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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. If you intentionally start a thread you know will start a fight/argument....that's baiting.
  2. So this is another magazine I need to buy. Thank God the Barnes and Noble near me carries imports.
  3. Because Queen fans outnumber Zeppelin fans in that poll, obviously. It's all subjective, there's no reason to be pissed/annoyed/bothered/angered by it.
  4. If we don't have water in Georgia, why am I drinking tap water right now? We have water. Not as much as we normally would because of the drought, but we're not all in danger of dying of thirst. Good Lord.
  5. Quit talking to Robert Plant as if he reads this board and will personally be affected by what you say. He's got better things to do than sit around and wonder if some random name on a message board wants him to tour or not.
  6. Enough Is Enough (No More Tears) - Donna Summer & Barbara Streisand
  7. Maybe creepy stalker vibe would be more appropriate. Seriously dude, you're squicking me out.
  8. Rocky Mountain High - John Denver
  9. Would I love to see Zeppelin tour? Sure. I never got to see them live in my lifetime, up close and in the venue. But to expect, no....DEMAND they tour? Please. They owe us NOTHING. ZILCH. NADA. ZERO. BUPKIS. They have given and given and given to their fans over the years, now some fans have the gall to take more?
  10. I'm really sick of peoples' post counts being used as a means of insulting them.
  11. Really? God insisted he resign? Doesn't God have better things to do?
  12. Uhhhh, no......I'm not. If you added up all the time per day I'm am physically posting on this site, it probably wouldn't add up to 4 hours. I have a job, you know.
  13. You're Making Me High - Toni Braxton
  14. No, not really. I'm not on this site as much as people might think I am.
  15. A lot of younger fans were turned on to the band by their parents or older siblings. My dad got me into my music taste, which is pretty much oldies/classic rock. There's quite a few people on this forum older than their 20s-30s, they just haven't filled this poll out. I'm sure if they did, the results would skew in that direction.
  16. When I was a senior, as a business major you had to take a class called BuSA 4980, which is a capstone class incorporating everything you learned in the business college during your stay there. You basically had to run a shoe company. It was all online and you had to make the shoes, market them, sell them, deal with overstock.....everything someone who owned a company would have to deal with. At the end of the semester, you had to turn in a 200-400 page report, and it was pretty much the reports you did every day for class bundled together. You had to have charts, graphs, and breakdowns for each demographic you sold to and each location you sold to. This wasn't the only class I had my last semester, but it took up 80-90% of my time. It was hell, but I earned that A.
  17. I'd rather not spend valuable time at the age of 25 thinking about the musical selections at my funeral.
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