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John Paul Jones Jammed in Los Angeles 2/23/08


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Jon Brion performs Fri & Sat nights at Largo located at 432 N Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles

and he writes:

"The second set, as it often does, got off to an unassuming start before we realized that taking his place among the favorite Largo faces was John Paul Jones--the bass player for that newly reunited band, Led Zeppelin.

He donned a darling Danelectro (alas, stealing Paul Bryan's spot in the process) and melted right into the group. "

Jon Brion, Largo, February 23, 2008


Edited by SteveAJones
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Jon Brion performs Fri & Sat nights at Largo located at 432 N Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles

and he writes:

"The second set, as it often does, got off to an unassuming start before we realized that taking his place among the favorite Largo faces was John Paul Jones--the bass player for that newly reunited band, Led Zeppelin.

He donned a darling Danelectro (alas, stealing Paul Bryan's spot in the process) and melted right into the group. "

Jon Brion, Largo, February 23, 2008


......newyl reunited Led Zeppelin???!! Interesting choice of words there......

So JPJ was in my city a week and a half ago....darn, I missed him again! B)

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Swandown adds to this:

Jones was in town to produce Sara Watkins' solo album. Sara and her brother have been playing semi-regular shows at the Largo for many years (under the title of "Watkins Family Hour"). It's basically an informal gathering of musical friends.

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Swandown adds to this:

Jones was in town to produce Sara Watkins' solo album. Sara and her brother have been playing semi-regular shows at the Largo for many years (under the title of "Watkins Family Hour"). It's basically an informal gathering of musical friends.

I went to the Mutual Admiration Society (MAS) concert at the House of Blues when John Paul Jones accompanied the band; they performed a nice acoustic Gallows Pole.

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