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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. Fathers day! Another Zep shirt, Rumors LP for when I get a player, lots of great presents from the wife and kids, In Through The Out Door on the stereo this morning to prepare a late brekky to - maybe HOTH to follow.

    Happy Fathers day to all the Dads on here....

  2. 4 hours ago, Paganini said:

    Anyone know why Jimmy Sakurai has never -as far as I know-played in England? I’ve followed him for some while on YouTube and have to say he’s pretty much nailed Jimmy in his playing,looks and mannerisms-would be great to see him live!

    I saw him live a few months ago with JBLZE. He was quite reserved in that show, did not don the dragon suit, and remained fairly background as to keep it about Jason which is understandable, but I would have liked more.

  3. Ive recently been thinking about playlists. But a mix of official studio and live stuff and nice sounding boots. Stuff I could put together for the 1 1/2 hour drive to my parents house and back, much shorter ones for work, 2-3 hour ones for when I very rarely get 'me' time on the weekends to get nice and stoned and put on the headphones in my study in the dark and just get lost in the majesty, 30minute ones for when I take the car to work instead of the bike.

    I'll get around to it one of these days.....

  4. Eating healthy now. Apparently the "whatever I want, whenever I want in the quantity I want" is no longer sustainable. Whodathunkit?!?!?

    I'm now getting used to things like Low GI, heart friendly, low this, low that.....

    So far it's not too bad actually.

  5. 17 hours ago, IpMan said:

    I believe that effect was done at the show itself, not after the fact so taking it out is actually detracting from the actual live experience. Like it or not if that is the case it should be left as is, just like the original solo. Jimmy simply changed way too much on NQ re-release 2007.

    Are you sure? Because the effect itself I wouldn't mind except it completely distorts the drums. Seems like that is a really lame effect when it fucks one thing up to change another. I thought it was post processing as they thought that specific note needed an assist from post-processing and they were happy to live with a drum distortion.

    I never understood it since the first time I heard it. It just detracts.

  6. I want the mix where Plant's voice isn't artificially, and quite obviously changed like the original version at "venture the path where no ones on.... aaaaaahhhhhhh" (3mins in) and again after the long interlude. The re-release fixed (dropped) this "effect", but also dropped the intro to the solo which is COMPLETELY INSANE.

    I thought Heywood kept the normal voice and the solo, but I just checked and it hasn't.

    THAT is what I want. No murdering Plant's voice by making him artificially wail but keep that immense solo intro!

  7. The cookie I had last night sittin' by the fire was simply incredible. The moon was full, stars were bright, and slow drifting light clouds at times made awesome objects in the sky. Good music on and supreme relaxation.

    I will never understand in a million years why ^that is illegal. It is just so stupid.

    And I woke up with no hangover. Good to go.

  8. Fucking raining and i had to ride to work and back - AND fill up - AND go to store to get a new visor as mine had cracked at the end where it joins on. $80 later!!! Bike slipped and moved when I crossed a grate at the servo entrance too. Scared the fuck outta me as it's a big bike.

    yeah, so, raining...   :depressed:

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