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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 10 hours ago, WD52 said:

    Having listened to all the available recordings I just have to say the band on this tour just lack any consistent real dynamic energy or drive. Nothing really takes off and Bonham is a shadow of his former self-listen to anything 69-75 for real power. In places it sounds more like a tribute band-good, but not the real deal. I guess drink and drugs eventually caught up with them.

    Overall - yeah, agree, but there are still diamonds to be had from that tour. Not many, but they are there.

  2. 21 hours ago, redrum said:

    What a beautiful ship. Don't think the USA has anything to compare.

    I partied on this vessel back in the late 90's / early 00's at my works Christmas party. Was a fantastic night. I hope someone can keep this thing in place and profitable. And a few times my mum would take us the the zoo on the ferry. Such great memories...

    Ferry Arriving At The Taronga Zoo Wharf, Sydney, Australia ...

  3. 1 hour ago, rose62 said:

    I guess that YouTube channels featuring people reacting to their first time listening to various music have become very popular.  But when, via algorithm suggestions (I guess), I get suggestions that feature people watching Zep, I sometimes cringe.  Please don't watch DAC live and try to judge Zep by that.  You really have to be STONED.  And if you're not, you're NOT going to get it.  Not throwing shade on the musicianship, but it's just a thing,  ya know?  I can dig it now, scrait (never go "straight," go scrait, yes?) but to be exposed to it for the first time, and scrait, no way.  It's just not going to work.  Even the studio version is best listened to with a bit of a bent mind.  One can certainly gain, scrait, an appreciation without being a bit stoned but it would require several listenings and most people, if they don't get it the first time, won't give it a second chance.  Great Gig in the Sky?  Same thing.  Anything on Bridge of Sighs?  Same thing (unless you're a guitarist!!).

    I get what you're saying, but yes and no. I think people can well appreciate Dazed without an altered mind. It's a GREAT rock song that represents the '70's rock feel perfectly and ages very well and some of the reactions are pretty cool and seem genuine. I've seen a few that are not cringey at all. And keep in mind, not everyone smokes, or needs/wants to. Just like some people (me) have an issue with alcohol, some have an issue with pot, or it just doesn't interest them. It's not for everyone. Personally, I get shit tons more out of Zep's heavy hitters like Dazed when baked, it's a completely different and deeper experience so I get what you're saying, but I would be very mindful that this is not true for everyone. You can enjoy Zep straight no problem. If you partake in pot, then fuck yeah, it's mind blowing (TSRTS is insane when stoned). STB and some others have some pretty cool reactions to D&C. They enjoy it deeply and just aren't into pot.

    It's all good!

  4. 33 minutes ago, pluribus said:

    No. This is a myth that came up because people watched TSRTS and there is a section where Page does the soloing in Dazed and has the wah on. That section was actually caused by the cameraman stepping on Page’s wah during a closeup, and you can see Page move closer to the cameraman to turn the wah back off. Pretty cool moment actually. 

    See this clip, at 17:30 Page is soloing and the cameraman moves closer. At around 17:40 the cameraman accidentally steps on Page’s wah while getting the close up. You can hear the wah sound and see Page look over and move towards the cameraman to turn the wah off around 17:48, but instead leaves it on to do his downward solo run:


    A few seconds later an angry looking stage hand briefly walks on stage toward the camera - I wonder if he was going to have a word with the camera man that stepped on the pedal?

  5. I wonder if Led Zeppelin are considered the best rock band anywhere without question? It always seems to be The Stones, The Beatles, and the mighty Zep in somewhat of a 3 way tie, or spread. Is there anywhere (Japan, Europe) that the public consistently holds Led Zeppelin as the clear GOAT?

  6. I'll enjoy a home made CC and dry (in a LARGE glass) with the missus when she gets home from work (very soon now) and a nice Stone and Wood Pacific Ale or two later tonight, then a puff by the fire.

    Come on weekend!!!  :chickeddance:

  7. 8 hours ago, Strider said:

    One can only hope that Jimmy sees this, and the success of similar live offerings by the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan and others, and starts unleashing the reins a bit.

    Would be so good.....

    8 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    He's already alluded to a series of releases over the next ten years. Don't hold your breath.

    Hey, if it comes to pass, GREAT! I'll just have to do deep diving breath exercises.

  8. On 5/16/2020 at 3:39 PM, luvlz2 said:

    Can anyone please share a decent strawberry daiquiri recipe and thanks in advance.

    Why yes indeedly-do.....

    My Cheese and Kissus makes a killer Strawberry Daq. I think it is fairly stock-standard, but they are tops. But I cannot strongly recommend enough the much nicer Kelly's Comfort (the way we do it).

    Measures are per-drink. multiply as needed.

    *Sugar syrup should be pre-done: Take 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water. Stir and chuck it in a microwaveable container, and pop it in the microwave. Every 30 secs, stop, and stir. When all sugar is dissolved, chuck that A-grade sugar syrup in the fridge (you'll only have to stop the microwave 2 or 3 times).

    Strawberry Daiquiri.

    Per Drink....

    4 ripe Strawberries

    30ml Bacardi

    30ml Sugar Syrup

    30ml lemon juice

    Ice (roughly 4 cubes per drink)

    Pour all ingredients into a blender, blend that sucker good then strain into glass.


    Kelly's Comfort. Now this is the ducks nuts. This is the second greatest thing I have ever had in my mouth.....

    30ml Southern Comfort

    30ml Baileys Irish Cream

    60ml milk

    4 ripe strawberries

    15ml sugar syrup

    ice (roughly 4 cubes per drink)

    Pour all ingredients into a blender, blend that sucker good then strain into glass.

    We x3 that in our Ninja IQ blender with the 900ml cup attached (1.5 drinks each for me and missus) and it is unbeatable. I am not even a "strawberry milkshake" kinda guy. More a choc-malt. But this! Best cocktail ever.

    Enjoy!!!! Please give it a go (anyone reading this). I'd love to know if it is as good for others as it is for us. This usually kicks off our weekends.

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