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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. Just saw The Dirt.

    Impressive. I'm not really a Motley Crue fan at all, but thoroughly enjoyed the biop. That's the way to do it I reckon when most of the story is not about the music as their music was fairly shallow (except 3 or 4 decent tracks). It was a frank account of a specific scene and time which was well depicted. Characters were interesting and the significant problems the guys went through were all tackled. Good on them all for helping produce it. I reckon it worked really well. Entertaining.

    A Zep movie would be much more difficult to do, but could be done. The focus would need to be the incredible music they were able to produce with the back story being the craziness/antics - and it would need to end before 1980 to leave the audience positive and reflecting on the music imho.

  2. 11 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    This is the best you get over here: 

    hahaha - we have similar local to where I live - 2 suburbs over where it is "low end". To be avoided....

    No jelly fish. At least hopefully. Never seen one in all the years we go up there. The Box Jellies are a lot further up north like Cairns (2hr flight) so no probs there - but with climate change there are now reports of them coming further and further south which is no good as they are deadly (deadly because the pain is so severe the shock kills you).

    Like I said, this place is paradise. And I'll be putting on a lot of Zep through my little BT speaker too.

  3. 29 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    We could never camping here man. Last time we did ( on Anglesey) we nearly died of exposure, and that was in mid summer. Watch out for those snakes. ;)

    Enjoy your nights under canvas brother. Taking the Weber and the Eskie?

    Esky - of course! Weber - no, but we have a little BBQ we take just for camping. Bacon, eggs, tomatos, hash browns each morning.

    There aren't snakes there. It's a freakin paradise. Thats the caravan park on the corner. Beach on one side, river on the other. We are near the edge of the river so Kayaks will be going straight in. :)

    The only thing is these shithouse non stop easterly winds are probably going to push blue bottles (Man-o-war) onto the beach which will be a pain in the ass - or where ever the stinger gets you.

    Cotton Tree Caravan Park.jpg

  4. 5 hours ago, Sticks of Fire said:

    I was doubtful...and maybe it’s because I’ve been a fan since I was a kid many many years ago, but I still believe we’ll be getting more fun stuff like books and guitar remakes and eventually - more live releases.    

    And yes I’ve whined about more live releases and wanting them NOW, but guy and girls, be patient Jimmy said over the next 10 years.  

    We are experiencing a total Mr. Freezer description...gimmie Gimmie GIMMIE - it’s the 50th now!!

    Jimmy is in his Golden Era and is probably enjoying his life’s work and we’ll get that live release - seeing pictures of Jimmy Page repainting his Dragon tele??!?  Does one here “get it?”

    Am I the only one saying “Go Jimmy- GO!!”   In 1980 imagine seeing pictures of Jimmy painting the Dragon Tele yet today we whine when seeing those pictures with our own personal agendas...

    So sit back and enjoy everything he’s giving us.  

    (At least he isn’t outright lying to us like that dude BlackSwag from RO.com and saying we’re getting a ‘68 live release by last Nov. and every member there drank the Kool-aid and it turned out to be fake).

    Looks to me like Jimmy is giving us everything we always wanted...just not according to YOUR timeline which is fucking with you all hard.

    This 100% :goodpost:

  5. 11 hours ago, porgie66 said:

    I agree with you , that's a great version...although, we already finished it last week. Wish I had got the request sooner! 😄 It's not really based on any particular version but it has some elements from 75, 77 and some delay on the guitar solo ...sort of Copenhagen Warm Ups vibe. Hope you enjoy it. It should post this week. 

    GOLD bro. I'm sure it's to the usual standard. :notworthy:

  6. If you guys tackle OTHAFA from a LIVE perspective, please consider 20 March Vancouver (Snowblind) as the one to emulate.

    Truth be told, there'd be a dozen that would KILL, but that one is a cracker. They extend on the previous night and deliver supreme. There tons of little nuances that are brilliant.

  7. Thats really interesting about Bonzo. Think of how beautiful the drumming is even as early on as How Many More Times when he is whispering through the middle break and other light touches in later tracks like Ten Years Gone - it seems he did have a good understanding of light and shade. Maybe very early nerves???

  8. 47 minutes ago, Xolo1974 said:

    The soundboards for 77 sound terrible though. I just can’t get into them. There are members of the forum that done brilliant remasters....but still....

    That's the rub! As dry and lifeless as they are, remasters or matrix's with good aud sources are the go! And as others say, there are some brilliant '77 gigs not yet out there. Personally, I'll be happy either way. A great new live show you say??? YAY! :yay:

  9. 7 hours ago, kirchzep27 said:

    On tour over europe setlist, jpj talks to jimmy. Jpj: jimmy the band would like to discuss the setlist regarding a couple of the old songs like, stairway to heaven and white summer possibly being changed out of the setlist. Jimmy: no. Jpj: ok


    I wonder about the setlist for the coming US tour that never eventuated. Surely White Summer was gone.

  10. 16 hours ago, mrlowry said:

    I too consider 2019 to be the true 50th anniversary and it should have kicked off with the release date for Led Zeppelin I.  Let's be honest though, we are at least 3 months into 2019 and don't have anything major to show for it.  It's been radio silence so far with no announcements, let alone new releases.  They have live stuff that they could put out, where's Earl's Court (best of the nights to make a full set list or boxed set of all nights), where's Knebworth, where's a release from the Japan multitracks, how about a blu-ray HD release of the 1970 Royal Albert Hall from the original film 16mm negative, That isn't even touching on any of the multitrack tapes that Jimmy probably has that we don't even know about.

    They don't owe me anything and I don't want to sound like an ungrateful fan but they started the 50th Anniversary hype-train in motion and got me on board, now I just want to go somewhere. 


  11. 1 hour ago, Kiwi_Zep_Fan87 said:

    Thanks, Walter. I hope so. I feel so drained though. Just want to curl up and lie in bed for a whole day!

    Kiwi, that might not be a bad idea. Allow a specific slot of time for yourself to wallow/chill/tune out/self absorb - then BOOM! Get a plan together and renew yourself. Self pity or reflection can be useful when done right. Once done, leave it behind.

    Good luck with it all. 

  12. 8 hours ago, bluecongo said:

    “RICHARD COLE I'd flown over to Copenhagen for the Knebworth warm-ups. I had their money for drugs, because Jimmy and Bonzo and I needed the fucking gear. My dealer was in the next room in the hotel, and when I was pulled about it in this big meeting that Robert called, Jimmy said he knew nothing about it. Bonzo said, “Don't be so fucking stupid. If there's no gear, there's no show!”

    Excerpt From
    Led Zeppelin
    Barney Hoskyns
    This material may be protected by copyright.

    Wow, that's interesting. Must've been good gear as the Copenhagen warm ups were unreal. Enough to clear the mind and "heighten" without it being too strong??? Strange.

  13. 2 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Just watched Ricky Gervais's new comedy Afterlife. Hilariously dark. Also we just finished all 3 seasons of Fargo. Magnificent.

    We binged After Life as well and I concur, its brilliant. Ricky Gervias is a fucking GENIUS. After we finished the series, we took a look at Derek - another series by Ricky. @chillumpuffer - Derek is just as good. Funny as fuck and really interesting characters. Very funny and very sad within minutes.

  14. While replacing the vocals with a guitar piece is probably going to be ugly and awkward, I think exploring this for a rendition of one of the really great live renditions of Thank You is warranted. At least to be tested/explored and see if it sounds hokey or actually works. Thank You live could be another cracking good work.

    Give it a go guys...

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