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What is slapping sound in Boogie With Stu?


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I've once read where Page made the slapping sound (the first sounds that begin the track) with a guitar and some effects for Boogie With Stu. Could that be right? Or, do you think it was overdubbed in 1974 with electronic noise since the main track was recorded around the time of the fourth album, in 1971. Any thoughts appreciated ...

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I've once read where Page made the slapping sound (the first sounds that begin the track) with a guitar and some effects for Boogie With Stu. Could that be right? Or, do you think it was overdubbed in 1974 with electronic noise since the main track was recorded around the time of the fourth album, in 1971. Any thoughts appreciated ...

It always sounded like a primative drum machine to me, but who knows?

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I always thought it was clapping.

But it could be one of those wooden things. I don't know what they're called but two pieces of wood that slap together.

EDITED: I got it, it's drum sticks being slapped together!

Edited by lzfan715
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