it wasn't for these guys we'd all be saluting Hitler and Mussolini's portraits, plus bowing to the emperor.

Zeig heil


Hey, wassa matta?

Did you bother to read anything in my post other than war is bullshit? Also, are you trying to say by your reply that war is cool? A great place for guys to meet new an interesting people before they kill them?

Fact is we fought a war because we had to, not because 10 million American men & women soldiers wanted to and I can guarantee you this, every single last one of those 10 million who served in WWII for America also think war is bullshit. Since I have personally spoken to at least fifty WWII soldiers throughout the years, I have yet to talk to a single one who enjoyed the experience or did not think war is bullshit.

You know, kind of like replying to your posts, it's bullshit but also necessary in certain cases.

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