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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Getting off work today. They don't pay enough to deal with the stupidity I had to face today.
  2. You mean the clubs aren't in the same buildings as the museums?! SERIOUSLY?!!?!?
  3. No, it's not. It's not even the greatest song Led Zeppelin did.
  4. Did it ever occur to you (haha, like this would actually happen) that perhaps it's YOU who has the problem, not the women you meet? I know, it's a shocking theory. It seems you find more fault in people than do you the good, so maybe just maybe......that says more about you than it does them. Once again, shocking theory.
  5. Why oh why did you have to ruin this thread? We were having a perfectly good time making fun of the Spears redneck clan before you came along.
  6. ^^He doesn't. If he did, he wouldn't say the things about women that he does. If he didn't have such archaic views of men and women and relationships, perhaps he'd be a bit happier. Or if he didn't find being single such a bore. I'm single and I'm happy. I have plenty of things to do to keep me occupied; my job, my friends, my family. I don't need a relationship to define my attitude; sadly, he does.
  7. I thought Britney Spears was pregnant again.
  8. You know fuck all about women. You haven't dated enough of them to say you know "all" about women. The reason you're single is because you're a sexist, lazy pig. You have standards, but they're unreasonable, asinine and dated about 50 years. You don't want to date unattractive women because the women who approach you reflect your personality.....which is 10 steps to the left of unattractive. So take a quarter and go buy a fucking clue. You don't know how to read very well. I didn't say they were my friends. I said I went to H.S. with them. We're all on Facebook, so I know what they're up to right now. And yes, they all have college degrees.
  9. You know, I'm pretty sure that by asking "you know women"? he was implying you're lonely and don't date. Which is not the same as gay. BTW, two kids by 25 is not that big of a deal. Quite a few people I went to H.S. with are married with a couple kids by now, and we're all 25-26. And I went to H.S. in Chicago.
  10. You didn't see the words "Boise, Idaho" where it says "from" under her avatar? If Boise is in the South, you failed Geography class. He wasn't saying you were gay, dumbass.
  11. I thought everyone knew what this word was; it's been used in practically every show on television.
  12. Did you completely gloss over my post from last night where I stated that I did not agree with the thread starter's idea about that? You obviously did. Quelle surprise. I do however think aside from that, this thread is doing no one any harm. Except for you. So maybe you should stop posting here. Because the more you post here, the more it looks like this thread really doesn't bother you all that much.
  13. You can't possibly be serious. Everyone else here was talking about what this thread was started for until you came in and decided to play the part of the moral majority. It was unnecessary and no one cares. You're the one telling people (completely offensively, by the way) that they have no respect for human life because they're criticizing Jamie Lynn Spears. Don't YOU think that's a tad OTT? I have no problem with what this thread was started to discuss. You do. So.....quit posting in it.
  14. Can't Get You Out Of My Head - Kylie Minogue
  15. Maybe you should stay out of the thread if you don't like it. No one is forcing you to reply to any post contained therein. If people want to discuss this, let them. If you don't want to discuss it, leave.
  16. ^^If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. No one here needs to be lectured by you on the sanctity of human life. If you don't like people making comments about celebrities, stay the hell out of threads about celebrities.
  17. Who said I was endorsing Rudy Guiliani? Way to completely put words in my mouth. I'm a Democrat, and unless Hilary Clinton is the Democratic nominee, I'm voting for a Democrat in the general election next year. If Hilary is it, I'm not voting. I'd rather not vote at all than waste my vote. So all that stuff you typed out fell on deaf ears.
  18. We point out the things other people do that aren't smart, why should she be any different? She did something stupid. If she ends up a better mother than her sister, that'll be the best outcome.
  19. No, she wanted a pay-day for her story. She knew that this story would be worth a lot to someone, so she ran with it. She's the 16 year old younger sister of one of this decade's biggest screw-ups. There's money to be made in this story. I don't want anything bad to happen to her or her child either, but that doesn't mean she's above condemnation.
  20. I think it was her mother who sold the story, if you can believe that. Either way, that whole family is screwed up. I'm waiting for their older brother to say he's gay or a Satanist or something that will top what Jamie Lynn and Britney have done. Oh come off it. This sanctimony on your part could choke a horse. You're not Clarence Darrow fighting for the downtrodden here. Celebrities have the same rights as other people, but at a point.....it stops. They're famous, they put themselves in the public eye because they wouldn't be famous if they didn't. People talk about the things they do. You and I are not famous, so therefore it wouldn't be common to find people on a message board discussing our lives or our fashion choices. Britney Spears does things in public that if she wasn't famous and did anyway, people would STILL talk about. She, and others like her, are public fodder because they put themselves out there to be talked about. You don't get how celebrity works.
  21. THEY'RE CELEBRITIES. Do you understand that? Their personal lives are public fodder BECAUSE THEY'RE CELEBRITIES. I don't think anyone should be sterilized and my replying to this thread doesn't mean I agree with that particular comment. Frankly, she should have been using birth control of some kind, and she probably wasn't. Either that or she's in the rare percentage of women who use it properly and still have it fail. If you have an issue with that comment, take it up with the person who said it. Notice that it's not me. Or DoZ.
  22. She's always dramatic. Celebrities put themselves in the public eye everyday, and whether you like it or not, the things they do are discussed on forums like this all the time. No one is saying they should be shot, or something ridiculous like that.
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