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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. ^This is amazing and begs the questions.....

    Are there bootleg releases for 24th and 25th that have complete 24th sound/video and complete 25th sound/video in high quality? (and/or other nights as well)

    It is astounding Earl's Court has not yet been released as a stand alone Led Zeppelin official release. With a "Directors cut" compilation that is an expansion on what is available on the Led Zeppelin DVD (so a typical Page mastering/frankensteining a "best representation" show that showcases the best parts of each song over the EC run). And a SDBS edition for the more die hard fans (us lot) that has all 5 shows on CD/Vinyl in their entirety and all 3 nights (3 nights were filmed, is that right?) on DVD/Blue Ray.

    Or AT LEAST to have a proper Earl's Court release that is much more complete. I still think several editions would be the way to go though - makes sense and keeps in step with recent offerings.

    To have these gigs - amongst the most historically important (last England gigs, end of the first tour showcasing new Physical Graffiti tracks) on multi track with video!!! and so far only to have released a measly 6 tracks on the Led Zeppelin DVD is beyond belief.

    The production here is outstanding. The video was shot was from people who knew what they were doing....
    Nice complete "band" shots
    JPJ gets a lot of exposure for once and at good angles
    Nice shots of JPJ and Jimmy carving it up
    Nice shots of Bonham enjoying himself and dropping his usual thunderous fills
    Some nice moments of Jimmy strutting and jumping around.
    Cracking good setlist
    Great Plantations
    All round great concert to watch/listen to.

    I don't get it. There are some flat spots in the playing (sometimes it feels like Page and Bonham are coming to grips with not being so incredibly high and adventurous - and still reaching for those stunning passages that seemed to just flow like in Seatle, LA, etc.) but the playing is still very solid and there are certainly a LOT of incredible moments. While there are better 1975 gigs, these ones are not to be dismissed, that's for sure.

    So what has been released on bootleg? Are there complete unadulterated shows in high quality for the 3 night's with video? (I think it was 3 that were filmed). If not, just what is available? I have a few bootleg examples of video - but I really don't know which are from a specific night and unaltered - or even if there are any like that.

    Can anyone point to the best releases so far of specific nights that are best quality?

    And can someone poke Jimmy and suggest this needs to be his next project?????

    It is a damn travesty I tells ya!!!!!


  2. Really tough to pick just one, so I won't. :P

    Studio: In My Time of Dying. From "cough" to Bonzo exclaiming that's GOT TO BE the one out there after laying down that epic track is such a good ending.

    Live: Kashmir from 1977 June 21st (LTTE). The build up at the end and the absolutely blistering runs page pulls off before that perfect low note that then builds up slowly. I haven't heard a more powerful ending (maybe there is a better one, but the energy here is insane). Mike the Mike's recording is incredibly immersive too and helps convey what it must've been like. Definitely amongst their best endings live. Special mention would go to Sick Again from March, '75 Seattle. Jones bass is magical. It's not anything spectacular, but there's something about it that particular night (the No Quarter piano is also special). The clarity of his bass on that bootleg certainly helps.

  3. I agree with Steve. What would be a much, MUCH better gift would be to leave the vaults full of tapes - live and studio - to someone who while caretaking and preserving the legacy - was also happy to master and release some of the better live tapes in some way. Maybe or maybe not traditional commercial releases, but something for more the die-hard fans to enjoy.

    I wish Jimmy would do this now actually. Why wait? A streaming service or something. (of which there was some speculation, but seemed to be inaccurate) There must be some live soundboards and/or multi-tracks he has that are still to see the light of day that are pure Zep magic - or can be sufficiently mastered with today's tech to be release worthy to Jimmy's standards.

    I'd imagine if he had '77 LA or New York, or the Knebworth warm ups on SB (for example), they'd not only be release worthy but would be able to be processed into really outstanding audio quality.

  4. That's a great tribute documentary. It would have been nice to acknowledge his error of indulgence with the band and how that helped unravel things - but by no means does that detract from the great job the producers of this work did. A great piece about a great larger than life character, and just a tough, no nonsense bloke doing the best he can for his band.

    Thanks for the post Steve.

  5. Friday night! Footy on tonight and tomorrow - Semi-Finals, winners go into the Grand Final. Go the Rabbits and the Storm.

    Also, it finally rained. Only for 15 mins, but at least my dry dusty brown lawn finally got something to drink.

  6. 17 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Why is it hard to get seeds? I understand the problems importing seeds but they are not illegal are they? Here we can buy and get lights and tents - legally. As soon as the seeds sprout it's illegal. Weird ridiculous laws IMO.

    The way forward of course is to grow your own. As long as the basic rules are followed, No Sell, No Tell and No Smell then you can obtain your own stash for basically what you would shell out for a couple of OZ's. 

    Have you looked into it?



    Yeah. Overseas seed shops (EU) now refuse to ship to AU. They said customs has clamped down and most buyers report no delivery. Seeds are illegal here AFAIK. I've never heard of seeds being available legit or illegit.

    My problem is I no longer know people like I did back in the day. I have no avenues to get seeds. 😫

    Feel free to gift me one in a Christmas card Chilli...😉

  7. 21 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    You could always move here? But having said that I wouldn't. Don't worry man it will be coming to a state near YOU soon.


    yeah, been reading about that. It is not clear what the Federal Attorney General's position is as they apparently gave a detailed opinion to Canberra's Attorney Generals office then within hours completely rescinded it and offered another opinion. But it is good news and really did come out of the blue. Hopefully Queensland will follow suit. I'd still need to somehow get hold of a couple of good seeds.

    In the end, Canberra's decision doesn't help me much right now. I don't know anyone from there. I tried to get seeds for this summer - no good, never arrived. The Dark Web is an option but dodgy as fuck. Why I'm being pushed into this kind of illegal shit purely because I choose herb over alcohol to help me unwind after a hard week's work gets me proper angry. Fucked if I can see why anyone would or should give a shit if I decide to have a spliff in the privacy of my own house to relax. I can handle smoke, but I have a real problem with alcohol. So apparently it's stiff shit for me. Fucking shit Government with their useless prohibition laws....

    And I'm practically out of stock now - which is really old and not very potent anyway.

    Throw me a bone someone!!!

  8. 8 hours ago, mrlowry said:

    any tape that would be in his possession should be of much better quality.

    Exactly this. What a strange and useless position to hold "If it’s already out there, then what’s the point?" is.

    I'll tell you the point chuckles, your tapes will be far superior in quality! For example, The LA Forum 1977 run. Now if Mike Millard can give us amongst the best quality AUD recordings of these incredible shows, and you have much better quality tapes that could be engineered into a killer release - it is simply ridiculous to not consider an official release just because the audience source is out there.

    Imagine a LA Forum 1977 official box set release with best available re-engineered/mastered tapes.

  9. Such beautiful buildings they were. I 100% agree with what Trump said at the time. He said to rebuild it the same - but one story higher. I always thought that was epic. It would have been the greatest "fuck you!" in history. I really think that should have happened.


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