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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Ummm, I know what emasculate means. So I don't need to thank you for that. How was I supposed to know you were referencing the governor of California? I don't pay attention to anything he does or says.
  2. Obviously not. Was it some kind of Caddyshack reference? I don't really watch comedic movies anymore, they're too stupid.
  3. Uhhh, I added the sentence about my friend owning an Escalade. I'd hardly call that quickly changing anything.
  4. Now I KNOW you're really that Bill guy who kept PMing me to tell me how much he loved the Eagles.
  5. Cadillac's car is an Esacalade. I don't know if you said "emasculade" on purpose or not. My friend has an Escalade, it's a pretty nice car.
  6. Cowboy Take Me Away - Dixie Chicks
  7. Hilary will win because of Bill. Not because she's actually the best candidate or because she makes the most sense or because she's the lesser of two evils. She'll more than likely win because her husband was President. And can it get sadder than that? Well, yes it can....look who our current President is.
  8. Yeah, if one more person tells me Hotel California is about Satan, Satanism or anything like that, I'm going to laugh myself so hard, I'll puke on their shoes. The song is metaphor. They likened Hollywood and the Hollywood lifestyle to a luxury hotel. A hotel whose amenities trap you and keep you chained to your vices. People read waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far into things for their own good.
  9. Singing In The Rain - Gene Kelly
  10. Edit: Nevermind, not worth it anymore.
  11. There are some people here I just don't get along with. We don't agree on anything, most of the time we do nothing but argue should I choose to respond to their posts and their opinion at times can be so vile and hateful, reading it pisses me off. This way, I don't have to read it and I keep myself from saying something to them I might regret later. It's censoring myself, basically. It's me choosing not to see something I know will only make me angry because of its caustic content. It's no different than choosing not expose yourself to any number of things, if you don't like it. I don't like Rush Limbaugh....I don't listen to him. I don't like Howard Stern....I don't listen to him.
  12. HAHAHAHA!!! You couldn't be more wrong if wrong came up and bit you on the backside. You don't know me from a hole in the wall, so save your erroneous assertions about my personality for someone else. HAHA....this was funny. I need to show my sister this one.
  13. Thank you, Hallmark card generator.
  14. Because the music is good. Why the hell else listen to ANY band? There is no answer to a DVD, there is no nothing. Just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo people who were bored one night decided to read too far into. It's a DVD. With a picture. And some words. Means nothing. If you convince yourself enough that it has meaning, it suddenly will. Doesn't mean it was there to begin with. It's psychosomatic. Just like the people who insist if you play STH backwards, you hear Satanic messages. I very sincerely doubt whoever was responsible for the DVD packaging intentionally put some coded message into it for all the magical mystical people to cream their pants over. No one is more of a fan or less of fan or not a "real", "true" or "complete" fan. We're all fans, that's why we're here. I call myself a Zeppelin fan because I love the band and I love their music. That's all it should take to call oneself a Zeppelin fan.
  15. I never thought they'd tour to begin with. A lot of this is wishful thinking.
  16. Project 96.1 here in Atlanta has been playing a lot of Quiet Riot today.
  17. Roses are red, Violets are blue. That's what they say, but it just isn't true. Roses are red, and apples are too. But violets are violet. Violets aren't blue. An orange is orange, but Greenland's not green. A pinky's not pink, so what does it mean? To call something blue when it's not, you defile it. But aww, what the heck? It's hard to rhyme "violet".
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