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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I chose Babe I'm Gonna Leave You. I much prefer the other "babe/baby" song on the album.
  2. Of course they chose Stairway as #1. Because apparently that's the only song Led Zeppelin ever did.
  3. Knebby knows more about Led Zeppelin than you've forgotten.
  4. I'm interested in getting some LZ boots to add to my Pink Floyd bootleg collection, however I don't know what the best ones are that I should concentrate on looking for. If you had to pick the five or ten best bootlegs of theirs, what would they be? Soundboards are always great, but high-quality audience recordings are fine too. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. The weather, spending time with my family, getting my chores done early, finding new boots to listen to, and finding a $20 bill in an old purse in the back of my closet.
  6. Let me get this straight. You tell people here that the reason they don't like Mary J. Blige's cover of Stairway to Heaven is because of "racism and bigotry". Those were YOUR words. You got called out on that because not only is it wrong, it's fucking disgusting. Then you called the people who called you out on it, racists. So in your little world, anyone who disagrees with you about this, is a racist. Is that the message we're to take from your ramblings in this thread? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. BTW, if you don't like the word "fuck", you need to get over yourself. You may think I have a dirty mouth, but at least I don't go around calling other people racists because they don't like someone's cover of a Led Zeppelin song. So I'll take my dirty mouth and be proud of it because if the alternative is being you, I'd rather hang myself.
  7. You basically said that people who didn't like her cover of the song, hated it because she was black. Which is a fucking joke and you damn well know it. You threw the "racism" card out on the table when there was no need for it at all. And for that you should be embarrassed.
  8. HAHAHAHA. Nice try Sparky, but no sale. Maybe you need to do a little research on racial stereotypes in America.....from about the 1800s to the 1960s and realize that the term "porch monkey" was not an endearing sobriquet. Nor were all the allusions to gorillas and the strongest slaves on the plantation. See I read books and I learn things. I also live in the South, where a lot of those stereotypes and ignorant sayings are still alive and well today, and it's 2010. I did love your attempt at deflection by trying to throw the racist label back on me. That was so cute. Lame and about a trillion times off-base, but cute. I noticed Jahfin made the same inference that I did, yet you said nothing to him. Maybe you need to take a step back and think that if more than one person draws the same conclusion......that's the conclusion to be drawn.
  9. It Don't Matter To Me - Bread
  10. Don't you know you're not supposed to touch the brown acid? Either that or it's rubber-padded room time.
  11. It ain't the real deal. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter.....it's very easy for people to pose as celebrities and dupe people.
  12. Not many. Most of my friends don't listen to the style of music I do. Which is cool, shit would be boring if everyone you knew listened to the same stuff all the time.
  13. What was the point of that, especially the last photo? You do realize that it's racist to compare a black person to an ape, right?
  14. Depends. I have a lot of vinyl, a lot of CDs and a lot of mp3s. For the most part though, if I'm at home listening to music, it's vinyl and if I'm in the car or otherwise traveling, it's my iPod.
  15. Getting some new PF boots in the mail (email) that I didn't have before. Looks like I'll have a fun weekend listening to them and deciding which ones I like the best.
  16. Anti-American rhetoric is as stupid as anti-British rhetoric or anti-Canadian rhetoric or anti-Jamaican rhetoric.
  17. Hey turns out something is wrong that there video. http://gawker.com/5513068/the-full-version-of-the-wikileaks-video-is-missing-30-minutes-of-footage
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