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PLant/Krauss Tickets - Why are so many still available?

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I'm still in disbelief every time I hear the media talk about how successful the Plant/Krauss shows are. Yes, they are successful, but relative to what?

I think they sold a lot of albums and tickets partially because of former Krauss fans, and partially because of curious Led Zep fans.

My question is: if this album and tour are so amazing, why is it so easy to get tickets in these small arenas? Everytime I check ticketmaster.com there are seats available for nearly all their shows.

NOTE: Sorry Plant/Krauss fans, I had to vent a little, it's still hard to get over these two together.

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Check gas prices lately, not to mention the economy in general (see the article below)? I suspect it has more to do with that than anything. It seems people will try to find fault with Robert Plant, even in places it doesn't exist. As if it hasn't been said enough already, the Raising Sand album and tour were planned far in advance of the 02 concert so it's not like he's keeping Led Zeppelin from performing together again. That concert was planned as a "one-off" anyway. If he wants to do more shows it will happen in due time. In the meantime all the complaining about Plant touring with Krauss is just a huge waste of time.

Gas Prices, Economy Shake Sales for Summer Tours

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If he were playing with ZEP, gas prices would not be a issue. People would drive accross the country to see them. You just have to understand, many like Allison/Plant............but many, many more think that it is a big waste of time. And, this is showing at the box office.

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Went to the Louisville show was excellent...Got my tickets on line, I drove from West Chester,Ohio in the rain. Stayed in the Galt House. I was in the 2nd row. Someone got T-shirts for us. I thought the people loud, but were nice, but security was a bit harsh, I had a plastic lemon shaker to roll up on stage, but security wouldn't give me a chance to do it. I did it once before to the Zooma tour. I thought Alison Krauss' duet with Robert Plant on the Battle of Evermore was so good it should be recorded. I wrote a review on myspace. http://www.myspace.com/s_ychyck" target="_blank">Visit My Website12211945316977111a8d5dlr3.jpg

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If he were playing with ZEP, gas prices would not be a issue. People would drive accross the country to see them. You just have to understand, many like Allison/Plant............but many, many more think that it is a big waste of time. And, this is showing at the box office.

Not sure if you read the article or not (judging from your ill informed response, I'd say NOT) but I'd say it has more to do with the economy and the price of gas. As for Plant's tour with Krauss it was in the planning stages long before the concert at the 02 was even a blip on the radar.

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If he were playing with ZEP, gas prices would not be a issue. People would drive accross the country to see them. You just have to understand, many like Allison/Plant............but many, many more think that it is a big waste of time. And, this is showing at the box office.

Where's your evidence for this statement? :angry:

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Not sure if you read the article or not (judging from your ill informed response, I'd say NOT) but I'd say it has more to do with the economy and the price of gas. As for Plant's tour with Krauss it was in the planning stages long before the concert at the 02 was even a blip on the radar.

So you are trying to say that if Plant were touring with Page, JPJ, and Jason instead of Allison he would not be pulling in larger crowd?? If so, you sir are ill informed. :D

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So you are trying to say that if Plant were touring with Page, JPJ, and Jason instead of Allison he would not be pulling in larger crowd?? If so, you sir are ill informed. :D

Why would Plant be touring with Page, Jones and Jason anyway? The 02 concert was planned as a one time only event in memory of Ahmet. Plant's commitment to record and tour with Krauss was made a long time before the 02 concert even happened. He's only making good on that obligation. The same could be true of Page, Jones or Jason if they had made similar commitments. If Zeppelin were touring, the economy would be having the same effect on their tour. Try reading the article and see where only a handful of artists are having successful tours due to the overwhelming price of gas and the struggling economy.

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Why would Plant be touring with Page, Jones and Jason anyway? The 02 concert was planned as a one time only event in memory of Ahmet. Plant's commitment to record and tour with Krauss was made a long time before the 02 concert even happened. He's only making good on that obligation. The same could be true of Page, Jones or Jason if they had made similar commitments. If Zeppelin were touring, the economy would be having the same effect on their tour. Try reading the article and see where only a handful of artists are having successful tours due to the overwhelming price of gas and the struggling economy.

There's little point arguing with scs Jahfin. He has a continual downer attitude to RP whatever anyone else says. The needle is stuck with him :blink:

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There's little point arguing with scs Jahfin. He has a continual downer attitude to RP whatever anyone else says. The needle is stuck with him :blink:

Very true but he doesn't seem to be the only one here that is severely misinformed about why a Led Zeppelin tour isn't happening. It's though those people either haven't been paying attention and/or are acting rather child-like by covering their eyes and ears and are keeping their heads buried in the sand. I'm a huge Zep fan and would love to see them tour at some point but I also understand why it isn't happening and why it may never happen (there was never a promise of a tour to start with, just a one off show at the 02 in memory of Ahmet), none of which I blame on Robert Plant, Alison Krauss or any of the surviving members of Led Zeppelin. I just fail to understand what so many find so difficult to understand about that.

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I'm still in disbelief every time I hear the media talk about how successful the Plant/Krauss shows are. Yes, they are successful, but relative to what?

I think they sold a lot of albums and tickets partially because of former Krauss fans, and partially because of curious Led Zep fans.

My question is: if this album and tour are so amazing, why is it so easy to get tickets in these small arenas? Everytime I check ticketmaster.com there are seats available for nearly all their shows.

NOTE: Sorry Plant/Krauss fans, I had to vent a little, it's still hard to get over these two together.

You should go see their show. Then come back and tell us what you think. I notice the San Diego concert is sold out.

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I just fail to understand what so many find so difficult to understand about that.

It's really very simple, so many have waited, supported Plants solo career,...........waited, supported Plants solo career, over and over again. Well it's no longer "Ten Years Gone", it's 28 years gone. This is now a unique time: Page is in shape, JPJ is no longer upset, and Jason is ready to go. Why Plant can't come out and say that after the Allison project is over, he is going to do something "Zeppelin" for his legions of fans and band mates I will never know. But I do know why, because he only thinks of himself. He proves this over and over again. Many are tired of his bait and switch tactics. Now anyone around here that feels like I do (and there are many, they just do not say, but they PM me their support) gets labeled a TROLL, IDIOT, etc. That's fine, I do find blind loyality amusing and funny. :D:D

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He thinks about Alison Krauss, T-Bone Burnett, his audience, and a whole host of other artistic priorities, along with having fun, and you should, too. Think about having fun.

Eternal light, I have tons of fun. I am also truly happy for you that you are enjoying the Allison/Plant duet like you are. I never mean anything personal. Would it not be nice for Plant to announce something now with Zeppelin for after this duet? I just do not understand Plants smoke and mirrors.

But, Eternal Light.................I do think that you are one of the nicest people around here. :)

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It's really very simple, so many have waited, supported Plants solo career,...........waited, supported Plants solo career, over and over again. Well it's no longer "Ten Years Gone", it's 28 years gone. This is now a unique time: Page is in shape, JPJ is no longer upset, and Jason is ready to go. Why Plant can't come out and say that after the Allison project is over, he is going to do something "Zeppelin" for his legions of fans and band mates I will never know. But I do know why, because he only thinks of himself. He proves this over and over again. Many are tired of his bait and switch tactics. Now anyone around here that feels like I do (and there are many, they just do not say, but they PM me their support) gets labeled a TROLL, IDIOT, etc. That's fine, I do find blind loyality amusing and funny. :D:D


He only thinks of himself!!!!!!!

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Eternal light, I have tons of fun. I am also truly happy for you that you are enjoying the Allison/Plant duet like you are. I never mean anything personal. Would it not be nice for Plant to announce something now with Zeppelin for after this duet? I just do not understand Plants smoke and mirrors.

But, Eternal Light.................I do think that you are one of the nicest people around here. :)

It would perhaps be nice, and it could happen, but in my view there is no smoke and there are no mirrors, just the inner workings of the human soul. And thank you for the compliment. :D

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It's really very simple, so many have waited, supported Plants solo career,...........waited, supported Plants solo career, over and over again. Well it's no longer "Ten Years Gone", it's 28 years gone. This is now a unique time: Page is in shape, JPJ is no longer upset, and Jason is ready to go. Why Plant can't come out and say that after the Allison project is over, he is going to do something "Zeppelin" for his legions of fans and band mates I will never know. But I do know why, because he only thinks of himself. He proves this over and over again. Many are tired of his bait and switch tactics. Now anyone around here that feels like I do (and there are many, they just do not say, but they PM me their support) gets labeled a TROLL, IDIOT, etc. That's fine, I do find blind loyality amusing and funny. :D:D

I don't recall ever referring to you as a "troll" but you do seem dead set that Plant owes you something in regards to a Zep tour and that he is the sole obstacle (again, what if Page, Jones or Jason were in the same position as Plant, would you direct the same type of outright hate towards them?). For one thing, nothing has even been said about a Zep tour. The 02 concert was the only thing that was promised. There have been tons of rumors flying about a tour, a new album, etc. but I chalk them up to just that, rumors. Until then I'm going to enjoy the upcoming Plant and Krauss show when it comes to Raleigh. If there happens to be some sort of Zeppelin tour, album, etc. after that I will consider it icing on the cake. I don't think Plant (or Page, Jones or Jason for that matter) owe me a thing. They delivered on the reunion concert in honor of Ahmet which is all they ever promised.

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Very true but he doesn't seem to be the only one here that is severely misinformed about why a Led Zeppelin tour isn't happening. It's though those people either haven't been paying attention and/or are acting rather child-like by covering their eyes and ears and are keeping their heads buried in the sand. I'm a huge Zep fan and would love to see them tour at some point but I also understand why it isn't happening and why it may never happen (there was never a promise of a tour to start with, just a one off show at the 02 in memory of Ahmet), none of which I blame on Robert Plant, Alison Krauss or any of the surviving members of Led Zeppelin. I just fail to understand what so many find so difficult to understand about that.

Oh I agree with you. RP& AK was online way before any reunion was considered, we all know that. Plant seems to be enjoying himself with AK but some here don't like that but who are they to deny him the right to play whatever or wherever he chooses.

I live in hope like many that the will do more shows or a tour but until anything is announced then its pointless people having all the shitty discussions about it.

I never thought the 02 would happen but it did and I was there and loved every second of it, I wanted something to come of it but knew that RP was going to tour with AK. Why should he cancel a binding commitment? Certainly not because people like scs feel he should. In fact around the forums he is the most vociferous knocker of RP about this. Even some of the diehard "it has to be Plant in Zep or nothing" brigade have been surprised by this union and quality of the shows. scs only wants RP in Zep and seems to think that if he argues enough he will convice RP to reunite with Jimmy and Jonesy. Personally if i was RP i would twat him. But thats me talking really.

But as a so called Plant fan he has displayed some disgraceful disrespect in his posts. Personally I don't feel he deserves to see any future Zep show. :thumbdown:

Whereas the rest of us do :D

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"That may be one reason why fans so eagerly anticipated Robert Plant, Alison Krauss and T Bone Burnett bringing their Raising Sand folk/ bluegrass revue to Red Rocks. Fans who weren’t on the ball were completely shut out Saturday night, as the show has been dead sold-out for weeks (Red Rocks officials dealt with the disappointed requests by putting a handwritten sign up outside the box office saying no, not a single ticket was left)." From review of Red Rocks pretty crowded at the shows I've attended thus far :D

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That is a valid point. I haven't seen Plant/Krauss live and I don't have their album. I have seen their "Crossroads" special on TV here in the US, but obviously that's not the same as a live show. I do plan on checking out a show before the tour is over.

Still, I'm convinced it's short term success (hence, wide availability of tix for shows). Mr. Plant does feel like he's being innovative, new, fresh, etc....so kudos to him. But I think he covered the whole "country music" exploration far better on Zeppelin III. I just wish he would explore new territory with Page/Jones/Bonham.

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