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Peep Solero

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I'm leaning the Harper way, here!!! (might I add that he was really good looking, then!!! and probably still is.....)

Although it looks like a Cole thing to do!!!!

Cole was bigger than that, so size alone I think it's Harper??

Here's what Harper looks like now....


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I think it's Harper, he looks to thin to be Cole and it seems Harper has a thing for taking his clothes off. I've seen several photos of him in nothing or next to nothing. Btw, I read somewhere that Harper is only 5'7, Cole seems to be the same size as Robert.

Maybe Robert looks so much taller because he's wearing those hooker heels.

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Theres already a thread for this:HOT pictures of ROBERT!!!!!!! No matter how he poses he still looks SEXY !!!!!!!!!

YES,I still believe Robert would perfer this one in "THE HOT PHOTOS OF ROBERT" thread !!! He has such a great sense of humor !

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