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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Not many. Most of my friends don't listen to the style of music I do. Which is cool, shit would be boring if everyone you knew listened to the same stuff all the time.
  2. What was the point of that, especially the last photo? You do realize that it's racist to compare a black person to an ape, right?
  3. Depends. I have a lot of vinyl, a lot of CDs and a lot of mp3s. For the most part though, if I'm at home listening to music, it's vinyl and if I'm in the car or otherwise traveling, it's my iPod.
  4. Getting some new PF boots in the mail (email) that I didn't have before. Looks like I'll have a fun weekend listening to them and deciding which ones I like the best.
  5. Anti-American rhetoric is as stupid as anti-British rhetoric or anti-Canadian rhetoric or anti-Jamaican rhetoric.
  6. Hey turns out something is wrong that there video. http://gawker.com/5513068/the-full-version-of-the-wikileaks-video-is-missing-30-minutes-of-footage
  7. What makes you think the fact she got naked is the reason some people have a problem with it? If she filmed this video in the same way in any other public space in Dallas, I wouldn't have given a shit, and I said as much in my initial post. I just think the location she chose was tacky, insulting and stupid. Same goes for Ground Zero, Pearl Harbor, or any other site of a major historical event in this country.
  8. Spending the day in Raleigh with my sister.
  9. Finding out that my sister and I are going to Raleigh tomorrow since she has the day off! We're going to see all the sights and then go to our favorite restaurant for lunch.
  10. Why do you think music is only music if it contains musical instruments?
  11. Maybe it's just me, but I think Dealey Plaza should be afforded a tad more respect than that. I don't care that she got butt-naked in a video, that's her prerogative. I just think the site of a President's murder shouldn't be used for something like that. I'm sure there were other parks/areas in Dallas where she could have shot the video if she wanted to do it.
  12. I don't have children, and I don't particularly want them either. Also, the tone of your posts is taking on one of condescension, and we can all do without that, I think.
  13. Not all opinions are equal, I don't believe anyone said otherwise. But that's all opinions in toto, comprising everything on earth anyone could ever have an opinion about. If however, you choose to look at opinions about subjective or theoretical things like music and art....then yeah, all opinions are equal. You can't disprove an opinion without factual evidence to back you up.
  14. I never said that you personally feel/said rap is not art/music. I was asking you a question that was pertinent to the discussion in the thread at the moment. If you want to make wild and baseless accusations/assumptions, go for it. At least we know not to deal with you now.
  15. Ah, there's a problem with your analogy. You are right that people can think the earth is flat if they want. However FACTUALLY, we know that is incorrect. Their opinion is not supported by fact, which is what makes them wrong. However, where is the factual evidence that rap is not music/art? If there were something factual confirming or denying the assertion, then you could say that while people are free to believe what they want, there is in fact, a right answer. Since "what is art/music?" is a purely theoretical question, there are no facts. I may think that banging a spoon on a saucepan is not music, but you may think it is. Who is right? Both our opinions on the issue are valid, as there is nothing factual to eliminate either one as being incorrect. That is why threads like this aren't good for anything other than pissing and moaning.
  16. And that's your right. As a woman, I think the word "whore" is disgusting. I don't like it when it's used to defame a woman, whether a woman is saying it or a man is. You're free to think that it's NOT offensive, but don't pretend that something like that is on equal footing with someone getting their knickers in a twist over someone else thinking rap is music. As to your assertion that it's a "politically correct cliche" that all opinions are equal, I say.......that's your opinion. All this started because a poster dared to say they thought rap was music/Art. Sweet Jesus shortcake.
  17. The weather. It's blissful. 69 degrees, sunny, not a cloud to be found. It's supposed to be 85 tomorrow, 86 on Friday and 83 on Saturday. Viva spring!
  18. Hell no. Who gets offended over trivial shit like that? There's more consequential things in this world to get offended by. I had someone who has never heard The Division Bell by Pink Floyd tell me that it's crap because Roger Waters was out of the band by then. I just went "you're entitled to your opinion" and I moved on. I happen to love that album, but that's MY opinion. Someone else's may be different. That's the beautiful thing about opinions. I don't think because I'm a die-hard Pink Floyd fan my opinion of their music is more valid/important/worthy than someone who is not. The same would apply if you put any other band's name in there.
  19. Hey Nineteen - Steely Dan I've been on a Steely Dan kick the last couple days.
  20. You're seriously getting offended over this? People's opinions about music or what constitutes music is subjective. You don't think rap is music. Toscano does. Agree to disagree and move on.
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