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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. I also have firewood to finish stacking and chopping. Move from box trailer to pile in backyard. But first, pick up bike from mechanics and accompany missus to the Antique Fair on this weekend at Ipswich. Then weed-n-feed + mow the lawns, pick up all the kindling strewn around the lawn from the giant gum and prep a fire for tonight in the pit.

    Inside it is configure my new NAS to prep for my new security IP Camera. LOTS of research and how-to's to go through.

    Busy inside and out this weekend. Lucky the weather is beautiful Spring time weather.

  2. I'm not sure if a thread like this has already been done, I'll assume not.

    Today Going up the Country by Canned Heat came on the radio and once again I thought to myself how awesome this would have been given the Zeppelin treatment. Led Zeppelin would have killed this live. Every time I hear this it strongly plays in my head as if Zep are attacking it. Jimmy setting up the song in place of the pan flute ( I think '75 tone would suit), the Bonham/Jones groove dropping in supreme, add in some delicious Bonham fills which would suit this so much, and Jimmy and Percy going on with it having a cracking good time.... this always occurs to me and I rock out much harder than I should to this song because of it. Porgy, i reckon you guys could do some Songs in the style of Zep posts for a bit of fun. And this one can kick it off! :yesnod:

    So wadayareckon peeps? If Led Zeppelin covered a song or two somewhere along the way, what song would you want it to be?

    You can cheat and nominate songs from a later period since it is all fantasy...

  3. 5 hours ago, The Only Way To Fly said:

    It's interesting for sure and am looking forward to hearing the full version. Hearing only a minute or so of the track I can kind of see why they dropped it from the set. Maybe hearing the full version will change my mind, but first impression is I like the studio and outtake versions better.

    Agree. It didn't seem to be a killer track live. I'd still love it though....

  4. 1 hour ago, ebk said:

    I'd also buy official merch. 

    Meanwhile, I'd like to warn you all about redbubble masks.  While the art is very nice, the masks are cheap an ill-fitting.  Keep that in mind.  

    Yeah, I figured they were just cashing in on an idea, no quality. I won't be getting any. Hopefully the merch store will have something. If they can produce umbrellas, beach towels, shoes, surely a mask can be done!

  5. 10 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    Genius?   Jimmy hasn't played a guitar in years or this could have happened already. Jimmy will never make new music or be seen playing live again in ANY kind of setting but to sit and listen to select shows and get his reaction to what's being played would be priceless along with Jones or Plant.

    You are of course dead right Hummers, Jimmy has not played in years. That is why if he was looking to play but had not yet found the right outlet/project or was too nervous or whatever - online offers a unique way he could ease into something. The only thing I hope you are wrong about is the Jimmy will never part. There is always hope...

  6. 7 hours ago, Strider said:

    Jimmy gets too defensive on even the most innocuous subjects, and doesn't ever seem to be able to relax and have fun with the topic of Led Zeppelin.

    Yeah, but maybe. Given the right setting and interviewer, might be good. Someone like Denton (He interviewed Plant, he is quite good at letting the guest speak, but still steering the interview). But yeah, 100% it is a infinitesimally small longshot.

    7 hours ago, Strider said:

    What I would really like to see Jimmy do is what many of my musician buddies have done during the coronavirus shutdown...private little concerts shared online. It doesn't even have to be a full concert. Just play one song...a new one or maybe a cover of a song he admires. A song by the Ventures, perhaps?

    This way there's no pressure of an actual gig or tour. Jimmy could just pick up an acoustic guitar (or electric if he fancies) and have fun for a few minutes.

    Fucking GENIUS Strider. I don't think this is that remote a possibility. Jimmy can "be seen playing" so can tell everyone to get off his back, and is in complete control. I'm surprised he has not looked into this already.

  7. People sneaking across the NSW-QLD border. (or the VIC-NSW border for that matter) Follow the law you CUNTS. Fines are steep, up to $4k, but too many still doing it. They should also be sentenced to 1 month home quarantine with monitor bracelets like some parolees get. So movement now tracked for a month to make sure you are learning your damn lesson!

    Second attempt should be prison. No ifs or butts.

  8. y'all nailed it. A Jonesy podcast would be spectacular given..

    • He most likely has the best recollection of those heady years out of all of them given he is least likely to have been so full of "enhancers" shall we say before/during gigs.
    • As said, when he talks Zep, it is always interesting and direct to the question or topic raised. Discreet, but not really evasive.
    • The insight into that monster groove machine that he and Bonham could create at will would be endlessly fascinating. How that came to be and how that evolved. Imagine that podcast!!!
    • He has a great deal of admiration for Jimmy's playing and I'd love to hear insights into those moments where he was simply blown away - which I reckon would be many, many times. There must be TONS of stories in that vein he'd love to share.
    • All aspects of Led Zeppelin he could really get into and it would all be fascinating. The start, the early years, the song writing process, management, touring highlights/lowlights for him, interesting and as yet unknown anecdotes about this song or that riff or whatever (must be a million of those stories), technical aspects of instruments, experimenting with sounds and how some songs evolved into what they became - endlessly fascinating.

    I don't expect to see it happen though. Doesn't seem his style really.

  9. 5 hours ago, chicagogarza said:

    Hello. As much as I'd love a full release of this magnificent show. Its highly likely Jimmy won't rerelease it. However. I do have what is known to be the the most complete recording of this performance. It includes a portion of "Organ Solo/Thank You" on it. Some patches from the lost sessions that add more to listen to on a couple songs. Including the full version of "Long Tall Sally" with the audience patches. Unfortunately we may never hear "Since I've Been Loving You" from this night. If you do want a link let me know.

    IF - Jimmy has the entire show on a multi-track, it is criminal not to release it. CRIMINAL! :rant:

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOM_Cro5ljQ

    After giving this a fresh listen and rockin' out supreme, I thought I'd give the other knebworth night a go - should be just as good I thought.

    Jimmy seemed to be trapped inside a really, really bad acid trip for a lot of the 11th rendition. Very strange version. Even JPJ seems to be fighting against the current at times - or pulling in another direction which seems to be at odds with how Jimmy is laying it down. A really confusing version. But the 4th though. Incredible.

  11. I wonder if you should test the waters and try introducing other studio gems to Rose along with live STH version? Ten Years Gone, Ramble on, Going to California, In the Light.... there might be other songs she would love - and might never have heard - with a similar vibe to STH.

    Maybe Rose should get a Youtube "reaction channel" going!

  12. 7 hours ago, goldenretreiver157 said:

    Fractured Ribs was my first!

    Amazing! Same here - One of only 2 silvers I actually have got from years ago (decades probably). I found it in a good old record store in Sydney (Red Eye Records, I think) before I moved to Bris-vegas.

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