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Halloween Music


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On the paved stones of Piccadilly

       Cold, departing in thought

        To find betterment to find warmth

It's Halloween announced someone wrapped in

blankets and further to curtail the wind, lay in a


An illness fell fell and change became everything

A horse and cart slowly passed through the roundabout,

And a man screaming and pleading for his life wailed


He was going to be hanged,

A public hanging, in London 200 years ago.

I was paralyzed and could move nothing affixed to me.

What terror what reality of death to be

Everything around me the cobbles, windows, my

companion in the doorway

Everything turned into bright morning

The screams of pain, and utter out of control bounced

off the well architectured house

I was froze, and in betrayal

Of all my modern humanity,

I listened and heard the rope become taught and the

sound of a body writhing still trying hard to live

As death took all, I felt cold again

And could hear the man in the doorway

Happy Halloween


Bill Ward



Edited by luvlz2
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