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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. I figured out which direction the Saucepan (Orions Belt) disappears to in the winter months as well as the movement of the two crosses (I think one is the Southern Cross - there is another close by it) and their relationship to each other in the night sky thanks to lots of fantastic clear night sky's we have had this summer.

  2. Straya is getting hammered.

    Tasmania, near the bottom of the damn world, is getting massive bush fires go through towards towns that have run out of water.

    Far north QLD on the otherhand are getting 1 meter of rain in under a week and the torrential flooding that comes with it. Most of the inland has been baking for weeks in temps over 40 degrees celcius.

    Then I hear about Chicago being colder than parts of Antartica. it's pretty wild weather everywhere nowadays....

  3. Page played it so safe at the 02 gig (apart from some early numbers) it was like he wasn't there/forgot how to break out at all in a solo/suffered unexpected and intense stage fright. Specifically, Kashmir and For your life are such great songs to listen to from that gig, but Page is completely absent in the solo. Absolutely NOTHING doing.

    Peter Grant early on was the greatest manager in rock history. When he was on the junk with Pagey in the latter years, he moved himself into worse manager ever category for getting caught up in all the shit instead of keeping some distance and even helping improve or stabilise things.

  4. 3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    People have the right to express their views & opinions in a free society without fear of employer retaliation. Whether that right is respected or not is a separate issue.   

    This idea is similar to my companies policy as a part of employee behaviours. I'll offer this real life example - I am free to attend protests of ANY kind (for or against "white power" or anything contentious - either side) as long as I don't wear my company polo shirt, or in any way associate my activity or view with my company. Same with liking a controversial post or joining a controversial group on social media. As long as the employee does NOT associate themselves with the company. It is none of their (the company) business and they don't want it to be their business. This isn't without qualification. As with practically everything, there are limitations. Like gibsonfan159 says, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    My Co. actively refines defining and separating the employee from the private citizen as best they can and the entire policy seems reasonable to me. It has to be as it is quite a large company and I'm sure they just don't want the hassle - or room for employees who are a bit shit to exploit anything through lack of policy.

    I think things are much different with smaller employees like a coffee shop or whatever. There, the employee/employer is a completely different dynamic. Since you could have a asshole employee or an asshole employer, and it's a very small/close working environment where personalities can/will clash, I imagine it is very difficult indeed to legislate to protect everyone against assholes.

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