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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 18 hours ago, June72 said:

    Back when Jimmy was remastering the movie and soundtrack in 2006 (I think), he mentioned in an interview that he couldn't make any changes to the visuals because of some copyright laws or something, I believe. If it were true that he would even consider doing that, that would lead me to believe he still has the original film. Someone like Sam or Steve A Jones may be able to shed more light on this.

    If all original footage exists - as in all cameras film canisters for all filmed concerts (the bulk of which I imagine has not yet seen the light of day) and its simply a matter of copyright/legal considerations, I give up. This world is insane. I assume a lot of original film that was considered redundant/irrelevant to the project was discarded/destroyed. It is too hard to believe all angles of the concerts filmed are all on a shelf somewhere. I'm sure there is still some stuff, but surely not all camera footage. Sam? Steve??

  2. If Chuck is crowned, I think it will wrap up. Public interest and affection will burn out. If some kind of arrangement is made where Chuck hands it on to William off the bat without taking the crown - then I think they can milk it for a fair bit longer.

    In all honesty, I don't really mind the royals now that they are not the actual power. Having the King/Queen SOLELY to safeguard the population against a tyrannical quirk government that needs to be dealt with has its merits. I know the monarchy has no veto or Governor General type power - but I think in a complete collapse and breakdown of the modern technological society it would be a very welcome fall back position. Tribalism and anarchy where "Government" power is lost will be best dealt with through an "allegiance" type system to start with. It is not for nothing that Kings and Queens once ruled - and often with a lot of support. NO WAY is it preferred as an option in this day and age - but take out world communications and technology through conflict (or disease, or natural disaster) that brings nations back a few centuries, and give me a monarchy to start off with. Fuck the "warlord" alternative.

    I don't mind them at the moment. Harmless enough (for the most part).

  3. ok peeps, here it is - the BEST take on Dracula (vampires) I've seen. True to the original idea with a cracking good original take on it. Really, really good. I was very nervous at one stage that they had completely derailed it - but it holds good until the end for me.

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    Binge it on Netflix. It only took me and the cheese and kisses two nights to finish it.

  4. Could there be a legit reason for it? I can't see how - unless there are issues with the physical media (deterioration, damage of some kind, or even missing reels). Legal? Why???

    It is indeed baffling. It would be good to have some feedback as to what the story is from Jimmy just to know if there is any issue or it's just "running on Zeppelin time". Next interview I hope he is point blank asked about remaining live material - and then pressed on it for clarity. The only questions I recall Jimmy dealt with from the re-release program about material in "the vaults", he always carefully referenced the studio vaults were empty. I don't think this was incidental. I think it is most unlikely there is not good multi track stuff on a shelf somewhere. But who really knows.....

  5. 3 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Climate change kicking in again: Ridiculously warm and sunny. Thought about a round of golf but it just doesn't feel right. No heating on and i feel like a salad for lunch. Weird.

    Wow, thats warm for this time for you guys. This was interesting.

    19c instead of below freezing. Crazy....

  6. The Trampled outtro - and most of the song for that matter (especially the second half) is as good as any song from any era. Page in the zone as you say - along with Jonesy and it builds up to such intensity it results in the crowd almost losing their shit. Considering the 1980 tour and how far below they were from what they could previously deliver, this stands out as the powerhouse delivery that just screams Led Zeppelin perfection. The only thing letting this down a smidgeon IMHO is a fairly reserved Bonzo. He offers only the most modest fills and accents. But there is no denying this powerhouse delivery right near the end of their reign.

    I thought the 29th was almost on par with this one too, I was surprised at your rather mundane take on it.

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