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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 1 hour ago, ThreeSticks said:

    But the one thing that Bonzo CLEARLY seemed to be unhappy about while touring or recording was being separated from his loved ones. I just wonder if something could've been arranged to better that situation. Again, especially considering that it was 1980 and it wasn't 1970 anymore.

    It could have and should have got the attention of Peter Grant. The most unfortunate thing in the end was Grant was as far gone as Jimmy with the addiction/excess (as I understand it) so the focus on band management was not what it once was. Not to say "Peter is to blame" at all. The man was indeed the fifth member and what he did for the band can not be overstated. He was a giant and allowed Led Zeppelin to become legendary. But in the end, battling his own demons, he most likely had a more limited capacity to really focus on the bands well being and needs as much as he potentially could have.

    At the end of the day, if Bonzo, Jimmy and Peter did not scale it back, someone would not have come back from a '81 US tour in all likelihood.

  2. 4 hours ago, IpMan said:


    GO CANADA !!!


    As I said, leading the free world. Lol...

    100 years from now, Canada will be all smug. "Yeah, we were the first, remember?" - and so they should be.

  3. Fire pit started.
    Beer on ice.
    Vape charging.
    Missus baking.
    Lamb Chops almost under the grill.
    Weeknights with Alice Cooper about to commence.
    Mild night with no rain or wind.
    Week DONE.

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Happiness.....

  4. Go Canada. Unfortunately, not even a top 20 topic here. Not on the radar AT ALL.

    But the good news is: attitudes here. :)No fucks given by ANYONE. Parents now statistically smoke pot more than the younger generation does. So no one really cares anymore. There is no fallout from "pot abuse" at all. It does not exist on a scale that makes it "newsworthy" - not even to feed the shitty sensationalist tabloid media that we have. Alcohol abuse is often a 'front page' issue, but despite the occasional attempt to lump pot and alcohol together as a problem, there is practically no negative attitude as to the use of Mary Jane (media, pretend media, my circle, my larger circle, social media). As usual, it will take the Government 10 years to catch up to what we already live and breath culturally/socially.

    so it's not ideal, but it could be a lot worse.

  5. 19 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Get growing rm. You will enjoy wonderful varieties carefully and organically grown by yourself. I will be on hand for tips 😀

    I did. Last summer - cultivated a handy amount. It will probably go mouldy before I get to use it all. 2 yielded HEAPS. I am enjoying my Friday / Saturday nights around the fire.....  :)

    Missus made cookies which are outstanding too.


  6. Jeebus it was freezing today. I fucking HATE the cold.

    Will be cold now until late September. (early September if we are lucky).

    This Friday night I will have 2 or 3 braziers (fire pits) running to sit outside and enjoy some tunes.

    Did I mention I hate the cold???

  7. On 6/8/2018 at 3:16 AM, zepscoda said:

    Up in Colorado again for our annual BHTM Red Rocks show.

    First pick up is some nice mellow pre lunch smoke. 18% THC  20% CBD... known as, Ak47


    Send me one tightly packed in the mail. I'll love you forever.... :)


  8. 4 hours ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    SIBLY- Blazing intro. 1:04, nice SRV style bend. 1:10-1:16, lightning runs of the like that were never heard again after 73. 3:13, them trills. 3:20-3:28, the man's on fire. Solo- 3:54, one of the meanest sounding riffs ever by Page. Excellent solo, seemingly too short. 6:36, good scream from Plant. A huge problem with the 1973 SIBLY's- Plant is almost irrelevant. He was the showcase up to 72 and after 73 Page had to dial it back a bit which let Plant have equal ground, but in late 72 and 73 Plant might as well have went for a walk while Page schooled the world on badass blues riffs. "A".

    Its top 3 if not the No.1 SIBLY. The intro is from another world. I can't think of another song from anyone ever that has more pure emotion so strongly and clearly articulated. Intricate, complex, beautiful, complete.

  9. 2 hours ago, Boleskinner said:

    Why would Page only provide the Seattle footage - dark and average performance - to MTV for their 1990 special, and also for the Travelling Riverside Blues video, if better quality 77 footage existed.

    Why would Dave Lewis never mention in any of his books seeing pro footage other than EC and Seattle at the SwanSong offices.

    Likelihood is Page doesn’t have any more pro 77 footage.

    Private collectors are another matter. This would mean the footage had escaped from the clutches of Grant during the tour or had been recorded when it had been forbidden by Grant and horded for all these years.


    Then I guess its a huge loss. Oh well....

  10. I'm going to bump this as 2012 was a while ago.

    Has there been any talk at all about the possibility that pro shot film does indeed exist and is under the tight control of one James Patrick Page? - or indeed has Page himself said at any time he definitely doesn't have it? (If it does exist, I would guess it would have to be with Pagey since not a single frame has leaked.)

    Also, I read a review of this show and it was very very positive. One of the better '77 shows. Not exactly LA or MGS, but right up there.

    Is there AUD only, soundboard, or matrix?

    Does anyone have a really good boot they could possibly share?

  11. I'd go to somewhere around now (last 5 years or so) and pick up a "mega-millions" type lottery win. Bank the 300 million or whatever to help fund other time traveling missions so I don't get caught out and obviously set up my family.

    Next I'd kiss goodbye to the wife and kids, and attend most Zep concerts. Especially the more renown ones. Maybe a few other concerts from the '70s and early 80's bands I really love.

    I'd buy the best cameras money could buy for 1963 and set up to capture in good detail the Kennedy assassination. Hire a pro team and get multiple angles including covering where the shots were fired from. "I was making a doco" would be my cover. Just so there was more of a document on that event.

    I'd also look into the most intriguing UFO cases where there is Radar, testimony from military personnel, other strong circumstantial evidence that indicates something very unusual was indeed experienced, research the top 3, and see if I could set up to capture more detail on camera.

    I'd be VERY tempted to go to Page's house that fateful night. But changing history can have unexpected and dire consequences. Not sure I'd intervene.

    I would visit Jimmy Page and Peter Grant early on, setting up a meeting under some business guise to enlighten them to the benefit and value of multi-tracking a LOT of the concerts - AND filming them - and throw millions at them for that purpose. I'd work out a way that could work.

    Oh, and I'd be buying first release Led Zeppelin vinyl by the bucketload. Enough for my collection and enough to trade or just share the love.

    I would NOT travel forward. While incredibly tempting, I don't have enough faith in humanity to see what is in store for us at this time.

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