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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Speaking only for myself, I disagree. I dislike the song not because of anything Robert has said about it, but because I think it's overplayed and overhyped. Personally, I think they did better songs that deserve more airplay than Stairway has gotten and more than likely, will get. It's a great song, no doubt. But it's not even the best song on the album it's on. I think people (not necessarily anyone here) have created this image of Stairway being this Godlike song, when it's not. Their later material to me, was a lot stronger musically and lyrically.
  2. I don't know. The stuff that is on Coda is on Coda for a reason. It wasn't good enough to make the cut. I will say ITTOD is in my top 3 Zep albums, though. In The Evening, I'm Gonna Crawl and Fool In The Rain are my faves.
  3. That was absolutely unnecessary and no one here gives a flying turd what percentage of what ethnic group our President is a part of. I can almost guarantee you no one has ever said here, "Gee, I wonder what percentage of Barack Obama's genes are white."
  4. Most people who read stories like that are just going to post reactionary crap anyway. I'm beyond overjoyed that he's doing this for a couple reasons; one, he said he would. Two, if we're supposedly better than the enemy, a good start would be to act like we're better. Stooping to the same gutter tactics aren't winning us any friends. Three, it shows that Obama is serious about cleaning up Bush's mess. So far, I can't find anything for anyone to complain about.
  5. I don't care about reader comments. I care about the actual content of the news story being presented. If there's something wrong with the factual element of what I posted, please post a correction. Otherwise, I don't give a rip and a half what a bunch of yahoos online have to say.
  6. Don't ban Rush from the radio. That's exactly what the GOP wants people to say. "Oh you don't agree, you must want them banned." No, let him spew his psychotic ramblings for however long he wants to whomever he wants. The longer he does it, the longer we can laugh at him!
  7. And even better! http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...re-gitmo-a.html
  8. Gets even better: Obama to sign order Thursday authorizing the closing of Gitmo within a year
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/21/gua...ings/index.html The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It'll take a while to completely close the place down, but he needed to start the process ASAP. Good on you, Mr. President.
  10. "Pres Bush kept us safe" Again allow me to bring up the tiger-repelling rock. See this rock here? It keeps tigers away. You know how I know it keeps tigers away? Since I've had this rock, not one tiger has attacked me. President Bush caused 4,000+ of our men and women to die in two wars, one of which we had no business starting. That's more than the casualties of 9/11. Which happened during his administration, BTW. I wouldn't call that "keeping us safe". And if you mention "oh, we haven't been attacked since then", I'll have to tell you the story of my rock again.
  11. Hannity is a smug little turd. O'Reilly is mostly a blowhard but that video of him on YouTube flipping his shit back when he was on InsideEdition is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen. It's hilarious watching him lose his ass.
  12. No, Obama doesn't have blue eyes. Both his parents had dark eyes, so as it would follow, he does as well. If you've ever even seen a picture of the man, you'd know this.
  13. It says 16 Nov 2008, but I think we all know that's a fallacy.
  14. Who would be arrogant enough to think that the fucking President of the United States wrote his Inaugural address with coded messages about YOUR favorite band? "ZOMG he said Levee that means he likes ZEP!!! WOO-HOO!!!" Gee, had he said something about generations and not getting fooled again, would you scream he was a secret Who fan?
  15. You've only just now realized how much that station sucks ass?
  16. Other than Chief Justice Roberts messing up the Oath a little, it was a great Inauguration. I am beyond proud to see the man I supported, defended and voted for sworn in as our President. What a great day for Americans. Also, my thoughts and prayers go out to Ted Kennedy's family; he collapsed and suffered a seizure during the Inaugural luncheon.
  17. I don't know about that. There are stereotypes about the right and religion, but I don't think they have anything to do with the right being more religious in toto.
  18. I have this tiger-repelling rock too. You know how I know it repels tigers? Not one tiger has ever attacked me. I guess I should say rocks protect us from tigers.
  19. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=muff Maybe that's what you meant, maybe not. Either way, that sounded incredibly creepy.
  20. The economy is in the shitter and is going to be in the shitter for a while. To escape endless news reports about how this Wall Street average is down or how this company needs a bailout or how this many people are now on unemployment.....this is a good thing. 24 hours, 7 days of week of having it drilled into our heads about how we're essentially broke gets old. A few days of talking about something positive and happy and dare I say HOPEFUL won't kill anyone. On January 21st we can go back to shitting our pants over the economy.
  21. Chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.
  22. "Too much media coverage and way too happy" Oh yes, how dare the media do what they usually do and cover the inauguration of the next President. Why, it should be done in secret in underground caves. And the people being happy? Fuck their happiness, I say. Everyone should be dour and miserable and sulking and crying and pissed off. A happy American people is the first step toward tyrrany. DOWN WITH JOY!! END SMILING!! DESTROY HAPPY!!
  23. Aww how cute. You thought I wasn't talking about this board. And then you went off on ad hominum attacks. Precious.
  24. I don't think anyone cares what percentage of what he is. Really.
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