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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. Friday arvo. Got me wife beater and shorts on, waiting for the cheese and kisses to arrive, trip to the bottle-o for a light refreshment, then dinner, and a relaxing Friday evening with the radio (Weeknights with Alice) and/or some Zep shows. I need to check out Orlando! :)


  2. 3 hours ago, chef free said:

    As far as Climate change being a "hoax", I think you should get your science information from scientists not politicians.

    It is baffling to understand the concept of the entire world scientific community somehow uniting under an agenda, disregarding science - which is the basis of their life long career and pursuit, and foisting a "conspiracy" onto the world. And to what end? All those individual scientists, all those scientific institutions, universities, professors,  and professionals. All that scientifically peer reviewed data and modelling and all of them trying to dig holes in each others theories (scientific scepticism). I will never understand it if I live to a thousand. It's laughable except it's so tragic this is now our reality.

  3. 9 hours ago, John M said:

     I found this through the miracle of "Recommended for You" on YouTube.  I have multiple versions of the show inc the Winston remaster.  Today I was on YouTube and this new remaster popped up first in the "Recommended" list.  It was just posted on Nov 5.  Hats off to Led Zeppelin Rarities!!


    Now if someone can kindly PM me a link to the flacs, I'd be eternally grateful. Tomorrow is Friday after all! :stereo:

  4. Ain't gonna happen. No tour. No gigs. No new stuff. *possible exception Jimmy does actually start playing again (as solo artist).

    The best we can hope for is Jimmy release live stuff covering different era's - likely only be an expanded DVD release (FULL: EC, Knebworth, RAH - which is fine by me if that is what is in the pipeline - not perfect, but I'll take it and be happy).

    Maybe HTEWW, maybe Bath or something similar that was multi-tracked and decent enough. BUT - if there are multi's on a shelf - there must be a reason they have not been discussed, mentioned, or released up until now. Probably they are sub-par and not something the guys are happy with. There is also zero talk of cleaning up SB's, or looking into fantastic gigs that are not really nice multi's - so the live vaults may be just as desolate as the studio vaults at this point. :(

    The dark horse possibility being Jimmy's previously stated desire to release collection of live stuff expanding the entirety of Zep's reign. So from '68/'69 to '80 inclusive. *IF Jimmy accepts SB recordings will need to be used - so a really, really dark horse.

    All speculation of course, and nothing original here, but anyone holding out hope for new material and/or a tour - that ship has long sailed friends. I still hold onto hope there is indeed live stuff coming. and hopefully soon. I ain't gettin' any younger....

  5. 44 minutes ago, The Only Way To Fly said:

    A glass of...  wait, who am I kidding?

    A nice bottle of Malbec please. I've been alcohol free since 1 September and tobacco free since 20 September.

    Looking forward to that first drink on 31 January and hopefully still tobacco free. For me, the tobacco struggle is the hardest. 

    Good luck with the ciggy's mate. If you get past the crunch point, it turns into something you can't even contemplate going back to. The smell alone makes you think how the F did I ever do that?!?!

    That's the good news, so keep going!

  6. 3 hours ago, The Rover said:

    What's all this talk about wanting "new stuff" to be worked on. Even if "that" happened, they'd still be expected to perform the "old stuff" on tour. And how would they agree, all agree to perform it. Plant solo style, Page & Plant style, O2 style??? There's not a pipe big enough for these dreams. I'm expecting nothing. If it wasn't O2 style, I wouldn't be interested at all. There is not reunion, or reunion gig in the works. But no one can stop you from dreaming..

    The new stuff I referred to wouldn't be Zeppelin. Just Jimmy and Jonesy - and others. I don't think that is too remote a possibility. Reunions? yes, definitely would be a minor miracle.

  7. 1 hour ago, apantherfrommd said:

    I would stand to say that Bong-Man is fair about respecting opinion.

    You've always been square about your opinion, and respectful of others' as well.

    Could you please tell me how to use that function?

    I've never used it before either, but I would appreciate knowing how to use it, very much. 

    Thank you.

    Its easy my good sir, just click on the down arrow near your name in the top left corner. It's right there.

    Oh, and thanks Bong-Man. :thumbsup:

  8. 5 hours ago, andrew r said:

    So i really don't think he is at all bothered or interested in the 50th 

    and judging by the silence neither is JPJ.

    Not bothered or interested - exactly - so should not care if Jimmy wants to release stuff. If he doesn't care, then why would he object? So it's all down to if Jimmy wants to or not. I think there will be releases, but in Jimmy's time - not normal human time.

    JPJ silence is not deliberate, he just does his own thing. He fondly looks back from every interview I have seen him in. No regrets, no distance, just happy doing what he is doing now and happy with what they once did. I do firmly believe if Jimmy wanted to, he could easily get together with Jonesy and create new stuff. Again, it's all down to Jimmy.

  9. 6 hours ago, porgie66 said:

    Yes, I am the drummer. We have talked about that concept actually and I think we will do some more live era style covers on the future, but right now we are going to mostly focus on studio versions, although we did just do a 73 style Celebration Day.  I am really keen to try the era specific versions ....it'd be a really interesting thing to explore. Every tour seemed to have a different sound, and they evolved so rapidly especially after 1970. 

    Great stuff, good luck with it. Oh, and bring it to Australia! ;)

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