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Dubai sentences Norwegian woman who reported rape

Charles J. White

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all religion is pretty fucked up in my view but these muslim places have to be the worst. just like in iran when they hanged a young girl who was raped by her brother because she wasnt a virgin anymore.

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...And if you think Dubai is bad for women, there are plenty of other countries just as bad, if not worse. India, whose public image is that of enlightenment and tranquility is actually a cesspool at the moment. I wouldn't let any women I know go there unescorted...

Violence against women (sexual and otherwise) is a big problem in India.

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Violence against women (sexual and otherwise) is a big problem in India.

how does that have anything to do with dubai? so what if both countries are shit holes. at least in india it is against the law even if it isnt being properly handled. in dubai it is apperently legal to rape women as long as they arent muslim women.

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how does that have anything to do with dubai? so what if both countries are shit holes. at least in india it is against the law even if it isnt being properly handled. in dubai it is apperently legal to rape women as long as they arent muslim women.

India has laws against rape but rarely enforces them. Dubai has laws that make it nearly impossible for rape victims to obtain justice and criminalizes those who try. Prevailing attitudes in both India and Dubai accuse rape victims of bringing shame and dishonor upon themselves and their families. That's the connection. It's an incredibly f*cked up attitude that is rooted in a contempt for women. IMO, it's not about religion as much as it is about cultural attitudes that regard women as chattel.

I also doubt that rapists in Dubai leave Muslim women alone. Perhaps Muslim women from powerful or well-connected families are relatively safe but, Muslim women from lower class local families or foreign Muslim women in Dubai are probably fair game.

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this is the story about the australian women. i think i said it was on 60 minutes, but it was actually a show called ' sunday night "


A horrible miscarriage of justice but Dubai's laws were only part of the problem. More troubling was the Australian Consulate's indifference to her plight. They wouldn't issue her an emergency passport nor did they advise her to retain legal counsel. I also find it disturbing that her employer, Le Meridian Hotel, kept her passport after she arrived in Dubai. Is this normal company policy or did they single her out? According to the story, Le Meridian is owned by an American company. The story didn't say if the hotel's management is American. It also didn't mention the nationality of Ms. Gali's rapists. We know they aren't Dubai natives because they were deported after being released from jail.

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Dubai is a soulless temple of conspicuous consumption...and a dump.

But that's their problem...it's not for us to get involved. Most of our foreign policy problems are the result of blowback from meddling in other country's affairs.

And if you think Dubai is bad for women, there are plenty of other countries just as bad, if not worse. India, whose public image is that of enlightenment and tranquility is actually a cesspool at the moment. I wouldn't let any women I know go there unescorted.

Let's not forget all of the sexual violence perpetrated against women and children in the Western world either. There is an epidemic of it.

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