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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 21 hours ago, RoyHarper said:

    I can't shake the suspicion that a large part of the appeal is something along the lines of, "Wow, old white people! Your music is WAY better than our rap and hip-hop rubbish!" I'm sure some of the reactors genuinely like the music they're hearing. But have you ever seen one where they didn't? Me neither. Which leads me to the uncomfortable conclusion that a lot of it is simply telling white people what they want to hear for money. 

    I couldn't disagree more. I love giving reaction video's a go. It nothing to do with me being a white almost 50 year old male. It has EVERYTHING to do with the pride I have in my love for the greatest 4 piece rock/blues band ever assembled. Seeing younger - or older, black - or white people make a video and listen to a Zep song for the first time (at least that's the premise) is cool to see the reaction. The best ones remind me of how exciting it was for me all those decades ago. It's great when you have a very strong love for something and realise someone else "gets it". That someone has just realised, while I watch, just how incredible this band is. THAT is it for me. It's nothing more than that. It certainly is nothing to do with being better than anything else. I like some stuff in other genres. I don't like hearing people trash blues/rock - especially Zep - so I try not to trash other music (a challenge in these times)

    As for the motivations of the posters, no doubt not all are genuine "reactors" and have $$$ motives, and that's fine. But to think they are all just stroking old white guys ego's doesn't sound right to me. A few of them have followers that are predominantly their own peer group (no life shaq, STB)

    Whatever the motivation, some of the reactors are genuinely surprised and blown away by Zeppelin songs.



    He seems genuinely surprised at how good they are. He does an equally expressive reaction to You Shook Me which is quite entertaining.

    STB is indeed one of the best reactors. going through the catalogue and each song is fantastic. Him coming from his Dad's old blues legends angle is great too.

  2. 3 hours ago, porgie66 said:

    Give me a break with the merch...where's the music?? How the East Was Won (Japan 71), Bath 70, Montreux 70, Earl's Court Compilation, alternate tracks from MSG 73, Copenhagen 79 (board tapes might exsist) , a standalone RAH 70 audio release.  Video, audio, something, anything, for Chrissakes?!!! 

    100%. Preach brother!!!

  3. 13 hours ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    I will say that's the best Kashmir ever. I don't think any of the NY or LA versions stand up to it.

    I dunno, LTTE Kashmir has the title for mine. Bonzo was possibly better on the 28th, but it is so hard to judge given the obvious audio differences. I think Pagey nails the outrro on the 21st better than any other performance. Again, the recording could be giving it quite a substantial rating "bonus". If only a slew of soundboards would drop....

  4. 2 hours ago, Kiwi_Zep_Fan87 said:

    Dear Sunshine Gods,

    Please do keep up the good work! I am sick and tired of the dreadful rain gods!

    With kind regards,

    The Lady Who Hates Rainy Weather

    I'll take as much rain as you have to spare. I hate the winter, don't much care for rain either - especially riding - but months on end with little to no rainfall is getting beyond ridiculous. We need the bushfire smog cleared away with a few good summer storms.....

  5. Since Spleeter is open source it will only get better and better. I've said it before and I'll say it again - one day - hopefully in my lifetime - there will be the technology to turn Mike the Mikes recordings, for example, into almost professional sounding multi-track recordings. Noise and static carefully suppressed and the band enhanced beyond what was previously thought possible.

    Kashmir from 21 June '77 is going to sound crystal clear with the clarity of a pro recording - but still with the live ambience. Not to mention TSRTS and that drum intro.

    Jeeeez I hope I am around for that......

  6. HOT. 39 on Friday. Bush fires are everywhere. Not the worst I've seen, but pretty bad. With the 10 year drought drying out everything they now travel at insane speeds. My inlaws are travelling by car to Sydney from Brissie and literally were watching fireballs foof up from nothing alongside the road. (I take it they are the embers being carried great distances on the wind). They had to divert quite a ways to get around the fires. It's crazy.

    Brisbane skies are a horrible smoky haze that smells horrendous - and we are hundreds of klm's away.

    ....and it's only early November. 😔

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