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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Cymbaline and Green Is The Colour live at KQED in 1970 is stunning, amazing pieces of work. Top-notch performance from all of them.
  2. Floyd fans like the album, just not as much as they like other works. That's not a knock against it or anything, just that tastes vary even within the ranks of Floydian fandom. Personally, I think there's a couple great songs on there, but it's not favorite piece. I'm glad that you really like it, though.
  3. David got an honorary Doctor of Arts degree today from Anglia Ruskin University. How precious does he look? The Pagettes have Mr. MacGregor, we can have Dr. Gilmour. I'd take his class. And fail it. So I can take it over the summer. To fail it again. And then do extra credit.
  4. The fact the weather went from 43 and raining to 65 and overcast. I'll take the lack of sunshine if it meant it would warm up a bit. I actually walked my dog wearing a hoodie, instead of my heavy jacket.
  5. The Final Cut sucks. Don't waste your money or your time, unless you really really want to. Get Obscured By Clouds first. Then The Division Bell. Both are quintessentially Floyd, without the hype.
  6. David's nuts. Gorgeous, but nuts. Which I suppose is the only way for it to be.
  7. Mad Men Cold Case CSI: NY Project Runway The Golden Girls Roseanne Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team
  8. I just finished watching the season finale of Mad Men. It was fantastic.
  9. Yankee Haters make me smile. Just go check out my blog and read the first post. It's a compilation of some of the most asstastic comments Yankee Haters left on the post directly below it after the game ended. I mean, someone actually said they wanted the team plane to crash. That wasn't funny, but the others sure as hell were. http://yankeeschick.mlblogs.com
  10. Treat Her Like A Lady - Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose
  11. Quit whining. An online petition is going to do jack squat in alleviating your "problem".
  12. The weather. It was 71 today and I walked the dog with a tank top on, no need for my hoodie. 71 in November! One of the things I love about living in the South [or at least mid-Atlantic].
  13. http://www.gilmourish.com GREAT site.
  14. Gilmourish has a great wallpaper made out of that picture.
  15. Those are amazing mint green socks he's wearing there. And it's okay imPLANTed.....your lus....admiration for David is perfectly fine. After all, what's not to admire? Good-looking, charitable, smart, talented and good-looking. Perfect package.
  16. I know it's wrong and all that jazz, but some people just need a good punch to the face. She sounds like one of them. The more and more I hear of this woman, the more and more I would like to drive to New Orleans, find her and drop kick her. What a bitch. It's women like her that eff the system up for the rest of us.
  17. CastTV Fancast Hulu I never have to turn a TV on again. Love it.
  18. Isn't it a little early for Thanksgiving talk? I mean, we only just celebrated Halloween. We don't even know who all is coming this year or what we're serving.
  19. Hell yes! I love when we "fall back". It means Thanksgiving and Christmas are on their way.
  20. How about some Animals-era David?
  21. While getting drunk once in a while is not harmful, I don't feel the need to go out and do it. It doesn't interest me. Furthermore, I hate being around drunks. So why let myself get into that state? Also, getting drunk will not make you a better person. Getting drunk because you think it'll change you or make you more appealing is the sign of a serious problem.
  22. I got out of passing out candy this year!! Thank you Jebus.
  23. I have it on vinyl so no, I've never seen that picture. Although I think I know which one you're talking about. And WYWH is indeed a great album, David has said it's their best in his opinion. It certainly was the last album they did as foursome where you felt everyone was contributing in some way.
  24. Thankfully someone other than me will be passing candy out tomorrow night so I don't have to. Thank God.
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